Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

Saigon Niuweizhou has developed a whale corpse. It is initially believed that the Belly Whale, which was earlier nearby, has to be investigated by the cause of death.The Belly Whale is a national -level key protection of wild animals. It will appear in the waters of Guangxi, and it is rare in Hong Kong.Suddenly, whales were visited, and the public was curious.The latest photos show that the whale corpse has a large wound, and it is inevitable whether anyone does not listen to the persuasion. It is a close range of whale watching and hurting the whale.Although Hong Kong has the law to protect wildlife, it is not much regulated on whale watching dolphins; after the whale is found, the official follow -up intervention is relatively limited, mainly based on strengthening patrols.The death of the British whale is regrettable. All parties should learn lessons. The social conservation awareness must be strengthened. The government's protection of wild animal policies must be improved and the implementation must be more in place.

Hong Kong rare whale traces

Severe whale watching

A Bob Whale, which is estimated to be about 7 meters long, appeared from time to time in the waters of Saigon last month, becoming a hot story.Experts estimate that it comes to Hong Kong because of the physical navigation system when it is a problem with the physical navigation system during the foraging.After more than 10 days, some people found that the whale had a scar back, but after observing the fishing and guarding agency and marine conservation experts, they believed that it was not a new injury.Unexpectedly, the news of death suddenly came out yesterday.The lively and healthy British whale belly facing the sky, floating at the sea on the sea.The Yuhuai Department stated that it would arrange an anatomy to investigate the cause of death, and many citizens were wrong and regretful about the death of the Belly Whale.

The British whale lives in tropical areas, Hong Kong is located in subtropical, and the British whale is not common.Many people are curious about the habits of whale living, such as "whale swallowing" food.After the whale traces were beginning, the Fishing and Protection Department had immediately called on the public to keep a distance from the whale. The Dolphin Conservation Society also called on citizens not to take a speedboat to watch whale whatever whale watching, so as not to disturb the whales or even accidents.Provide whale watching services, and charges more than 3,000 yuan for two hours.Yesterday, the Bud whale floating on the sea, and the new wound on the body was quite large. The cause of death was to be arranged for anatomy survey. At present, the whale cannot be ruled out that the whale dies due to illness.However, the possibility of whale was killed by a boat.Some people like to go out to the sea on Sunday, and the whale corpse will be found the next morning, which is inevitable.

Although the whale is huge, it is more fragile than many people imagined. Once the trauma is injured, healing is not easy, and sometimes severe infection may occur. It is difficult for experts to help treat them.Many whales around the world are killed by sightseeing boats or large ships.In addition, whales are like humans and have mental stress.Whales are navigated by sound, sensitive hearing, and the engine sounds from close -up ships are severe noise for them. They come to strange seas from time to time. From time to time, they are surrounded by ships, and they face even greater pressure.Snlamic is a well -known whale watching tourist destination. In the past, some sightseeing vessels would rush from the front to the front of the whale for forcibly "interception" to let passengers watch close.In view of the frequent raw phenomenon, the local government wants to introduce the license system, stipulating that when the whale is required to slow down the boat, the engine must be turned off immediately when it is 100 meters away from the whale, and it cannot be drove closer, and so on.There are often Butshi whales near Beizhou Island, Guangxi, and whale watching also caused a lot of chaos. Earlier this year, the Dazhou Island Scenic Area had to issue a ban to cancel the whale watching project and strictly fight illegal whale watching.

In Hong Kong, the protection of wild whale dolphins mainly depends on the regulations of wildlife protection and coastal park regulations.Supervise 1 year and fine of 100,000 yuan.The problem is that the definition of the regulations on "interfere with animals" is very wide. The public does not know which moves constitute interference, and the actual law enforcement is not in place.For example, the Chinese white dolphin was killed by propellers, and the corpse rushed to the beach. Some scholars said that in the past, some scholars said that in the past, they went to different coastal parks in Hong Kong to observe the dolphins and found that many speedboats have been at high speeds.Limitation, but no officials have been severely enforced in speeding problems.The fishing and protection department does not have the guidance of whale watching. As for the rules of the dolphin, it does not have legal effect, and everything depends on self -discipline.

In early July 2021, Shenzhen, which is adjacent to Hong Kong, also tried to find the Bu's whale in Dapeng Bay, which attracted the attention of the local people and called it "small cloth".In addition to sending scientific researchers to collect their health and activities, organize law enforcement boats to maintain order, call on the public and ships to not be close to the onlookers, but also set up a "whale and dolphin protection linkage work group" to deploy temporary control areas in the sea.In response to the "small cloth", he traveled to Hong Kong's waters, and the working group contacted the conservation group in Hong Kong.In contrast, this time in Hong Kong's whale, the official follow -up of the official follow -up process is a bit dwarfed, mainly because of the oral call for not to disturb and strengthen patrols.Even if the official believes that related waters are frequent, it is not advisable to regulate control areas, at least the speed of ships can be regulated in the waters, ordering deceleration and reducing harassment of whales.

Strengthen the protection of marine life

How can you "actively interfere"

Whale visits were an opportunity to start a marine science popularization and education. At that time, "Xiaobu" appeared in Dapeng Bay, and Shenzhen officials have made a lot of time in this regard.This time in Hong Kong's whale traces, there is no official opportunity to seize the opportunity and vigorously promote related work.In the past, there were mainland conservation experts that there were occasional large whale dolphins in the waters around Hong Kong, and there were many cases of death, but the Hong Kong side usually did not make too many interventions.This time, the whale incident is indeed the same.SAR officials need to reintegrate the guidelines and treatment of whale and dolphin conservation.At the end of August 2021, the corpse of the "Xiaobu" found in the seas of the Shenzhen -Hong Kong border that because it had been killed for a while, the experts could not find the exact cause of death.EssenceThis time, Saigon found that the bodies of Bu's whale were basically complete. It is expected that the Fisheries and Protection Department and experts can find the exact cause and educate the public to raise awareness of conservation.