Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

This Taiwan election, all parties talk about reform and democracy.However, the left is that each camp tries to attract local factions, including local characters with underworld backgrounds in order to expand the basic disk.Looking at the whole of Taiwan, there are "multi -party treasures" in various places. The people in the family are supporting blue -green, white or Guo Taiming, and political parties are also required.This phenomenon shows that Taiwan's democratic politics has become a "tail shaking dog", which is a sign of evil.

Xie Dianlin, Speaker of Changhua County, who has repeatedly supported Guo Taiming in the election campaign, announced yesterday that he announced his withdrawal from the Kuomintang and cast a shocking bomb.Xie Dianlin's reason is that in order to avoid his eldest sister -the current Deputy Secretary -General of the Kuomintang and Xie Yifeng of the Blue Army legislators, "let's leave the Kuomintang first."This choice is two sides of the treasure to maintain the maximum political benefits of the family.In fact, on the eve of Xie Dianlin's announcement, he just accompanied Guo Taiming and Ke Wenzhe to worship the temple for two consecutive days. It can be seen that the Xie family was actually a three -party bet.His mother, Zheng Rufen, has long served as the Kuomintang and People's Republic of China. For Xie Dianlin's retreat, he only said that he "had his struggle."

The first to extend the political tentacles to the local factions of the Kuomintang is Ke Wenzhe of the People's Party.Ke Wenzhe frequently shown Zhong Dongjin, who was frequently ran away from the Kuomintang to the county head of Miaoli. After Zhong Dongjin was elected, Ke Wenzhe even staged a "fit show".In addition, Ke Wenzhe also borrowed the name of worship. Yan Qingbiao, chairman of Lan Palace, Dajia Town, showed his good feelings.

Guo Taiming, who may be "independent of the election", is also the main contact target of the Kuomintang local faction.Including Speaker of Pingtung Zhou Dian, Xie Dianlin, Speaker of Changhua, and Ho Shengfeng, Speaker of Nantou, were all classified as "Ting Guo".In addition, Guo Taiming has repeatedly visited Yan Qingbiao and Zhang Rongwei, former county magistrate of Yunlin County, to create a "place to surround the central government" to split the Kuomintang.The competition of Guo and Ke was drawn, and the local factions were invisible to the local factional value, which made the past, which was regarded as a local factions that was regarded as unfavorable development of democratic development and became a strange goods.

The Democratic Progressive Party has spared no effort to attract the local factions.Lai Qingde nominated his son Chen Guanting to take over the election legislators in order to win the support of the British -based corner and Chen Mingwen, Chiayi County.In the meantime, Chen Guanting was involved in super loan storm, but spent peacefully.In contrast to Lai Qingde's "decisive disposal" of other nominations with high moral standards, Chen Guanting received special courtesy. It can be seen that Lai Qingde's distress on the local factions bowed his head to compromise.

When Lee Teng -hui was in power, the Kuomintang was labeled with the "black gold" label, mainly entangled with the interests of consortiums and local factions.Many local factions are not based on political party identity, but based on interest orientation.For example, Chen Mingwen was originally a key point of the Kuomintang local faction. When he saw the wind turning rudder to join the DPP in two thousand years; Chen Jianren, the president of the Executive President, came from the Kuomintang Kaohsiung White Pai family.Another example is Yan Qingbiao, his son Yan Kuanheng has been nominated by the Kuomintang for many times.Now that Ke Wenzhe and Guo Taiming are deliberately attracted, the Yan family is also happy to invest in multilaterally.

Another Kuomintang "Guo Guo" Speaker Zhou Dianju, when he was preliminarily elected in the Pingtung County Mayor of the Democratic Progressive Party last year, it caused controversy for cross -party Zhou Chunmi.This time, Zhou Dian was very Guo. It was reported that the two daughters Zhou Mengrong and Zhou Jiaqi wanted to fight for the Kuomintang region and the nomination of legislators for not -the -sized districts.Zhang Lishan, the sister of Zhang Rongwei, is the head of Yunlin, but he uses his daughter Zhang Jiajun to serve as the Kuomintang for not partition, and also uses Guo Taiming as a leverage.These faction figures are not just righteous regardless of whether they are pushing the treasures, and they even call "Guo Kehe".

From the past experience, there has never been a political party because of the support of local factions. Only local factions play wall grass or seek for private interests, and the image of the party to damage the party will become a party tumor.In this election, if the local faction is worth the high value, the consequences are not seen by the people.The three parties candidates and Guo Taiming must recognize that the local factions can help to improve their image, but they may leave serious sequelae. In the future, they will continue to be ransomily by politics. As a result, democracy will reverse.On the list of unprecedented district legislators of various parties, if it is full of local factions, we call on voters to discard them together.