Source: Hong Kong 01

Zheng Yanxiong ten people.

At that time, Li Jiachao was the director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau. One year later he was the director of the Department of Administration and became the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong executive last year.The Youtube channel during the campaign was blocked, and he could not involve charging services using Facebook and Instagram.In less than four months, the APEC leaders' informal meetings will be held in San Francisco in the United States. The Washington Post quotes news that Washington does not intend to allow Li Jiachao to enter the meeting.

Also on the US government's sanctions list, there are Li Shangfu, who was accused of arms with Russia in 2018.At that time, Li Shangfu was the Minister of Equipment Development of the Central Military Commission. Last year, he entered the Central Committee of the Mainland Government and the Central Military Commission. In March of this year, he replaced Wei Fenghe and became the Ministry of State Councilor and Minister of Defense.

In the past few months, the US Defense Minister Austin has hoped to meet with Li Shangfu many times, but even if the two of them attended the Shangri -La dialogue, Li Shangfu also refused to meet with Austin.Instead, the former Secretary of State Kissinger visited Beijing a few days ago, but was able to be met by Li Shangfu. The White House could only respond to "unfortunate".

Lu, Hong Kong and Taiwan participated in the APEC chief executive

The Trump administration's sanctions on Li Shangfu and Li Jiachao can now order to be lifted at any time.Or or not, the White House can also give Li Jiachao exemption, and let him attend an informal meeting of the APEC leaders in San Francisco.There is no doubt that it is necessary to do it.And this "not" is related to the pressure of public opinion.After the State Council was suspected of testing the water temperature earlier, many members of Congress were objected.

It is necessary to know that in the early days of the establishment of APEC, it has been invited to join mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.After negotiation, the three places on both sides of the strait are in the nature of the economy. The names of mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taipei have participated in APEC since 1991.Two years later, the APEC's first -handed leader's informal meeting created the leaders of China and the United States for nearly five years.Attend.

U.S. sanctions are unnecessary violation of international obligations

In 1997, the Special District Government was established to drop. The Chief Executive has always been the executives who participated in the APEC leadership.Among them, in September 2012, Liang Zhenying was renamed Zeng Junhua, the director of the Financial Secretary of Financial Secretary of the Financial Secretary of the Conference because he stayed in Hong Kong.Moreover, the government leaders are still invited, and whether other officials are re -appointed to attend the decision of the member economy.

From Li Shangfu to Li Jiachao, the US government can say that they are moving their feet.The major officials of sanctions other countries or other governments, under the premise of closely globalization and economic and trade cooperation, when they encounter cooperation in the morning and evening, then -that is, now -cancellation of sanctions may be criticized by public opinion, but maintaining sanctions or orders to maintain sanctions, but maintaining sanctions ordering orders, but maintaining sanctions order ordering order, but maintaining sanctions order ordering order, but maintaining sanctions order ordering order, but maintaining sanctions order ordering orders, but maintaining sanctions order ordering orders, but maintaining sanctions ordering orders, but maintaining sanctions order ordering order, but maintaining sanctions order ordering order, but maintaining sanctions order ordering order, but maintaining sanctions order ordering order, but maintaining sanctions order ordering order, but maintaining sanctions order ordering orders, but maintaining sanctions ordering orders, but maintaining sanctioning orders, but maintaining sanctioning ordersAnother trouble.International Law experts and UN unilateral compulsory measures to unilaterally affect the issue of adverse impact. Professor Dou Han, a special reporter, at a research conference in Yale University last month, pointing out that unilateral sanctions may violate many international law obligations, such as the responsibility of multilateral treaties, internationally internationally, internationallyThe principles of cooperation, the right to guarantee government officials and diplomatic representatives.

How can the unparalleled "one country, two systems" make good use of it?

Although there is no diplomacy in the Hong Kong SAR, there is a non -sovereign -level foreign -related relationship.The Chief Executive of Hong Kong can talk to the President of the President, the President of the United States, the President of Russia, and the Prime Minister of Japan in the APEC. Li Jiachao recently visited Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, which is also a member of the APEC member economy.Seeing it with President Zokovit.These are all in other mainland cities and even Macau.Hong Kong has also applied to join RCEP last January. If it can participate in this world's largest free trade agreement, it has an important impact on multiple industrial development of Hong Kong.

There are competition in China and the United States and even international relations. Economic interests and political computing are everywhere. Whether Li Jiachao, who is still sanctioned by the United States, can go to San Francisco to attend the APEC conference, will not be the only incident.In addition to foreign visits "saying good Hong Kong stories" and attending international occasions, how can we make good use of the unique advantages of "one country, two systems" to seek the greatest benefit for Hong Kong?In addition to the statement, the government has more kung fu behind it.