Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Ye Dehao

The recent diplomatic field of the Pacific island country suddenly became very lively: French President Macron is visiting French overseas territory Nouvelle-Calédonie, which will be transferred to Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea.Vanuatu, Vanuatu, became the first French president in history to visit the Independence Pacific Island country in history.

On the other side, the US Minister of the Interior Hamlan is visiting Palau (also translated as Palau) and Micronesia; Secretary of State Brills first arrived in Tonga before visiting New Zealand and Australia before visiting New Zealand and Australia., Unveiled the latest embassy in the United States; Minister of Defense Austin will also visit Papua New Guinea, which recently signed a defense cooperation agreement with the United States before attending the Australian Minister's Ministerial Meeting, becoming the first US Secretary of Defense in the country in history to visit the country.Essence

The Pacific Island Kingdom suddenly favored the leadership of the Western power, and it reflected the transformation of the world's overall situation.Brincken explained their main causes in Tanga's speech on China on the 26th.Blinger said that China ’s behavior in the district is“ increasingly problematic ”, and supports some“ predatory economic activities and investment ”that destroys good governance and encourages corruption.(Tonga, which has a population of 100,000, has currently exceeded 100%of its GDP, two of which are debt from China.)

Since China signed a security agreement with the Solomon Islands last year, the United States has begun to strive to win the Pingyang country. This year, it has reopened its embassies in the Solomon Islands and Tangjia.embassy.In September last year, Biden has presided over the first American Pacific Island Summit, and will be held again this year.It is reported that the United States and Papua New Guinea will also provide the United States with the right to use multiple military bases.

Compared with the "targeting China" of the American Ming Dao Ming Gun, Macron's interview has the dual goals of domestic politics and geopolitics.It is urged to accept the vision of promoting new development within the "Republic" after three independent referendums.However, when Macron said, "New Carrie is from France, because she chose to stay in France", the independent political leaders were absent from the French government's independence and unification meeting.The effectiveness of this line seems limited.

On the other hand, France has the largest exclusive economic zone in the South Pacific. As it is regarded as the Pacific State. As the competition between China and the United States is becoming more and more obvious, Macron also intends to propose the "third road" here.In order to highlight the self -positioning of France's "balanced power", especially after Australia's purchase of French submarines switched to the US camp.

But Macron is not very clear in except for "exporting" in the South Pacific.Although Macron regards the French territory of the South Pacific to become the "third pole of the world" as a French power in the South Pacific, but for other European countries, this calculation can be regarded as "the goddess has the heart and the king has no dreams."When France insists on not joining the United States "Blue Pacific Partnership Program" (currently members include Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Britain, and Canada), Germany has shown intention to join.

It is conceivable that among the geopolitical wrestling in this area, American actions will be more successful than Macron, which has no European support.

However, the United States is still far behind China at this moment.When Bollingken visited Tonga, people noticed that the government building where they met with local leaders was built by China. When they entered the building, they must be written in Chinese and English with the "China Aid" sign in Chinese and English.At the time of its visit, Chinese medical vessels are also working on many Pacific island countries, and they are about to visit Tangjia.

Although Brinton's trip was unveiled for the new embassy in the United States, there were only two diplomats in the United States at this moment. The ambassador has not yet been selected, but the so -called embassy is just one of the local national bank buildings.Small office.In contrast, Chinese diplomats have been operating in local operations for many years, learning local language customs, and deeply cultivating.The United States may take a long time to catch up.

However, the United States re -put the Pacific Island country on its diplomatic territory because of concerns about China's influence, which is also a potential favorable development for these countries.Of course, how to reach the "left and right sources" between China and the United States rather than "two sides are not people" is the biggest diplomatic test for the Pacific island countries in the future.