Source: China Times Society

Just as the Kuomintang's entire generation, the President of the President of Hou Youyi was running for the president to create Hou Han to embrace the ice. On the occasion of the unity of "man, bald, and swallow", the executive chief of the election office of Hou YouyiThe firing was frying, the knife waved madly, and the frying and the thorn were all their own; not only the "Governor Alliance" mentioned by the party chairman Zhu Lilun publicly questioned "what is not clear", but also named the critical legislator Luo Zhiqiang."I look down on him in the safe constituency."Jin Yicong's dismissal performance can only be described as "inexplicable, domineering, cross -fire, and increasing internal chaos."

Jin Jicong may be deeply proud of the "change" storm in the Kuomintang 723, but this is the result of the party's rational unity and joint efforts of the whole party.In the future, he can complete it personally.And even so, the status of Hou Youyi's polls has not been improved so far. Before and after that, the combination of wild power had the opportunity to defeat the DPP. It has long been aware of most people in Taiwan society.It has become "stupid", "self -leaked negotiation cards", "longing for others' ambitions"?In contrast, Jin's reality that is not pretending to see and treats most people as a fool. Isn't it even more interested and deceived himself?

Including "Non -Green Alliance", "Great League in the Field", "Political Party Rotating Alliance", to the "Governor of the Governor" and even "United Government", from Zhu Lilun, Ke Wenzhe to Luo Zhiqiang and Lanying many people proposed to propose proposalWith similar slogans, its core demand is "removed the DPP".Before that, Luo Zhiqiang proposed that "the party's rotation is higher than all the highest value", because the high voice of Ke Wenzhe's polls before election may cause the Kuomintang to be weak and even the voters' automatic abandonment of insurance.The scolding and the Blue Camp besieged, and Luo quickly apologized and returned to the discussion.

Unexpectedly, things have been calmed down for a while, but Jin has re -approved the old things. Even the "Decision and Selection of the League" of Lawyer Chen Changwen, the leader of the Blue Camp, also scolded it. Is this necessary?When many pan -blue supporters are anxious for patriotism and love for Taiwan, they must be denied to make different opinions or proposals in this way regardless of their backgrounds, severity, and reasons?

Faced with the 2024 presidential election, the Blue Camp was in a situation of integration in the beginning. The former Taipei Mayor Hao Longbin also persuaded Hou Youyi to unite with the attitude of "candidate minimum", but Jin Jicong targets various "changing Hou".The family of opinions, from the discussion of "squeezing" and "reporting mouse unjust" from Cai Zhengyuan, Qiu Yi, Zheng Liwen and others, also caused the controversy of "small knives only poke the family". NowCriticism or questioning, and these objects that are included in the surgery and rectification are "just happened" are the elite green gunners inside and outside the blue camp. When the situation of Hou Youyi is so difficult, you need to try to fight for foreign aid unity.Is it so self -damaging the fighting power and constantly fighting the enemy?

More weird and discussion is that the strong Jin Yicong's performance of the party chairman Zhu Lilun's "shouting" regardless of the external perception.In fact, Zhu said that "the Kuomintang returned to ruling" will be a governing alliance, not the first group, but even such a conservative statement, it is still questioned by gold, which is curious.Do you want to pass the consent of Kim Jiancong?Who is the party chairman?In the past, the power of gold in politics sometimes could even override Ma Ying -jeou. Is it so good to Zhu now?In this way, how can Hou Youyi in it?

It is already the general trend in the field of field integration. As the CEO of Hou Jing's office, the CEO does not think about how to expand his support, but the upside -down, the enemy and friends are upside down, and they all reveal their own family.How to promote unity in the party and the field of field?Jin Xiaodao publicly opposed the party's proposal, and has not greeted in advance. It is obviously intentional. So no matter the external associations, you are not afraid to leave the most core triangle of Zhu Jinhou, all of which are hindered and communicated with other people.The impression, how to fight this campaign is very scary.

The latest polls show that in the past month, Kim Jongcong has been in the ricks of the election campaign, and Hou Youyi's support has still been weakened and has almost no improvement. Although Hou's media and network exposure have increased, it is not the support of the protagonist Hou Youyi.Instead, the golden knife, which was originally behind the scenes and coordinated and integrated, grabbed the head.Now the predicament of changing the change has not been solved, but the new trouble and controversy have emerged. The Kuomintang and Hou Youyi have to stay and retain Jin Jicong. They must really think about it and break.