He worked at a Swiss company many years ago, and once went to a business headquarters in a village and towns in Basel. One day at noon, he went to the restaurant next door to the company with local colleagues.On the small blackboard that was listed on the day, I saw a very familiar word Nasi Goreng. I was confused at the moment. After all, it was in Europe, not Southeast Asia.

After ordering the meal, holding the food, in the quiet environment in the garden, sitting around the wooden round table, quietly enjoying this "Indonesian fried rice".After the last rice in the plate is finished (the Swiss people do not like and do not like to see others waste food, they often eat the remaining residue of an apple, often only a few apple cores and a apple handle),I threw my doubts to George Olympic, sitting aside.George was originally born in Greece. He obtained a doctorate in chemistry in the UK in his early years and later immigrated to Switzerland.He not only has strong professional knowledge, but also likes reading. He has extensive social knowledge and has unique insights on many cultural and historical topics.

After listening to my question, he couldn't doubtly tell me that this was a Dutch meal.At first I was a little dazed, and I thought that the Netherlands had lasted more than 300 years of colonial rule for Indonesia, and then realized it.It turned out that this Dutch fried rice from Indonesia and the "Yangzhou fried rice" in the Chinese culture world has the same wonderful work, and there is a profound connotation of cultural flow behind each other behind them.

The Netherlands was one of the earliest European countries that established overseas colonies after the opening of the Great Navigation.As early as 1596, the Dutch fleet reached Wan Dan on Java Island.The Netherlands established a business station in Java in 1603. In 1605, it conquered the Anwen Islands and other places in the Malugu Islands, known as the spice islands in 1605.Ten years later, the Dutch fleet captured the largest city on Java Island and named Badavia as the headquarters of the Dutch East India company in the East.

Badavia is now Jakarta.The place name of Jakarta was renamed after the city occupied the city in 1942 during the Pacific War.At the end of World War II, Indonesia officially announced its independence in 1945, and it was not until the Netherlands in 1949 that the Netherlands officially recognized the Federal Republic of Indonesia.It is not surprising that a fried rice flow born in Indonesia into a well -known dinner in the Dutch is not surprised.

Thinking of this aging anecdotes related to a news that I read a few days ago.The King of the Netherlands William -Alexander's 150th anniversary of the Dutch's 150th anniversary of the Dutch in Surinan and the Caribbean colonies in South America publicly apologized for the history of the Netherlands in the past colonial and trading of slaves in the Netherlands.According to reports, this is a response to history and society after the Dutch Prime Minister's public apology last year.

Early European colonialist overseas operations are usually directly sponsored by the European royal family, and the royal family of European countries is also the biggest beneficiary of many overseas colonial plunder benefits.Taking the Dutch royal family as an example, some researchers estimated that Alexander's ancestors earned wealth equivalent to 545 million euros today.

The colonial history of human society is extremely complicated.Because of the colonial history brought about by the Great Navigation era, the output flow of its asymmetric civilized power often allows future generations to observe the prosperity of the appliances brought by the relatively backward African and Latin regions from the European powers, and many of themThe loss of colonial resources and life, but there is no gorgeous building or a thick chapter.In the pre -colonial area, the longer the colonial paradox, the more the paradoxes of society, and there are some fans.

Singapore has achieved world -renowned economic achievements today, with various subjective conditions.Among them, the unity of the Singaporean people's unity and the creativity of the country should be the main reason.But from time to time, some people attribute all this to the foundation of the former colonial rulers.

The Taiwan Lianjing Publishing Company published a book of global turning of the empire and civilization last year.) "The first phase (2017-2020) research results.The subject of this book is "Before the imperialism", pointing out: This book belongs to the research category of the history of global political ideology. In the problem structure of "empire and civilization", it is involved in cross -cultural vision from Europe to the Americas and Asia.Aiming at the world order and universal value exposition with Western civilization as the axis, a critical reflection that has the depth of philosophy and the depth of history.

Introduction After explaining the main concepts of "Global", "Empire", "Civilization", and "European Centralism" throughout the book, the interpretation of "natural law: conquest, righteous war and slave problems", "business society: political economy"Emotional Emotion Theory" "Criticism of Humanism: Vanity and Ninth Non,", "The Search of the Law of Reason: Universalism and Specialism", "Free Empireism: Human Civilization and Progressive Thought", etc.I introduced the focus of the topic of 13 articles in the book, and the global political ideological appearance that was intertwined.

The Empire is always combined with colonial modern Singapore as the "birth" of the colonies of the Greater British Empire. It is often unforgettable for the former master country.Tu Fan stroll around Singapore's urban area, and the construction buildings left over from the British colonial era are all gathered; the codes of the Republic of Singapore have also inherited the legal chapter used by the British colonial rule.The Criminal Law 377A, which was eliminated in the Singapore Congress last year, was also an overdue provision left over by the United Kingdom.

"Modern political value" is, of course, it is the most important civilized heritage left by the European Empire to the world. How to re -evaluate this heritage is a public question that intellectuals living in the Western era must face seriously.As the Imperial and Civilization Introduction refers to: Simply put, the focus of this question is: in the face of "what is human civilization?" "What kind of international order?" "Who's universal value?"Deep reflection?Is it courageous to invest in philosophical criticism and re -criticism?

Singapore is located in the center of Haiku Southeast Asia. It is a pearl on the crown of the former sun and the Emperor of the Emperor.In the past 200 years, Singapore in modern times, from a flying land under the British East India Company, rose to a directly colonial colonial in the London colonial ministries, and was won by the Japanese emperor's force. FinallyThe doctrine movement is the climax of this history.In today's post -colonial era, of course, we are unwilling to see Singapore's insightful people who have missed the discussion of the "empire and civilization" and a profound reflection on history and reality.

The author is a local retirement engineer