The private economy is an important force to promote economic and social development.The Party Central Committee attaches great importance to the private economy and private enterprises. It has always regarded private enterprises and private entrepreneurs as its own, and cheer for the private economy and private entrepreneurs.During the National Two Sessions of the country this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping further stated that the private economy is an important force for the party's long -term governance and unity to lead the people of the country to achieve the "two hundred years" goal and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.This makes us feel excited and encouraged.This time, the central government's opinions on promoting the development of the private economy (hereinafter referred to as "opinion"), focusing on the high -quality development of the private economy, formulating a series of policies and measures, which has important incentives for the firm confidence in private enterprises, lighting up, and bold development.And guidance.

The challenges and opportunities faced by the private economy and private enterprises are accurate and deeper. The measures launched are strongly targeted, which stabilizes everyone's expectations for high -quality development.In the past two years, under the influence of the epidemic and other international and domestic environment, some private enterprises have encountered greater difficulties and challenges, and development expectations have been affected to some extent.On the basis of in -depth investigation, issues such as the business environment, policy support, regulatory orientation, the guarantee of the rule of law, and the atmosphere of public opinion have all given institutionalized arrangements and clear guidance.The requirements of participating in market competition and being protected by the same law "have been implemented as a real policy measure, which has strengthened the confidence of everyone to be better and stronger.

Opinions put forward comprehensive strategic requirements for the Internet industry, pointing out the direction of development for the platform economy, adding our determination and motivation for continuous development.Internet companies are an important part of the private economy. The platform economy has become increasingly prominent in empowering the real economy, promoting technological innovation, and opening up the international market.At present, my country's platform economy has entered a new stage of development. The past development model is being redeemed and reshaped, and the value of expanding demand, innovation development, employment and entrepreneurship, and public services needs to be fully played.The opinions pointed out that "guide the platform economy to develop in the direction of openness, innovation, and empowerment, make up for shortcomings, and support platform companies to show their skills in creating employment, expanding consumption, and international competition."The requirements of "openness, innovation, and empowerment" anchor the goal of high -quality development of platform companies.We will focus on these strategic directions to focus on development forces, adhere to the role positioning of "connectors", "toolboxes", and "small assistants", and promote the consumer Internet business to expand domestic demand to continuously output new kinetic energy and strengthen the construction of the industrial Internet business in the construction of the modern industrial system system.The depth of innovation and the "digital craftsman spirit" persistently enhanced overseas business competitiveness.

Opinions put forward earnest expectations for the high -quality development of private enterprises, and further enhance our sense of responsibility for the sense of mission for users, industries, and society.Opinions have made clear requirements from improving governance structure, improving scientific and technological innovation capabilities, accelerating the promotion of digital transformation and technological transformation, to participating in major national strategies, fulfilling social responsibilities, and making clear requirements for the reform and innovation of private economy and the standardized development of private enterprises.Strong resonance.In recent years, a large number of private enterprises have taken "exploring sustainable social value innovation" as the base of all business, and the healthy and sustainable development of the enterprise has been settled to the "trinity" of "user value, industrial value, and social value."In terms of scientific and technological innovation, we actively expand from product innovation to basic research, and vigorously invest in cutting -edge technology research and development; internal governance, we will fully reduce costs and improve efficiency, and scientifically improve management efficiency;Support national basic scientific research, rural rejuvenation talent construction, public welfare charity digitalization and other fields, and actively participate in social undertakings such as pension, disability, and public health.To implement the spirit of good opinions, we will continue to increase independent innovation, participate in the "real integration" in depth, and strive to play the leading role of leading companies in the Internet industry.

At present, the wave of artificial intelligence is surging, and a new round of scientific and technological revolution is desperate. We once again ushered in major opportunities for industrial reform.As a private technology company, it shoulders important responsibilities to promote technological innovation and promote industrial development.We will take opinions as an opportunity to firmly look forward and practice "internal skills" and work hard, focus on strengthening scientific and technological innovation, conscientiously implement "science and technology", firmly promote the "real integration", and help the digital transformation of small and medium -sized enterprises.It shows greater actions in promoting growth, promoting innovation, creating employment, and international competition.

(Ma Huateng, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Tencent)