Source: Ming Pao

The Thai reform sent forward party leader to strive to become the road to become the Prime Minister to add obstacles on Wednesday.Baoying; the two hospitals were originally scheduled to make the second round of voting for the second round of voting yesterday.Congress will meet again on Thursday (27th). At that time, the second largest party of the Democratic Eight Party League is expected to nominate its prime minister candidate for the Thai party.Thai media reported that businessman's social morality was a possible candidate.

The APM party won the strong support of young people and Thai people living in the city in the May election and won the most votes.Observation of faction.

The Prime Minister candidate must be elected for more than half of the members of the two hospitals.Last Thursday, Pita Limjaroenrat, who was competing for the first time, was supported by the 8th Party Alliance to support the Prime Minister yesterday.Congress had refused to support him last week.7 hours after the debate of the Congress, 395 votes were opposed to the Tower of Tower in 748 seats 748 seats.Speaker Quewano announced in the protest: "Putting Tower cannot be nominated twice at this Congress."

During the campaign qualification of the Parliament's Tower, the Tower was suspended by the Thai Constitution Court.He lifted his fist and left the Council in the cheers in the party, and said, "I will say goodbye, and it will be on the term." During the debate, the Tower posted in Instagram: "Obviously, the people's votes are not enough to control this country."

The two houses of the parliament are nominated by the two courtyards of members of the parliament

The Election Committee received a report before the May election, saying that the Pagoda had media shares and violated the election rules.The Election Commission said on Wednesday that according to their investigation, the identity of the members of the Tower should be revoked and the case was submitted to the Constitutional Court.The Constitution Court announced on Wednesday that the case was suspended during the hearing.

According to the Thai Constitution, members of Congress prohibit the ownership of media companies, although the TV station involved has not played programs since 2007.Hengta studied in Harvard University and came from a wealthy family running agricultural food companies. He said that these shares were inherited from his father.

Supportr: Why do people vote?

After the news of the duties of the Tower was suspended, dozens of supporters cried and abused the police at the large -scale riot police defense line near the gate of the parliament.A protesters who were unwilling to disclose their name told AFP: "Why are people to vote?" About a thousand demonstrators began a peaceful assembly near the Bangkok Democratic Monument after night, and the police said they were ready to deal with any turmoil.Royal Thai police spokesman Archayon Kraithong said: "No matter what their opinions are, they must follow the rules and orders set by the police."

Candidate qualifications in the pagoda also face other obstacles.The court has agreed to hear the allegations of the promise of revising the campaign to modify the "Measures of the Monthum".The political parties in the Pagoda refused to compromise this rigorous legal.

Pan Tower promised earlier that even if he got the opportunity to run the second campaign, once it failed again, the former Prime Minister Daxin nominated the candidate for the Thai party in the third round.After the voting of Congress decided to cancel the nomination of the pagoda, the advanced party and the senior management of the Thai party stated that they would arrange the meeting to decide the next step.

Bangkok Post yesterday quoted the Thai party sources saying that once the prime minister failed to compete for the Prime Minister, the Thai Party has prepared an additional part of the Governance Alliance that does not include the advanced party, and will draw the party in the current ruling alliance.The source said that the Thai party will nominate its prime minister candidate, and of the three candidates of the party, Srettha Thavisin is expected to run a chance.

As a source of the Thai Party, it is further pointed out that because most senators have stated that the party's political platform that has proposed a modification of the "offense of the monarchy" will not support the party, so the opportunity to form a new joint government with the advanced party is not great.Essence