Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Shen Yanxun

Following a joint statement on targeted criticism of China at the G7 summit, NATO, which is almost composed of the original G7 original class, has once again adopted a highly targeted statement to China in the joint communiqué of the summit.The difference is only to expand economic and human rights issues to the seriousness of rendering the threat of Chinese military and military, and to cooperate with the United States to carry out public opinion to block China.

For the United States in the Asia -Pacific region, several allies in the Asia -Pacific region attended the NATO Summit and the US Senator claimed that NATO would inevitably expand to Asia. Maybe it can successfully create NATO's virtual influence in Asia, but returned to the real level.So far, NATO can only provide a large number of "agent war" characters to provide a large number of Ukraine second military products, so that Ukraine consumes Russia's combat power to the greatest extent, but never dares to promise to the issue of Ukraine's joining NATO.There is no reason for him, and Russia to Russia to a desperate situation will undoubtedly make Europe the most serious nuclear coercion in history.NATO East Expansion will still face such pressure. In the same way, will it not arouse the worst geopolitical confrontation in history when NATO east expands to the Pacific Ocean?

It is unknown that when China's national strength is continuously enhanced, neither the United States and neighbors of China will stand by and do not rule out the possibility of co -resistance.Safety competition has led to the realization of the self -prophecy of the war.

But as a result, it is assumed that NATO will be optimistic about the smooth expansion of Asia Pacific.First of all, the United States, to check the rise of China in Asia, of course, the best way to do it is to do it behind the scenes, let the neighbors fight against China, and allow neighboring countries to replace themselves to curb China. In fact, the United States is also executed.However, this strategy is limited. The reason is that the gap between the absolute national strength of China and the neighboring countries is too different. Neighbors cannot effectively suppress China at all. In the end, the United States still has to come forward to compete.

If the United States still forcibly wants NATO Asia Pacific, the current economic conditions in the United States cannot be implemented at all.The United States can maintain the long -term dominance of NATO because most of the operating responsibilities are borne by the United States. The Cold War ended in nearly 30 years that the United States is still responsible for the defense of European allies, including manpower and funds.But the current US economic conditions are obviously not allowed to raise a second NATO.

Second, the successful experience of the United States in NATO does not necessarily apply the Asia -Pacific region.The main reason why European countries are willing to fight against Russia during the Cold War is that they are closely linked to the Soviet Union's land. At that time, the focus of the United States and Soviet Union was still in Europe. The two sides deployed huge troops and nuclear martial arts. The European heart was the front line of military confrontation.With the existence of nuclear martial arts, and the expected war is that the losses of large -scale scorched soil war should avoid psychology, but the two sides are unwilling to start the war.Instead, the establishment of NATO creates a peaceful effect.

However, the geopolitical environment in Asia is different from the Cold War. It is far away from each other in Asia, and it is even inconsistent with Chinese territory. Instead, it has led to the adverse effects of many war hotspots in Asia.The reason is that there is no geographical condition for the formation of the coalition forces to gather the confrontation between the coalition forces in East Asia, but to form a one -to -one local hot spot conflict in their respective countries, because the cost of the conflict is not as large as the large -scale operation of Europe, and it is unlikely to the interests of local territory.The use of nuclear weapons, so the possibility of hot spots is higher.Especially the smaller the cost of fighting, the more likely the battle.East Asia's unbalanced and polar geographical characteristics are destined to be more likely to trigger war end than the bipolar system of the Cold War.

The above -mentioned problems of the European member states of NATO should be regarded as a warning. Once the "collective self -defense right" is likely to be abused because of the characteristics of the hotspot of the Asian war, it will deepen that the original member country is unwilling to increase the defense obligation to resist the resistance of the defense obligations for no reason to increase the defense obligation.EssenceAs French President Macron said, NATO is the North Atlantic Convention Organization. There is no such mission in the Asia -Pacific region. NATO is probably just a wishful wish in the United States and cannot effectively resonate in NATO.

Create an offensive military organization in Asia, which not only cannot play the peaceful effects brought by NATO in the Cold War era, but also the case is that China is unable to judge the true intention of NATO's invitation to neighbors.Coupled with NATO's criticism of China for a long time, the hostile mood created by China cannot be resolved. I am afraid that it will be blocked before the neighboring country wants to join NATO, just like the tragedy story of Ukraine will happen again."I don't kill Bo Ren, Bo Ren dies because of me." NATO should think about how to avoid becoming the trigger line of the Asian war.

The author writes freelance