Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Wangbao Society Review

The Netherlands announced export control on some advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment from September 1st.Maintaining national security and interests ", export control will inevitably affect the supply of downstream products in the global semiconductor industry. The United States, the Netherlands, Japan and other countries are the first.

锗 and 关 are key rare metals and are considered strategic resources.体 is called "new food of semiconductor industry", which is widely used in semiconductor and photoelectric materials, solar cells, medical equipment, etc., and is widely used in electronic technology and communication.The mainland's reserves are monopolized worldwide, and export control is deemed to be countermeasures to the US coalition alliances on the semiconductor industry.The United States takes curbing measures for related mainland related industries, and the mainland's countermeasures response will lead to damage to the global market, and the world will "pay" together.

What would happen if the mainland did not counter?From the perspective of the mainland, it will condon the United States to continue to "cut the sausage" in various fields, harm the development interests of the mainland, and have a long -term impact on global development.From the launch of the US tariff warfare to the mainland to initiate sanctions against technological leading companies such as Huawei and ZTE, to the "ban" of the mainland in the fields of high -end chips, from Perosi to Taiwan to Cai Yingwen to cross the United States, the mainland has made all the mainland, and the mainland has made all the mainland.With different degrees of reactions, countermeasures were taken, and their goals and logic behind their behavior were adopted.

One of them, seek peace and cooperation with struggle.The two words of the struggle are slightly different on both sides of the strait. It is negative in Taiwan, and the mainland is affected by the materialist dialectics of the mainland government. It is a neutral word.The purpose of the struggle is to change the old things and promote the realization of new things.The countermeasure is to allow countries to return to the path of peace and cooperation.

Although the mainland has dared to fight and is good at struggling in recent years, whether in the mainland government constitution or government work report, peaceful development and win -win cooperation are their stable value concepts.Win -win service.

Second, "defensiveness" countermeasures to maintain legitimate interests.Since the 18th National Congress of the Mainland Government, the mainland has strengthened legislation in foreign -related fields.From the 2020 People's Republic of China Export Control Law, by 2021, the People's Republic of China Anti -Foreign Sanctions Law, and the Law of the Foreign Relations Law of the People's Republic of China in 2023, etc., the release and implementation of foreign -related laws, provided the legality and legality of the mainland to safeguard their rights and interests of their own rights and interestsPredictability.

It can be seen that the law -related laws of the mainland are essentially "defensive" characteristics.For example, Article 33 of the People's Republic of China's Foreign Relations Law stipulates that: the ownership of the People's Republic of China with the right to violate the basic criteria of international law and international relations and endangers the sovereignty, security, and development benefits of the People's Republic of China.

When U.S. Secretary of State Broskere visited mainland China in June, Mainland President Xi Jinping said that China respects the interests of the United States will not challenge and replace the United States.Similarly, the United States must respect China and do not harm China's legitimate interests.No one can shape each other according to their own wishes, let alone deprive the other party's right to develop rights.

Third, oppose hegemony and power politics.The Foreign Relations Law of the People's Republic of China mentioned "promoting the coordination and healthy interaction of great powers", and also mentioned "against hegemonism and power politics."From the perspective of China, the United States is an hegemonic country and is particularly good at curbing competitors from a strategic and tactical level. As the largest developed country, the mainland is committed to shaping a fair and reasonable international order and mutual respect for each other.

Chinese culture emphasizes tolerance and harmony, but in the face of power, the mainland needs to communicate by the other party's understanding. Countermeasures are one of its "language".In the short term, countermeasures of mainland China will have a certain degree of impact on the global market, but from a long -term perspective, it will help change the global economic and political climate.It is worth noting that countermeasures need to be alert to discourse traps.Under the pressure of the United States, the mainland will be countermeasures. In turn, it is also easy to be used by the West to prove that it really needs to be "de -risk" on the mainland. While showing the counter -tough gesture, it shows the willingness and energy of win -win cooperation with global cooperation worldwide.It will help China to obtain support from more countries.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen, who was born in an economist, expressed its statement before and after the visit. The United States does not want to decume decoupled with mainland China. It is hoped that Sino -US relations can follow this rational judgment.The progress of the harmony has benefited the world.

Taiwan between China and the United States needs to avoid the "horses" and counter -"scapegoats that contain the mainland.There is no doubt that the United States will continue to curb the mainland for a period of time, and the mainland will continue to counter them. If the Tsai government blindly cooperates with the United States to "cut the sausage", I am afraid that it will cut into Taiwan's own meat.