In the era of information explosion, people understand the large number of information fragmentation of information through the Internet and social media, many traditional graphic media around the world cannot withstand pressure, and local and even national newspapers have closed down.Singapore naturally cannot be exempted from impact. The number disclosed in 2021 shows that as one of the two mainstream media groups in Singapore, the operating revenue of the paper media of the newspaper control is halved in the previous five years.The annual loss of 10,000 yuan has led to a series of reforms in the future.

In 2021, after the newspaper Holdings transferred the media business, the new newspaper media trust became the actual media business owner and manager.10 newspapers, five Chinese -English radio channels and more than 10 magazines.

The establishment of

The establishment of the new newspaper media trust is produced by Singapore's mainstream media after decades of resource integration and re -integration.In 1982, Singapore's newspaper industry was reorganized. Nanyang Business Daily and Xingzhou Daily merged into a holding company.After that, in order to avoid high sales competition each year, plus the additional capital expenditure of repeated plant equipment, in 1984, the two major newspaper companies in Singapore, including various language newspapers, merged from competition to the merger and set up Singapore Newspaper Holdings.

In addition to the new newspaper media trust, another mainstream media group in Singapore, Singapore media agency, is also a media company that has been funded by the government.New Media has multiple TV channels and more than 10 radio channels, which is the largest broadcast media institution in Singapore; its predecessor is the Singapore Broadcasting Bureau, which has been reorganized many times, including two watershed reenginers in 1994 and 1999.

In 1994, the Singapore Broadcasting Bureau was corporate and renamed Singapore International Media Institution to manage Singapore Television Agency, Singapore Broadcasting Station, Singapore Television 12 Private Co., Ltd.In 1999, Singapore International Media Agency was renamed Singapore Media Agency, referred to as New Media for short; in the same year, the English TV station Asia Newsbuk was launched.

The intersection of the new and old millennials, with the beautiful expectations of the prospects of the local media market, the newspaper holding and the new media fist, on the basis of their respective advantage media resources, conduct business integration.EssenceIn 2000, the New Media issued a free English newspaper today, intending to compete for the huge advertising market in the Strait Times, a share.In 2001, the newspaper Holdings entered the television industry and established newspapers.The emergence of the newspaper industry made the new media decide to set up a new TV channel Urban Sports Station to compete with it, but the latter was suspended in 2002 due to economic downturn.

However, the vicious competition in this TV market has only maintained in just a few years, and it ended because both parties suffered huge losses.In 2004, when the new media TV and newspaper industry did not want to continue the double losses, the two decided to merge together and set up a new company New Media TV Holdings (private) Co., Ltd. in 2005 to integrate the business.

Although the competition between the two major groups in the TV market came to an end, the competition in other fields did not stop.At present, the new newspaper media trust is operated by a non -profit -making method. It must find the support of public and private funds as its own operating funds.As for the new media, the shareholders are the Temantian Holdings owned by the Singapore government wholly.In other words, both major groups have received government funding; at this level, the possibility of discussing the possibility of two major groups on its media resources may be exactly the time.

The method of integration of media resources can start with cooperation and then enter the merger mode.On May 16, 2023, Minister of Communications and News, Yang Liming, pointed out at a new book conference: When the views are inconsistent with the government, the local media will write different views and express different views.The government will not influence the independence of editing decision -making through funding funding, because it will endanger the trust between the media and the public, leading to the lack of credibility of the product and being ignored by readers.

While maintaining independence by media editing decision -making and remarks, I tried to discuss the benefits of media resource integration from several aspects.

First of all, it is the savings of sales competitive costs.In the 1980s, the merger of the Xingzhou Daily and the Nanyang Commercial Daily, and the merger of the Chinese News Group and the English News Group, which came, directly and indirectly saved a lot of large overheads caused by Singapore's paper media for sales competition.EssenceAt the beginning of the new millennium, I was in the advertising industry to witness the competition of newspaper newsletters and new media TV in the TV market, and once again verified the evil results brought by vicious competition.At that time, the competition was because the nature of the owners of the two camps was different. Each was the master, and the competition was inevitable. In the end, it could only be combined to stop bleeding. At present, the savings of the resources of the two major groups are the savings of national resources.

The second is to cultivate more comprehensive media talents for the country.Once the new media and the new newspaper media trust are cooperated or merged, in the field of news reports and current affairs reviews, they will cultivate more comprehensive media talents for the country. News practitioners have the opportunity to report news or conduct current affairs reviews in different forms of media positions in different forms.This enhances the personal value of journalists.

The media college founded by Xinbao Industry Media Trust opened in 2022.It is known that the college is cooperating with senior media industry and international institutions to launch a series of courses to meet the needs of journalists in different positions.Xu Wenyuan, Chairman of the New Newspaper Media Trust, pointed out that although the main purpose of the Media Academy is to train employees, he hopes that the college can become a platform for creating a regional contact network and mutual understanding with each other; although the media college currently only serves the new newspaper mediaTrust staff, but he believes that the college's curriculum should be opened to media workers at home and abroad in the future.

The information disclosed by Xu Wenyuan in the above conversation, that is, the importance of communication and understanding between the media, I think that once the two major groups cooperate or merge, the media college can also consider adding radio and television news training courses.Fully benefit journalists in different fields.

Third, reduce news production costs and give back benefits back to consumers.Once the two major groups cooperate or merge, the same news, there is no need to write different versions of reports with radio and television media reporters; the same news does not require a flat media to conduct different versions of translations with the radio and television media international telecommunications group or translator, invisibleChina can save a lot of expenses.The news production and translation costs saved by the media group can be given back to readers, audiences, audiences and advertising merchants, and even generate profit from it to reduce the burden on the country.

Fourth, maintain the high consistency of the news.Once the two major groups cooperate or merge, not only can save news production costs, but because the source of news production is consistent, the news content can be highly consistent. There will be no uniformity of graphic media and radio and television media news terms or translations.Phenomenon.The two major groups can even consider the saved human resources and invest in the news research department to further optimize and strengthen the quality of the news.Optimization and strengthening of news quality can benefit readers, audiences, audiences and advertisers as soon as possible.

It is difficult to know, including the reorganization of media resources, including traditional news media and digital media. The cooperation or mergers of the two major groups, which are involved in the wide level and the level. The above is only one or two.There will also be other benefits, and may also cause some unpredictable illness.Between continuing competition and rational choices in cooperation with hand, decision makers should have sufficient wisdom. Worching cooperation is more advantage or disadvantages or more.

New Media is a cultural brand in Singapore, and the new newspaper media trust is also a cultural brand in Singapore; if these two cultural brands are added together, it is not simply one plus one equal to two, but a derivation of a piece.Covering a more broad cultural business card.Once this kind of cross -media combination, cross -group cooperation or merger is successful, it will start the history of history and become other international traditionsThe objective object of the media, as well as in -depth research objects of international media researchers.

The author is a local amateur writer