Recently, the old US National Geographic Magazine, which was published in 1888, announced layoffs, causing doubts about the suspension of publication.In response, the national geographical response pointed out that the layoffs were just the English version of the US magazine content department cut 19 internal full -time authors and converted into an external signing author.The national geographical collection system has always relying on internal editing and external signing authors, which will not affect the number and quality of the output and quality of the English version of magazines and cross -media content. It only stops the sales of English printing versions in the US newspaper channel.Readers can still subscribe to printed and electronic version magazines through channels such as networks and mailing; it will not affect the number of nearly 1.8 million subscribers in the current English version.

Coincidentally, the world's oldest and most published Austrian Vienna Daily, the last time on June 30th, will be available in the form of a paper version, and will only provide news on the Internet in the future.The Vienna Daily was first published on August 8, 1703, with "conveying sober news" as its mission.After the newspaper was suspended, the printing plant was closed, and there are currently only 20 editorial teams.The sadness of the newspaper is reflected in the front version of the topic of the long history of the newspapers: 116840 days, 3839 months, 320 years, 12 presidents, 10 emperors, 2 republics, and 1 newspaper.

Paper media shutdown is not news long ago, but the shutdown of old media such as the National Geographic and Vienna Daily Daily has once again attracted people's attention.Without readers, or readers, it will not be enough to maintain the operation and survival of the media. It is not new to stop publishing in traditional paper media.However, it is necessary to have new products to maintain survival, and the state geography statement reflects this.They just stopped the sales of the English version of the magazine printed version in the US newspaper stall channel, but the printing and electronic version of the magazine were still there, and there were nearly 1.8 million bookgers.Similarly, the Vienna Daily only provides news on the Internet, that is, the release of electronic versions.

When the paper version becomes a smaller product, and even becomes an optional product, the electronic version has become a new media product, supporting the current and future media markets.This is the consensus of all media people. Of course, it is also used by other industries, or other industries reflect this.

Without new products and accepted by consumers, it may be completely eliminated, and film cameras and digital cameras are the same.Before the rise of digital cameras, film cameras were popular all over the world, and to this day, they are also favored by retro photographers who like to record life with film.In the past, the competition in the global market was mainly film cameras and films. There are two major brands of Kodak and Fuji in Japan. They have almost divided the glue market in the world.

However, during the 2000 color film market reached its peak period, due to the prosperity of digital cameras, colorful rubber rolls fell rapidly by 20%to 30%per year.The final result was that Kodak's basic bankruptcy, and Fuji was dying.

Both companies are seeking new products to rescue themselves.After the bankruptcy and reorganization in 2013, Kodak has been working hard to transform, trying to cross -border digital images, mobile phones, magazines and other fields, and in July 2021, he received US $ 765 million (about S $ 1.03 billion) in the US government in July 2021.Loan, Create Kodak Pharmaceutical Company.Obviously, cross -domain operations and transformation accept digital products can save Kodak.

Fuji may be the presence of Chunjiang Water Warm, and has an earlier understanding of the subversion of digital technology on traditional film products and markets. Therefore, it has developed diversified development around core technology and core competitiveness, and strives to create new products.The company established the Fuji Film Advanced Research Institute to integrate cutting -edge core technology, organic synthetic chemistry, advanced printing materials and other fields. It mainly entered the medical industry and occupied the medical photography film market, such as X photography and CT scanning film.Because their core technology is still competitive, such as collagen technology (main raw materials), nano -decentralized technology, and antioxidant technology.

In the past and present, it was long -term transmission of updates or cage changes in the media industry. The basic and technologies of the update lies in electronic, digital, and networked.Therefore, it is possible to win readers and markets for making good electronic products.The national geographical statement has not stopped publication. The foundation and foundation lies in that they have new and better electronic magazines, and printed (paper version) magazines that have not been completely abandoned by old readers. Of course, there are fewer.

This may be the basis for the media to survive today, but to survive better, more new products may need to be developed, such as the stereo (three -dimensional) products based on network distribution, such as short medium and medium videosEven long videos, and it is time to attract audiences and readers when the event occurs and shoots, after simple editing, and even live broadcast.

The National Geographic has always quoted a paragraph in which their reporter Merner Williams wrote to the editor in 1929 as a reason for their passion and pride: "The most happy thing is that a reporter can pass throughPhotos and text, lead the members of the 1.25 million National Geographic Society to climb the mountain with him, overlook the world, and then say to them: "Despite it, if it wasn't for me, you can't see it all. '"

In fact, this statement is a bit outdated, because there are countless people and methods that can replace reporters in terms of uniqueness and timeliness; countless people can travel to the distance and upload them in time by shooting.The beautiful scenery, and even the excellent scenery of various places, allows global netizens to appreciate with the photographer instantly.This is especially true for tourism and fashion media that have special requirements for vision and audio.People may not need interviews and shooting by reporters. Through mobile phone photography, they can appreciate the scenery and scenery of the world in time. Although these scenery may not be as high -quality as professional photography reporters, videos and live broadcasts may be able to make up.

The same is true for the media in current affairs, economy, technology, and other areas.The Russian and Ukraine War subverted media products.When the Ukraine can shoot the battlefield and screen in real time through the camera and equipment worn by the head, and uploaded to the Internet in real time through the star chain, including war decision -making, behavior, process, and methods, it will have developed revolutionary changes, not to mention it is, let alone it isBattlefield news.Without the shooting and reports of reporters, the frontline officers and soldiers will use videos to report everything faster.Therefore, reporters are not irreplaceable.

Therefore, if the national geography and other media are not eliminated, the new products are produced and consumed by the market and readers.

The author is Beijing scholar