Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued an evaluation report, arguing that the Fukushima nuclear sewage discharge plan in Japan "meets international security standards", but it has not been able to relieve the suspicion of neighboring countries.Sexuality is also doubtful that, in addition to the issues of the public transportation nuclear disaster on behalf of the public transport on behalf of the public transportation, but also because the official has not allowed third parties other than IAEA, including the independent sampling test of experts from China and South Korea, including China and South Korea, including China and South Korea.If the Japanese side believes that the Fukushima nuclear sewage is "safe", it can be discharged in domestic lakes, or other uses in the country, without special construction of tunnel discharge into the sea.The Japanese side regards the IAEA assessment report as a "shield". I believe that the discharge plan will be launched soon. The Hong Kong government must take the health of citizens and strictly control the import of seafood.compromise.

"Compliance with standards" non -support emissions

IAEA Evaluation Report Removal

In April 2021,

In April 2021, it was decided to dilute the Fugshima's first nuclear power plant to be diluted into the sea after filtering, and the discharge time was set at the time of "spring and summer" earlier this year.At the end of last month, Tokyo Electric Power Company, which is responsible for operating the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station (hereinafter referred to as Dongdian), announced that the underwater tunnel used to discharge these so -called "handling water" was completed.It is regarded as the last level before the emission.

According to IAEA, the organization was invited by the Japanese side to set up a special working group, led by the senior officials of the organization. The members include 11 experts from third -party countries such as the United States, Britain, Australia, China and South Korea.The working group is responsible for reviewing the emission plans of the Japanese government and Dongdian in order to ensure that the "processing process" meets the security standards of IAEA.The Japanese government has always been the main donation country of IAEA.Earlier, the Korean Internet media quoted a document provided by sources, which mentioned that the Japanese "senior officials" said that the conclusion of the IAEA report confirmed the safety of the emission plan.Donation "donation" solves the differences between the Japanese government, IAEA and third -party national experts.The Japanese government strongly denied reports, including donating more than one million euros to IAEA on the issue of "dealing with water", describing the report "has no basis" and "spread false news."

IAEA General Director -General Grossis visited Japan this week and met with Prime Minister Kishida, and the evaluation report was officially exposed.The report believes that the Japanese discharge plan is "comply with international security standards" and "the radiation impact on humans and the environment is very small." IAEA will continue to follow up and evaluate the safety situation after the discharge starts.It is worth noting that Groos emphasized in the report that the emission plan is the decision of the Japanese government. The evaluation report "does not recommend or support the approach". It feels that IAEA wants to keep the distance.The discharge decision has nothing to do with itself. However, for the Japanese official, the IAEA report is the "shield" of the emission plan.

Fukushima nuclear sewage has been in contact with the melted reactor pile core, which contains a variety of dangerous radiation substances.Japan officially claims that these water can be filtered by the ALPS purification system to remove a variety of radiation substances. As for the elements that cannot be processed, they are diluted with a large amount of seawater without safety problems. IAEA believes that the "process" of this processing is in line with international security itselfStandards, but as Hong Kong and some foreign experts say, it is one thing that security has proven security in the laboratory. Nuclear sewage has been discharged into the sea for a long time. There is no international precedent support. The actual consequences can be another matter.Earlier this year, scientific magazines published an article quoting Robert Richmond, an American marine biologist, saying that the Fukushima nuclear sewage is "safer than drinking water" after dilution.The radioactivity level in the natural state of the sea, and the nuclear sewage is concentrated at a point of discharge for decades. The pupae and other radioactive substances may accumulate in marine creatures and pass it to humans through the food chain.

In 2018, Japan has reported that the Fukushima nuclear sewage processed by ALPS has a sample that tests radioactive substances higher than legal standards.South Korean experts were arranged to visit Fukushima last month. South Korean officials revealed that according to the inspection delegation, the Japanese purification nuclear sewage equipment has had eight failures since 2013.It contains radiation and other radiation, exceeding international standards, and whether the relevant devices can operate for a long time are yet to be determined.Japan often "treats water" after Filter Filty Island, which is compared with the cooling water of the average nuclear power plant. It is believed that the two are as safe, but some Hong Kong experts pointUse related water sources.Japan's approach is to lay pipes to discharge "treatment of water" to the sea 1 km of offshore.The Japanese ruling alliance officials went to Fukushima to get tickets earlier and said that they should avoid discharged nuclear sewage during the summer swimming season.All these are felt that the Japanese side is not intended to be people, and the risk of nuclear pollution is passed on to the world, and it is irresponsible and not moral.

Reasonably tighten the entrance of aquatic products

Can't be timid revenge

Since the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Japanese government and Dongdian have been repeatedly revealed to conceal the truth. To this day, Fukushima Fisheries and some civil organizations oppose the emission plan.Instead, they do not believe that the official will be responsible for handling incidents.In South Korea, 100,000 people rally opposed Japan's insistence on discharge nuclear sewage; in Beijing, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out yesterday that IAEA is an evaluation review at the invitation of the Japanese side.The "pass" of the sea is not proved to prove that the sea is the safest and most reliable option to dispose of nuclear pollution water.Japanese officials refused to let the stakeholders such as China and South Korea independently sampling analysis, and even the most basic steps were unwilling to do it. It is difficult to remove the suspicion of neighboring countries.

Japan received the results of the IAEA assessment, and the discharge operations will soon begin. At that time, the SAR government tightens the entrance of the Japanese aquatic products. It is inevitable that it is too late to strengthen the level if the entry sampling check finds the problem.Hong Kong is the largest export market in Japanese food and the second largest export place for Japanese agriculture, forestry and aquatic products. I believe that Japanese side may send staff to Hong Kong to lobby or even pressure.In the counter retaliation, the SAR official must also focus on the health of the citizens, and keep it tightly.