Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lian Dao Main Written Room

Hou Youyi, the mayor of New Taipei, on behalf of the Kuomintang's election, accepted Zhao Shaokang on TVBS TV. When he talked about the military service, he said that if he was elected president, it must ensure that the cross -strait was stable and peaceful and resumed the military service period for four months.

Because Hou Youyi finally expressed his support to support the "1992 Consensus in the Constitution of the Republic of China", the military service was relatively suppressed, and it was not until now that he was a hot topic.Green Camps scolded, and naturally could not be in canned saliva.However, the questioning of legislators Luo Zhizheng was a real pain point: Hou Youyi's next visit to the United States will become the US test questions.

Tsai Ing -wen has started to resort to the gap between generations and sends young votes.Nevertheless, it will still announce the extension of military service extension policies after the nine -in -the -in -law election defeat in 2022.The key is naturally that the severe situation of the cross -strait military comparison, more obvious and direct pressure comes from Washington, forcing Taiwan to show the determination of defense.In addition to the extension of military service, other reserve mobilizations, such as strengthening the reserve, all see the influence of the United States.

The national security policy has been around foreign countries, not multi -color, but no one can deny that this is international reality.Lan Camp is naturally not like the Green Camp's anti -China hatred and embrace the United States, but can it be ignored the United States in their national security strategy?At present, no one will dare to claim so much except for a few urgent people.

Therefore, the sensitivity of military issues is no less than cross -strait policies, nuclear power and waste.Hou Youyi, who had previously been too careful, seemed to be overwhelming.The proposition to restore the four -month military service is more radical than the Kuomintang Central Committee, Think Tank and Most Party Legislator.Before Hou interviewed on the show, did he have a full communication with comrades in the party?Is there a theoretical structure that can withstand the challenges of the outside world?Or cater to the host and the direct answer?

The deeper problem is: because of historical factors, the relationship between the blue camp and the army is far closer than the green camp. Many opinion leaders are used to think that if you are familiar with the military, you can use your own or father and brother's military experience.Including the issue of national defense policies, the results often speak lightly and grant people to handle.By the same token, the veteran generals of the year of the puppets have complained, and the value of the mainland government or green camp has the opportunity to tout or apply red.As for the veteran generals have been retired for several years, it is not important to be disconnected to the software and hardware of the modern army.

On the other hand, the green camps, which have been decentralized with the military in the past, have begun to actively operate national defense issues in recent years.Especially after 2016, relying on the governance opportunities, the National Security Association carefully arranged President Tsai to go to various battalions to carry out the "military heart project". In addition, the implementation of obvious differences in active duty and veterans really did a good impression in the minds of younger generations of officers and soldiers.Base.Many green camp people or famous people who have questioned and criticized the army in the past have also changed their body, and they have become the biggest protection of the army.

In all fairness, the green camp advocates a tough position for the mainland, and its national defense and military agencies should pay more attention and recognition than the Blue Camp.However, in the past seven years, many examples have proved that the general green opinion leaders of the troops are usually closed, and many people still exist in their bones. The hatred or implied soldiers who have developed for many years will be revealed by accident.

More serious is that because of the worldview of the construction of the green camp, the premise of "all evil China will die", so from the great strategy to the founding of the military, it cannot be contrary to this "theology".However, in recent years, the enemy on the other side has indeed become stronger and stronger, and the gap between the military forces on both sides of the strait is indeed larger and bigger, and the "evil empire" is a while and a half.Even if the war broke out, there was nothing to be afraid of, because all countries would inevitably pull the knife to help, and they can definitely break through the paper tiger on the other side.Once a foreign dignitaries have made similar claims, no matter how much polite scenes, no matter what the other party's image is in the country, it is as good as the goblin.

The recent example of this mentality is that legislator Zhao Tianlin recently invited to the "2023 Taiwanese Summer Meeting" in the United States to speak "Analysis of the Military and Economic Strategy of Peace and Taiwan".The four strategies of the world can not cross the sea, can't get on the shore, and occupy Taiwan ", and said that as long as there is something in Taiwan, there is something in the world.The unique overseas Chinese in the audience must be comforted, but how much this kind of thing contains it is self -evident.

In short, as one of the global potential gunpowder libraries, Taiwan is facing a dangerous security situation. The attitude of holding on the existence of life and death is often flowing by self -proclaimed, or it is full of wishes.The stubbornness of each other and wished each other were stirred up.It is difficult to discuss the security issues of the Republic of China (or Taiwan).