Source: Ming Pao

Author: Emil Avdaliani

The geographical area extended from the Black Sea to Central Asia has become an extremely important geopolitical space. A large part of the new world order is shaped here.The United States, the European Union, India, Japan, Iran, Turkey, Russia, China, and Gulf countries compete in their respective ways to have influence on the South Asia and South Caucansus, which makes this region become more and more crowded geographical geographical geographyPolitical Space.Based on its neighboring geographical and substantial military and economic potential, some countries have projected their forces more conspicuously; and even though other countries have weak strength, they still have ambitions to speak regional affairs.

The overall trend is that the geopolitical wrestling of the hearts of Eurasia is increasing. All parties compete for the trade route and soft power in this area, so that the ability to create world order in the future.

Russia's invasion of black acceleration "intermediate corridor" rise

Most of the South Gaogo and Central Asia have been viewed separately in the past.And indeed, the two are separated by the broad Caspian Sea; however, the trade and geopolitical development since the disintegration of the Soviet Union show that these two regions that constitute the hearts of Eurasia should be regarded as the two regions of the hearts of Eurasia, which should be regarded as being considered as considered as theA group of "Continuous Geographic Area", which borders other powerful countries, also needs to develop infrastructure to develop infrastructure to connect Europe and Asia, the European Union and China.

Russia invaded Ukraine last year, accelerating this process-under Western sanctions, the traditional Russian traditional trading line was damaged, which caused the search for the alternative trading corridor of the Central Asia-South Caucasus, and these two regions.It is regarded as an urgent need for a single area.

Under geopolitical changes, regional power vacuum

Furthermore, global geopolitical changes have created a certain power vacuum in South China Caucasus and Central Asia.Nowadays, there are no single countries that can lead these two regions alone; 8 countries in the two districts seeks the game of Balancing —

Kazakh, who is tired of the echo of the Ukrainian war, has adopted a series of foreign policy attitudes to strengthen the connection with Turkey, the European Union and China; similar motivations have also driven Uzbek's foreign policy; Azerbaijan and Georgia are the sameSeeking a balanced foreign policy between many major powers; even Armenia, which has traditional security dependence on Russia, is now seeking a larger foreign policy.

This exploration of larger rotation space has prompted multiple power to project forces into Central Asia-South Caucasus, which especially focuses on the emerging "Middle Corridor".For example, Brussels has become more frank to disclose its ambition to the wider black sea area, including the South Caucasus; and high -level personnel visit the area and reach substantial investment to improve regional infrastructure, which is showing that the EU's extent continues to increase.Georgia has been transformed into a place for EU candidate members.Brussels also signed a new natural gas agreement with Azerbaijan, aiming to double the input volume of natural gas from the Lihai, and also signed an agreement to build a Black Sea cable connected from the South High School to the EU region.In the long run, Brussels will expand its gaze in trade, transportation, and energy opportunities along the middle corridor.

Türkiye also supports the corridor.Combining its close relationship with Azerbaijan, Ankara's ambition to Central Asia has increased, while Turkey regards the area as its geopolitical forces.When Turkish President Erdogan held a summit with Kazakh President Toccyev in May last year, he clearly mentioned the need to promote the middle corridor.

You need to observe the Black Sea Sea

However, to fully implement this corridor connecting the European Union and China, there is still a long way to go.First of all, the existing infrastructure facilities in the Central Asia and South China Caucasus still need to increase investment, and the freight transportation volume across the Lihai has not yet reached expectations.Secondly, Kazakh and other Central Asian countries have just taken the first step in improving their roads and railway infrastructure; the opening of the famous China-Kyrgyz-Uzbek Railway also takes a lot of time.

A battle against the heart of Eurasia's mainland is gradually starting.People need to observe the wider Black Sea region and the Lihai, rather than separate.If Central Asia becomes another transportation option of the Russian Corridor, which has been severely damaged, the shortest alternative route is through the Lili Sea and South Gaococean. This can usher in a period of continuous transportation routes.Silk Road in most regions.

(the original article is English, translated by Ming Pao into Chinese)

The author is a professor of international relations with Georgian European University