Following the overthrow of the abortion right a year ago, the context was protected by the Constitution, the US Supreme Court made an amazing judgment on June 29, and objected to 3 votes with 6 votes."(Affirmative Action) is unconstitutional.These two universities are the oldest private and public universities in the United States.

The so -called equal rights action is to consider the racial background of some students (especially blacks, Latin or Spanish and indigenous) when they are raised, and give discounts instead of choosing a good admission.However, some Asians accused that the recruitment of equal rights seems to only consider black students, but Asian students have been suffered from many difficulties and discrimination, and some famous universities also deliberately raised the admission threshold for Asian students.Therefore, they brought the University of Harvard and North Carolina to court.

For conservatives represented by the Republican Party, the court's decision is another political victory.A few days ago, the court also rejected the same number of votes with the same votes that the president Biden had to reduce the plan to reduce 430 billion US dollars (about 580 billion yuan) student loans, which referred to this move that was unconstitutional.In another case involving homosexuality issues, the court also decided that the freedom of speech stipulated in the Constitution allowed some companies to refuse to provide services to homosexual weddings.

The United States Cable Television News Network (CNN) said that conservatives strive to transform the United States through the court, which seems to be smooth.

We look at it coldly, this trend is indeed obvious.Conservatives seem to be seizing the opportunity to make a ruling that is favorable for conservative forces to take advantage of the majority of the Supreme Court.John Glover Roberts JR, a conservative judge, also seems to be expanding his influence.This also has to "thank" Trump, because it was during his time when he joined the White House that three conservative judges were continuously appointed, so that the Supreme Court of Justice Teams formed Six (Conservatives) to Six (Freedom).Conservative advantage.

The judgment of the above -mentioned equal rights enrollment is highlighted: the US judicial system is highly politicized, and the political and party tendencies of the judges are extremely clear.When they voted, they did not hide the confrontation of ideology.At present, the Republican Party has controlled the House of Representatives with a weak majority, but the Democratic Party controls the Senate with an advantage in a horse -nose. The two -party forces are actually equivalent to form a confrontation and stalemate in Congress.Therefore, the Supreme Court has become the main battlefield of the Republican Party on various policies.

Secondly, the judgment also shows that the racial problems in the United States are not only resolved because of equal rights action, but to treat the silk.Activity is the product of the Black People's Rights Movement, which began in the 1960s, aiming to actively improve a series of compensation measures for employment, education and other opportunities of discriminatory group members.However, this kind of racial factors are "extremely left", which will inevitably stimulate the resentment and countermeasures of conservative white and right.The race barrier not only did not ease, but increased new cracks.This is enough to show that the racial problem is like a honeycomb. The worse, the worse, and the law not only does not help, but worsen the hostility.

U.S. elites and politicians have always hung equal and human rights on their mouths, but the facts show that the issue of racial discrimination that has lasted for more than 200 years is still fermenting.Activity does not solve this tricky problem.The pendulum at the left end was placed back to the right end after decades.Some people say that the liberals in the United States have compensated for the original sin of the black slave, and they are compensated by guilt. They must help black people such as black people through the equal rights method.However, in the case of most African, Spain (Latin) and other ethnic groups that cannot change their living conditions (including poverty, absence, drug use, crime, crushing family, etc.) as a whole, they are only cure for the standard.

At the same time, liberal liberals dominated by cities, and vigorously promoted and promoted "Progressivism" in educational, abortion, homosexuality and other topics, which also caused conservative anxiety.This not only leads to the opposition and social tear of conservative and freedoms, but also formed the so -called identity politics and differentiation of society.Therefore, in various major and controversial domestic topics, the two factions are almost incompatible with water and fire, and they can't talk about compromise.

The United States is a society that competes against fighting.But can the court solve the problem?The answer is obvious: impossible.The court can judge one party to "win the lawsuit", but the one who cannot be taken by the losing party often arouses the more fierce hatred of the losing party, making the contradiction between the two sides more sharply, and it is more difficult to compromise. As a result, the cracks are getting deeper and deeper.The court can resolve some disputes in accordance with the law, but it is impossible to solve complex and multi -end social and political issues through judgment.But all the problems were handed in to the court, but in turn restricted the function of the government (administrative department).

The nine judges of the Supreme Court were decided by voting, and the most of the party was finalized.For example, the five people agree that the four people's opinions are the final judgment, although the other four can express their different views or objections in the verdict.In this equal rights enrollment judgment, an interesting episode appeared, namely, of the two black judges, one belongs to conservatives and one belongs to liberals.The left and the names are mutually named.The verdict is released, and the words between the judges are also public, which is equivalent to sending a signal to the society. The judge has inconsistent opinions and the two sides of the book. Therefore, there is also a reason to continue the struggle.

The reaction of the two parties of the Republic and the Democracy to the judgment is expected.Republicans, including Trump, applauded loudly, thinking that this is a major victory of freedom of speech and religious freedom.Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said that the Supreme Court made him very proud of him, and he safeguarded his personal constitutional rights and limited government.Democratic President Biden said with a big furious saying: This is not a normal court. "We can't make this decision a final decision, and there is still discrimination in the United States."The Republican Party says one thing, the Democratic Party (including the president) says another thing, it is just that they (voters) are good.Does the court solve the problem?No.In fact, the court's constant cases are difficult to say anything.

In accordance with the principle of separation of three powers, the court had no right to involve political issues.However, in the United States, almost all major political issues are attributed to the dispute over the interpretation of the constitutional provisions, such as dealing with illegal immigration issues with political disputes, the problem of gun control, carbon emissions, etc.In terms of greatly restricting the administrative power of government departments, on the other hand, it is to give the court more and more extensive "power" and political influence.

Except for the above cases, the abolition of the upper limit of political donations is another prominent example.In 2010, the Supreme Court decided to cancel the restrictions on the expenditure of independent campaign activities of the company and the trade union. In 2014, the 5-4 voting results (5 conservative judges, 4 free liberals) ruling, canceled the Federal Federal Federal in 1974Candidates and political parties participated in the upper limit of the maximum donation of the campaign activities, and believed that the restrictions violated the right to speak freedom of citizens.This means that the rich, consortiums, and various huge interest groups have become more and more influential on politics, and they also have more muddy "golden power politics" in the United States.

The United States is still the only super strong in the world today, and its military power is unprecedented.Therefore, many people do not agree that it is weakening.However, there are more and more problems in the US democratic system. Congress is stalemate. The government is limited everywhere. Many political and social problems cannot be resolved. The vitality of the country is constantly mourning, but it is an indisputable fact.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress