Source: Taiwan China Times Society

Ke Wenzhe advocates cross -strait economic and trade exchanges, and also mentioned the topic of restarting service trade. It was criticized by the DPP spokesman Lin Chuin, saying that Ke Wenzhe "abandoned value" for the election, and he may have a "second solar flower school movement".She also quoted the data, saying that there was no good economy in Taiwan under the "service trade". In the past 10 years, GDP has grown 33%. Did Ke Wenzhe open the service industry to save mainland China?Ke Wenzhe criticized the Democratic Progressive Party to create fake news every day. He also asked Lai Qingde. Should ECFA continue?It is unbearable that the unshaps institutional arrangements for economic and trade on both sides of the strait have gradually deteriorated the dilemma of the service industry in Taiwan. It must be clarified, and it is time for the DPP fallacy.

Ke Wenzhe duel DPP

Taiwan is a small economy next to a huge economy, and it will inevitably generate high economic and trade interaction according to the "gravity theory".This is why Mexico and Canada rely on 70 % of the United States in exports, and Ireland and Britain also rely on EU to reach more than 50 %.Considering the same types of cross -strait texts, only 40 % of the exports of the mainland, which is already low under the political entanglement of cross -strait sides of the strait. Therefore, Taiwan paid the price and ranked at the end of the export growth of East Asian countries.Today, the competitive countries in East Asia have signed a "Free Trade Agreement" with mainland China, but there is no between the two sides of the strait. Taiwan must pay tariffs on land exports.Low.At present, ECFA only covers 5%of the goods projects, and the service industry is open only 10 up and down, and it cannot reverse Taiwan's competitive disadvantages.

If the DPP even covers only a very low -proportion of ECFA, on the grounds of "benefits for both sides of the strait", it is humbled to ask the other side to suspend its application, but it has severely criticized Ke Wenzhe proposed to sign a complete free trade agreement proposition.Isn't it completely contradictory?If the service trade and trade and trade will really make the Taiwan economy be gone, why not remove evil, and immediately terminate ECFA?The Democratic Progressive Party used hype to hype young people's fear of unemployment, fabricating and exaggerating the risk of service trade agreements, creating a "Sunflower Study Game", and successfully blocked the "service trade". But what is the result?

The Democratic Progressive Party proposed data that Taiwan's economy has grown 33%without the service trade and goods trade;Industry.These exports of the Kuomintang government wisely signed the "Information Science and Technology Agreement" (ITA) of the WTO in 1996 to exempt tariff exports to major countries including mainland China, and also allowed the Taiwan economy to grow significantly.Conversely, the service industry in Taiwan is not so lucky.Because there is no "cross -strait service trade agreement", Taiwan has obvious advantages in service industries, such as science and technology services, financial services, medical management, long -term services, etc., and cannot enter the mainland market.Get high salaries under the expansion of the market; it can only be squeezed in the narrow market to receive a low salary under high competition.

Taking the most people wholesale and retail industry (1.7 million employers) as an example, the average monthly salary of 42,000 yuan (NT $ 1,831) in 2013 before the Sun Flower Student Games, the backward manufacturing industry45,000 yuan is about 3,000 yuan; by 2022, although it has grown to 52,000 yuan, the 60,000 yuan behind the manufacturing industry reaches 8,000 yuan, a gap of 5,000 yuan.

There is no prospect for the low salary of the service industry

In other words, because the service industry in Taiwan has no sufficient economic hinterland, and more and more manufacturing in salaries grows behind, there are more and more manufacturing industries, resulting in a general low salary and no future for the service industry.The DPP only tells everyone that the economy still has growth under the "service trade" and "cargo trade", but dare not tell you that the service industry grows up and the salary growth is slow, but this is the employment of 60 % of the employees in Taiwan.Main force.Without solving the problem of low salaries in the service industry, you cannot solve the sense of weakness and crisis of young people.

As for whether the mainland service industry will pour into Taiwan like a tide, threatening the employment opportunities of the people of Taiwan?In fact, some studies have shown that most of the land service industry has no interest in the narrow market in Taiwan, and the service level of Taiwan is significantly higher than that of the land. So far, there are only land companies returning from the feathers.Enterprise.If there are really fear, you can add a "national security clause" when restarting the service trade business, setting "total amount control" to make the public feel at ease.

The service trade is only good for Taiwan's economic development. Ke Wenzhe said: "I said that opposing the black box service is not against the service trade."Don't continue?The Kuomintang has always supported the service trade, but it has nothing to do; since the DPP dare not oppose ECFA, the people's party branch holds the service trade restart;If politicians are really conscience, why not stand on the position of benefiting the people, and immediately restart the service trade agreement?