Indian Prime Minister Modi Modi first visited the United States on June 21 and obtained the reception of US President Biden Biden.The two met at the White House on June 22, announcing a series of national defense and business agreements to promote US -Indian military and economic relations.The United States and India strengthen bilateral relations and start the "one of the most influential relations in the 21st century" described by Biden, which cannot be underestimated on the impact of the international geopolitical pattern.Although the joint statements of Modi and Biden and even both parties have not mentioned that response to China is obviously an important motivation for the two countries to improve bilateral relations.Once the US -India relations are upgraded, the cornerstone of the "Indo -Pacific Strategy" advocated by Washington will inevitably change the international situation.

The improvement of the US -India relations has its own motivation. The trade volume of the two countries has doubled in the past 10 years. Last year, it reached a new high of 191 billion US dollars (about S $ 256.2 billion), making the United States the largest trading partner in IndiaIt is also the third largest source of direct investment in India.Modi met with Musk, founder of Tesla in New York on June 20. The latter promised to make "major investment" in India as soon as possible at "artificial possible".The US chip factory Micron Technology also announced its investment in more than $ 800 million, establishing a $ 2.75 billion semiconductor assembly and testing facilities in India.U.S. Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturers Application Materials Company announced that creating a new semiconductor commercialization and innovation center.The chip manufacturer Panlin Group provides training for up to 60,000 engineers in India.

Modi's biggest highlight is that the United States agrees to provide advanced military technology and strengthen bilateral defense cooperation.The United States General Electric announced the cooperation with Indian State -owned India Airlines to produce the Indian Air Force production fighter engine, including the F414 engine developed by India's "glorious" light fighter.Biden and Modi also discussed the US MQ-9B "Maritime Guard" drone transaction. This drone helps strengthen Indian patrol and defense with the border between China and Pakistan.The two also talked about a new defense agreement allowing US naval ships to perform major maintenance in Indian shipyards.At the same time, India plans to sign the Antomis Agreement initiated by the United States to develop the space industry in peace, security, responsibility and sustainable ways.At present, more than 20 countries have signed to join, but Russia and China are not among them.

In the context of the game in the United States and China without slowing down, Indian and Chinese relations are still in the background of the valley. Modi's intention to visit the US Xiangzhuang dance sword is well known.New Delhi refused to issue visas for the last two Chinese official media reporters in the country on the grounds of equivalent treatment.Earlier, major Indian media reporters in China could not return to posts. The two countries have appeared in the 1980s.After the border conflict of China and India in June 2020, it fell into tension, and India then actively participated in a security dialogue led by the United States.Beijing believes that a security dialogue is designed to curb China.Today, the United States and India strengthen military and economic cooperation, allowing the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific Ocean to form a geopolitical whole. The "Indo -Pacific Strategy" in the United States has a more foundation and constitutes a strategic compression of China.

However, what is the extent of India's participation in international geopolitical games, and there are still variables.India's conservative diplomatic tradition has been manifested in the "non -alignment movement" since independence. Avoid choosing by the United States and Soviet Union in the Cold War, but also trying to control the source.Due to the trade with the British East India Companies in the early 17th century, it was eventually colonized in history, and India was negative when looking at the free trade agreement.Relationship Agreement.In addition, the political mountains of various domestic states in India have a serious internal trade barriers in themselves. The bureaucratic style also allows foreign capital to follow. Therefore, China still has a certain time and space to strive for strategic buffer.

In any case, through the enthusiastic reception of Modi, the United States shows that the two big powers hope to deepen cooperation and jointly respond to China's strategic intentions. The geopolitical significance is rather far -reaching.The new round of international political games started by the Russian and Ukraine War forced India to review the traditional relationship with Russia.India has replaced China's largest population position, and its population structure is relatively young. In addition, the West is seeking decouplery with the Chinese economy, and the development potential of New Delhi fishermen is huge.If India can grasp the timing of history, the so -called "21st century is the Asian century" statement, I am afraid that there is a different understanding.