Source: Taiwan Economic Daily News

TSMC recently held a common meeting of shareholders and discussed two challenges around TSMC: the challenges of geopolitics and energy supply. Both of them were not in TSMC and became a problem that TSMC must be overcome.From the founder Zhang Zhongmou to the current chairman Liu Deyin, the external test faced by TSMC has continued to change, but there is a test that the extension has never changed all the way, that is, whether Taiwan's energy supply is sufficient; Liu Deyin has made many extensions at the shareholders' meeting.It is worthy of the attention of relevant government units.

Looking at Liu Deyin and President Wei Zhejia's speeches on energy at the shareholders' meeting, the three judgments or expectations of TSMC with TSMC's energy supply are: the government believes that power supply is enough, "we can only believe"; green power has developed.Slow; Taiwan cannot reach carbon neutrality by 2030, depending on when it can be done by 2050.The above three things just cover the short, medium and long -term trends of Taiwan's energy. Although TSMC "believes" in 2025, it will not be missing in 2025, but the lack of green electricity in the middle period is a fact.Essence

TSMC's conversation at the shareholders' meeting did not unexpectedly become the subject of offensive and defensive and defensive between blue and green and white parties.The Democratic Progressive Party believes that TSMC affirmed the government's determination to maintain stability and development of power supply. In the opposite party, TSMC believes that TSMC obviously does not worry about Taiwan's energy supply.Taiwan political parties are fiercely competitive. Once TSMC's comments on energy have been politically politically, they cannot pragmly look at the industry's advice on the current energy supply, and then lose the opportunity to roll up the energy policy.

In terms of power supply and stability, although TSMC chooses to believe that the government has enough power supply, the industry still has a lot of doubts about this.The Cai government's energy transformation policy will be accepted in 2025. At that time, all nuclear power will exit, but the offshore wind power that will be replaced will gradually enter the peak of enabled power generation from the second half of this year., Still time to verify.Another supporting solution for natural gas power generation, the construction progress of the receiving station after the fourth receipt is still unclear. If the next four, five, and six receiving stations cannot be promoted as scheduled, it will affect the elasticity and stability of the future natural gas power generation scheduling.

In the development of Green Energy, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has previously acknowledged that the development of green energy in 2025 cannot reach 20%of the goal, because the growth of electricity use exceeds expectations.As the European Union's carbon tax is about to be levied, the industry is actively responding, but there are more green energy monks in Taiwan in Taiwan. In the next few years, they cannot meet the needs of the industry. Although the industry can meet the requirements of the EU through the purchase of CBAM vouchers, this will inevitably increase this will inevitably increaseThe export cost of the industry, long -term solution is still the industrial chain that can reduce carbon rows in all aspects of production in Taiwan, that is, to reduce the carbon row. Successful green electricity is a key policy for the government to assist the industry's export competitiveness.

Lai Qingde, the presidential candidate of the DPP, said recently that the relevant government units are evaluating the possibility of using nuclear power at the emergency. Although this move is criticized by the opposition party as a policy turn, from the perspective of maintaining the stability of the power supply,The existing nuclear power plant extension is a feasible direction.Japan has not only agreed to the use of nuclear power units until 60 years before, but it can also exceed 60 years if necessary. The Taiwan Nuclear Second and Nuclear Three Factory has the feasibility of extension.The pressure on the increase in electricity prices caused by the increase in the proportion of natural gas power generation and reduces the pressure on the increase in the proportion of natural gas power generation, which is also helpful for Taiwan to accelerate the achievement of carbon neutrality and targets.

Liu Deyin and other TSMC's judgment and suggestions on the supply of energy supply in Taiwan are from the pragmatic assessment of the industry. In short, it is the thinking of the engineers to find out the problem. There is no political consideration behind it.Liu Deyin said that TSMC did not build the power plant because it was "not TSMC's professional scope", and the significance behind it was that TSMC believed that the government, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Taipower could deal with power supply.At present, the total amount and speed of the development of green power are not as good as expected. TSMC suggested that the government must have "new methods" to invest in green energy, including the optimization of administrative procedures and the introduction of overseas technology. They are all places where the government is still inadequate.TSMC's point of stable power supply, enhanced green energy and reducing carbon row is the three keys of energy supply. It is necessary to rely on "professional treatment" instead of "political treatment", which is the voice of the industry.