The US Goldman Sachs Group recently released a report on 300 million jobs may be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI), which once again provoked people's anxiety about AI.The author agrees that although AI has developed rapidly in the near future, it has not yet reached a stage when it can replace human work on a large scale.I heard that a scholar encouraged reading, saying that the more knowledge you got in the book, the higher the probability of a "chemical reaction" of the brain, and the more he can derive the different views of things.Therefore, before the "limit" did not really arrive, the author believes that Chinese people should use this "transition period" to actively improve personal knowledge and prepare for the future situation.

The author believes that although human beings do not have various super -strong learning and analytical abilities of robots, etc., view of the development of civilization, especially in science.The keen observation or with the unique inspiration of human beings has achieved certain technical breakthroughs.For example, Newton is particularly interested in the wonderful natural phenomenon, and it is said that after seeing Apple falls to the ground, after thinking, the theory of "gravity" was created.

Another like a physicist Dney Patan, after observing the steam's high -pressure cooker, he thought of using his strength, and then researched and created the first steam machine model.After that, several scientists successively improved their early industrial steam engines.The steam engine has a great role in the industrial revolution. It has been used to drive pumps, locomotives and ships, as well as providing motivation for other machinery. Its operations are not affected by geographical location and weather conditions.

These scientists' dedication to research on their own fields, coupled with calm thinking, and meticulous observation and inspiration similar to artists, gain knowledge and technical breakthroughs, and use their discovery to create new things.Their greatness is that they can associate something unrelated.AI has super strong coordination and integration of data, but does it have this transcendent imagination and association ability?Maybe we can learn and follow the methods of the masters and provide a new perspective for some things.

The author noticed that when the Internet was popular, people looked forward to the express delivery that could break through the Internet and break the barriers of information.However, with the rapid commercialization of the Internet, many interesting videos and games appear on the Internet, and the online shopping volume has also increased.This may mean that entertainment and consumer activities have occupied most of the time of ordinary netizens.Perhaps acquiring knowledge from the Internet is no longer a priority for general network users.

However, the wave of AI combined with the Internet has quietly struck, and the impact of subsequent development on young people is particularly huge. Therefore, I believe that I should use AI to improve their learning ability and efficiency.Energy is requested from a huge database or other ways to prepare in advance.

According to many experts, general white -collar workers should avoid high repeats, comply with specific instructions and rules.The author recommends considering industries related to creative and creative types, with the unique views held by his own unique experience, or relying on the imagination of the sky, to create unique works.Art creators may make the arts more delicate, particular, and delicate, and strive to fully reflect the connotation and the personal style and uniqueness of the craftsman.

Establish a personal database that missed online

The author also recommends that the public knows more areas that are similar to their professionalism, and explore whether it can organically combine certain elements in various fields to present new views, practices or things.

For examples related to architecture, architects designed the top shed of the German Munich Olympic Stadium as a translucent tent shape, which is conical.Card in the aluminum frame to make the lights covered with sufficient light and soft.The architect uses this unconventional architectural material to cleverly use a new type of industrial material like fabric.The ceiling reflects unique aesthetic and lighting functions, and has the function of being bearing load. It is a successful example that meets the aesthetics and meet the requirements of mechanics. It is worthy of our reference.

Maybe we should start thinking about how to collect some predictable and important information, because not all information can be searched online.If you can actively find the unprecedented materials, such as the content of some old books or images, these classics may become the small databases of their respective databases to supplement the omissions of the large database.

In terms of humanities and historical research, orally can make up for some shortcomings of cultural history to some extent.These are often interviews with the personal calendar of certain accidents or periods, and catch another perspective and viewpoint of the same thing. Even if they have a certain subjectivity, collect and integrate the views of different people can help restore the truth, which can help restore the truth.Improve the integrity and authenticity of the data.

The interaction between service robots and humans is increasing. It is recommended that the service operator try to make the service more personalized, comprehensive, and intimate, and observe carefully to better understand the customer's preferences, meet their needs, and thus win customer recognition.

In general, in the face of such a rare and far -influencing social change, the author thinks that as long as the Chinese are prepared, carefully observe the surrounding things, understand their inherent logic relationships, and use human flexible thinking and perception ability.Can keep a certain living space for yourself in front of the "enemy".

The author is a local engineer