On the battlefield of Ukraine, Russia is not smooth; in the international arms market, Russia is even more sluggish.

Russia has always been the world's second largest arms exporter, and has maintained a 20%share of the global arms market over the years.However, according to Statista's latest data on 20123, in the global arms market, the US share has reached 40%, Russia has fallen to 16%, France accounts for 11%, ranking third; China reaches 5.2%, ranking fourth.

Ukrainian war exposes many shortcomings of Russian weapons.Taking cruise missiles as an example, Russian weapons have poor accuracy and low proper rate.According to an article published in October 2022, the US Department of Defense believes that the failure rate of Russian missiles has reached 20%to 60%.

Taking Russia's advanced hypersonic weapon as an example.Russian President Putin once claimed that Russian hypersonic weapons were unprofitable.However, in May this year, Mach Mach's dagger missile was intercepted by the Patriot missile in Ukraine.Many people naturally doubt whether Russian weapons can achieve his promotional effect.

The main product of the Russian Army T14 Amata Tank has participated in the Red Square parade every year since its birth.In 2015, he debuted in the Red Square. Now eight years have passed, and you still cannot mass production.In fact, as early as March 2018, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Borisov said that he would not mass -produce Amata.According to US diplomats, Borisov said: "Why do you need a large amount of Alta? The T72 tank has a large number of demand in the market. The T72 upgraded version is more than German, American and French tanks.It's stronger. "Now looking at the Ukrainian battlefield, thousands of destroyed Russian tanks and Borisov's remarks are really attentive.

Russia's weak electronic industry has also limited the development of military products.The higher the high -tech content of modern weapons, the higher the requirements for electronic products.The electronics industry in the Soviet Union lags behind Western countries. Now, most of Russia's chips depend on imports.The international sanctions caused by the Ukraine War made Russia's production advanced weapons more difficult.As early as 2018, India reached an agreement with Russia to purchase five S400 air defense systems. This year, Russia announced that the two S400s were postponed to the delivery.One important reason is that Russia is internationally embargoing, and the acquisition of key components becomes more difficult.

Russian weapon products have always been in the international market with low price and low price.However, when people realize that its products are low, but when it is not necessarily good, many traditional Russian buyers have turned to buy military products from other countries.

The most representative country is Vietnam.During the Soviet Union, Vietnam maintained a very good military cooperative relationship with the Soviet Union. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, almost all the weapons in Vietnam were Soviet equipment.It is the Soviet -class frigate.In the Russian period, the main force of the Vietnamese Air Force equipment was also the procurement of Soviet 27 and Soviet 30 fighters, while the Navy purchased Russia's Kilo -class conventional power submarines.

However, the wind direction has changed in recent years.In terms of light weapons, Vietnam rejected Russia's assault rifle and chose Israel's ACE31 automatic rifle; in terms of air defense weapons, Vietnam purchased three sets of Barack air defense missiles for $ 500 million, rejected Russia's mountain hair, Douer and other air defense missile systemsEssenceIn terms of rocket launchers, Vietnam did not choose Russia's tornado rocket launchers, and chose Israel's Extra multi -tube rocket launcher.

The situation is not optimistic in India.India has always been the largest buyer of Russian weapons. In 2022, India imported $ 1.3 billion in arms from Russia.For India's carrier -based aircraft, Russia has developed MiG 29K, but the Indian Navy decided to purchase 26 French gusts M as the main carrier -based aircraft in the future.

However, India and Russia have a longer cooperation. Russia provided a lot of technical support to India in terms of aircraft carriers, carrier -based aircraft, and cruise missiles.This technical cooperation is expected to last longer.In March of this year, Russia expressed his willingness to transfer the technology of the T14 Amata tank to India. It can be seen how desperate Russia is in the international arms market.It is a sales product.

Another major user of the Russian arms is China.However, the transaction volume of bilateral arms was decreased year by year. In 2005, China imported a $ 3 billion arms from Russia; by 2022, sales had fallen to $ 700 million.

The main reason behind

is that Chinese military industry has continuously learned Russian technology in the past 20 years. The technical level of many products has reached or even exceeds Russian products, and there are not much demand for Russian products.

In terms of the Navy, China has built the first domestic aircraft carrier Shandong and laid off the second aircraft carrier Fujian.Russia's only aircraft carrier Kuznetzov is still lying in a shipyard and has not yet completed maintenance and modification.

In the past few years, the largest military fire in China and Russia is the Su 35 fighter. Its main purpose is to learn the unique vector engine technology of the Su 35 fighter aircraft.At present, in the aviation field, the weakest PLA is aviation engines. The J -20 equipment is still domestic turbofan 10, and more advanced turbofan 15 has no mass production.This may be a few China who wants to introduce Russian products and carry out reverse engineering.However, with the continuous development of Chinese military technology, dependence on Russian weapons will be further reduced.

Given that Russian weapons have exposed many problems on the Ukrainian battlefield, it is the general trend in the global arms market, high -end buyers to abandon Russian weapons.Military products in the United States, France, and Israel will continue to squeeze the Russian market.Vietnam's purchase of Israeli weapons, India's procurement of French gusts fighters, are confinement of this trend.Decades ago, Soviet weapons were still divided into autumn in the international arms market with US -made weapons. To this day, Russia's market share has dropped to 16%, only five percentage points higher than France.The market share of the arms can only be aligned with Israel.