This year, the publication plan of the Nanyang Society in Singapore includes Cui Guiqiang, Lin Xiaosheng, and Ye Zhongling's three edited from recruitment to recovery -Nanqiao Machinery returned to the War.This book mainly reviews the outstanding contribution of Nanyang Overseas Chinese to the Chinese Anti -Japanese War. This tragic page in history should not be forgotten.

I have been excavating the decryption archives of the National Government in several archives in Taiwan in recent years. Many of the Singapore files are related to this history.What I am particularly amazed is that at that time, Nanyang's Chinese community at that time was responsible for the national and state responsibilities far beyond its own volume.Essence

In 2015, when he was a representative of the Nanqiao Machinery Service Group, he pointed out that the donations of overseas Chinese during the Anti -Japanese War reached one -third of the military expenditure in China at that time;International deficit of income and expenditure.At that time, the import was 3.2 billion yuan, and the export was only about 400 million yuan, but the total amount of overseas exports exceeded 9.5 billion yuan.It is these selfless support from overseas Chinese that stabilized the currency value of China during the Anti -Japanese War, and the net balance of up to 6.7 billion yuan was also invested in economic construction and daily livelihood.

At that time, local overseas Chinese also subscribed to public debt in large quantities. From July 1937 to October 1938, Xinma Overseas Chinese subscribed for more than 12 million yuan of public debt. These public debts broke out after the victory of the Anti -Japanese War.Waste paper.

A previous inspection of the confidential archives sent by the Singapore Embassy to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China in 1941. Among them, the statistics of 1937 to 1941 were "According to the investigation of my overseas Chinese, the money returned to the motherland has reached more than 200,000 yuan.Among them, those who directly donate the Treasury will not be 40,000 yuan. The donation results are Singapore first, accounting for 42.72 %. Overseas Chinese can be described as a lot of thoughts on fundraising methods, and there are many donations. "According to this report, there are the following forms of donations: Changyue Donation, Special Donation, Donation, Capital Assistance Donation, Commemorative Day Donation, Selling Flowers and Selling, Donate of the Paradise Drama Game, Donation of Boats and HaturesFragrant drama donations, relief boxes, all year round donations, bond purchase, friends of wounded soldiers, saving savings, offering cars, and raising clothes.In addition to more than 3,000 people became Nanya machinery, Singapore also organized the "Xingzhou Murmogy" to return to the front line.There are also a large number of local overseas Chinese who voted for writing. More than 200 people were admitted to the Central Military Academy, and more overseas Chinese directly participated in the war and killed the battlefield.

The enthusiastic donations in the Nanyang area are reflected in many details.In February 1940, in order to raise funds for the Anti -Japanese War, the "New Chinese Theater Troupe" performed south to Xingzhou, raising a total of more than 970,000 star coins.It is worth noting that after watching the show, Nanyang female compatriots not only donated money, but also donated jewelry.A total of "Gold Ring 128, Twenty -four Gold Watches, Nineteen Gold Earrings, Three Gold Medal, 1005 Gold Bracelets, 76 Gold Bracelets, Twenty Gold Ear AcupunctureSeven pieces ... The above -mentioned various goldenware are mostly presented by women and overseas Chinese, and a total of 412 pieces. "

In this report, Mr. Guo Niu, a co -worker who pulled a car, donated all the household production of 60 yuan in a total of 60 yuan.Donation of income to the motherland's anti -Japanese war.It can be said that regardless of the rich and the poor, Nanyang children really paid a huge price that should be remembered forever.

In terms of manpower, the most contributed to the Anti -Japanese War is the Nanyang Overseas Chinese Machinery. In this statistical, a total of 3,192 Nanqiao machinery returned to China to grab the transportation of combat supplies on the Anti -Japanese War lifestyle -Yunnan -Myanmar Highway.Among them, more than 2,000 people are the overseas Chinese of Xinma, and about 1,000 machine workers sleep on the rolling combat reserve highway, and one person will be sacrificed on average on average.These overseas Chinese who returned to China even including women dressed as men, such as Chen Qiaozhen, Li Yuemei, etc., and the latter was discovered as women after being seriously injured.

All of these have become direct fuses of large -scale slaughter after occupying Singapore in Japan. From the perspective of the number of slaughter in a region, the sufferings suffered by the Chinese in Singapore are really unbearable.

The reason why overseas Chinese in Singapore could burst out such an amazing patriotic enthusiasm at that time, I felt that it may be related to its source.

Overall, the people of South China have a very strong concept of clan, which can also be externalized into a more vast love for the country and patriotism. Second, the official publicity of the National Government has also produced results.When I flipped through the Singapore file before 1949, there was a impression that the Nanjing government's hard work of Nanyang was spared no effort.It can be found from the secret file that some famous local overseas Chinese leaders have a deep connection with the National Government, and some people even have the Kuomintang intelligence staff.

Mr. Wang Yanwu also had a similar view that the reason why Nanyang overseas Chinese had a strong nationalist awareness was the influence from China.The first generation of immigrants brought by the new immigrants in the 1920s and 1930s often failed to complete the localization process, and they were even more affectionate.Coinciding with Japanese militarism in China, it has been pressing in China and has created a number of tragedies, which has also become a direct cause of the high patriotic mood.In addition, there was a huge barrier between the British colonial official and the Chinese south of the south. The restrictions on overseas Chinese in many rights have become an important reason why overseas Chinese cannot produce local identity. It can only put national emotions back to the motherland.

To this day, Singapore has been established for more than half a century, and locals have their own national spiritual support.Premier Li Xianlong pointed out that "the Chinese in Singapore are no longer returning to the roots, but rooting."Looking back at that period of time, the spiritual heritage that can be regained, first of all, is a resolute position that has a clear opposition to the behavior of invasion of other countries regardless of history and reality; and the spirit of Singaporeans ’s courage to sacrifice in suffering in suffering is even more worthy ofRemember forever, because it will become a pillar of Singapore's creation of its own national spirit.

(The author is a literary and historian, religious researcher)