Source: Beijing News

On June 14, according to relevant media reports, the second season of China's good voice, Zhang Hengyuan, died of melanoma at the age of 37.This news has aroused everyone's attention to melanoma.Almost everyone has large and small moles, some will not change all year round, but some will endanger their lives.What is melanoma?How to distinguish ordinary moles and melanoma?

What is the difference between moles and melanoma?

Most people have moles.Pigment mole, also known as mole cells or melanin moles, is a skin expression caused by increasing the increase of melanocytes in the epidermis and dermis.The vast majority of the pigment and moles on people are benign, and the hyperplasia is slow or unchanged for many years.The melanoma looks like a mole, but it is actually a highly malignant tumor.

melanoma is a malignant tumor caused by melanocyte abnormal proliferation. It is mostly on the limbs, such as palms, feet, and belt areas that are easily rubbed.But this does not mean that moles growing in these parts must be cancer.

In special circumstances, such as excessive ultraviolet irradiation and insufficient repair capacity of congenital DNA damage, it can lead to mutation of pigment cell genes and cause out of control growth, and eventually develop into melanoma, which is a common skin cancer.Studies have shown that people who have many moles, people who are often exposed to ultraviolet rays, and whiter skin have a higher probability of suffering from melanoma.It should be noted that the mole in any part of the body has the opportunity to develop into melanoma, even if those parts that are not often exposed to sunlight are no exception.

90%of melanoma in Europe and the United States belongs to skin melanoma, which is related to the over -exposure of ultraviolet rays.50%of Asian melanoma is called endless melanoma. It originates where there is no long hair at the end of the limbs, such as palms, feet, underneath, toe seam, etc.; And about 20%of melanoma is growing on the mucous membrane, mainlyIt occurs in the nasal cavity, mouth, esophageal, vagina, rectal and other parts, which is very different from Europe and the United States.At present, clinical data shows that the malignant degree of viciousness in Asia's limb and mucosa melanoma is higher than that of common skin melanoma, rapid progress, and less easily discovery.

Is melanoma a "king of cancer"?

Blackinoma is one of the more common tumors in the clinic, and it is also one of the fastest-growing tumors, with an annual growth rate of 3%-5%.The incidence of melanoma in China is relatively low, but in recent years, it has shown a rapid growth in recent years. The number of newly increased patients each year is about 20,000.

It is exaggerated to say that melanoma is a "king of cancer". The real "king of cancer" generally refers to pancreatic cancer.The metastasis of melanoma in all cancers is medium and high, but there is no authoritative comparison data with liver cancer and lung cancer metastasis.

Compared with other malignant tumors, the incidence of melanoma is not high. Compared with European and American countries such as China, China and the United States have relatively low, but in recent years, the incidence rate has increased rapidly.Melanoma is a malignant tumor with a high degree of malignant. Although the incidence is not high, it is a possible fatal skin cancer.The early cure rate of melanoma is high, and the five -year survival rate of patients with advanced period is only 5%-10%.

The mole on the body, do you want to order?

Long moles are a common phenomenon. Everyone has at least one mole, and some people even have as many as 500 to 600.On average, there will be 10 to 40 per person.There is no clear conclusion about the reasons for long moles. It is generally believed that it may be related to genetic factors, light, and hormone levels, especially when moles have increased during pregnancy.

The most common peripheral melanoma in Chinese people appears on the basis of trauma or moles, and it appears after long -term chronic injuries.Because melanocytes are a "social terror", they can't be treated too enthusiastically.Therefore, the inappropriate treatment of "mole" is likely to induce the malignant and rapid growth of pigment moles, such as knife cutting, rope, salt, laser, frozen, etc.In other words, we must figure out whether the "black dot" on our body is mole or melanoma.Moles are benign and can be ordered, and melanoma is malignant. Do not order it casually.

What do you think is mole or melanoma?You can refer to the mainstream international ABCDE principle:

A usually refers to the asymmetric shape of the skin lesions. It can be assumed that the skin lesions are divided into two from them to see if the size of the two pieces is different.

B usually refers to the irregular border of the skin lesion and can be manifested as fan -shaped, jagged shapes, etc.

C usually refers to the mottled and unevenness of the skin lesions, which means that the color of a single skin lesion is diverse, including red, blue, black, gray or white.

D usually refers to the diameter of the skin lesion greater than or equal to 6 mm.

E usually refers to the size, shape or color of the original skin lesions, or the new skin lesions occur.

If the mole is constantly changing and one of the ABCDE, it is likely that the long one is not a mole, but a melanoma.It is recommended not to mess up and go directly to the hospital for further examination.

Several cognitive misunderstandings about melanoma, you need to know

Misunderstanding 1: Meatin tumor will be contagious

melanoma is not infected.

Treatment: The melanoma discovered in the early days can achieve the purpose of cure after complete resection after surgery; most of the late melanoma has been metastasized, and it is basically impossible to cure. It can extend the survival time by effective treatment.

Reunion: After effective treatment of early melanoma, it will generally not recurring; the malignant degree of malignancy in advanced melanoma is high, and it is easy to relapse and metastasize. The probability of patients' five years of survival is only 6%.

Misunderstanding 2: Melanoma will be inherited

Globally, family hereditary melanoma discovery is mainly among European and white people.There is currently no evidence in Asia to indicate that the family of melanoma, most of which belong to melanoma, and there are no genetic factors.

Misunderstanding 3: Daily sun exposure will suffer from melanoma

The current cause is not completely clear.It is generally believed that factors such as race, genetic, trauma, stimulation, sunlight, immunity and other factors may be correlated.

European and American people belong to white people, and the incidence of malignant melanoma is higher than that of other people.The type of malignant melanoma in European and American populations is mainly based on superficial diffusion type and freckle mole -like type. These two types of malignant melanoma are closely related to the sun.There are many malignant melanoma, and these melanoma grows deeply and easily. The relationship with the exposure is not particularly large, but it cannot completely ignore the influence of ultraviolet rays.

At present, it is summer. Be sure to pay attention to sunscreen and use sunscreen reasonably.But it is not to say that the use of sunscreen is good. It is recommended that everyone try to minimize the time for outdoor exposure.