Source: Xinhuanet

Author: Ma Xiaocheng, Sun Xiaoyu, Wu Jiangmin

The annual food production in Northeast China accounts for nearly one -quarter of the country, and one of the key factors is precious black soil.It takes hundreds of years for the black soil layer to form 1 cm, but the stolen can cause damage to the black soil in the instant.

"Xinhua Vision Point" reporter recently investigated and developed that the protection of black soil has been continuously strengthened all over the Northeast. Black soil crime has shown a downward trend, but occasionally occasionally under high pressure ...

The crime of black soil shows a downward trend, and the case still occasionally occurs

In recent years, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and other places have successively introduced local regulations, providing the protection of the rule of law for strengthening the protection of black land.The 2022 Black Land Protection Law was officially implemented, marking that the protection of black land entered the rule of law and standardized track.

"The crackdown on black soil crimes continued to increase, and the Black Land Protection Law clearly clarified the prohibition of stealing, abuse and illegal trading of black soil, and protecting the black land with 'iron tooth steel tooth'.The criminal activity has shown a significant decline. "Wu Yong, the head of the Environmental Detachment of the Public Security Department of Jilin Provincial Public Security Department of the Public Security Department of Jilin Province.

The reporter interviewed that although the current black soil crime was declining, it still occurred.

In early March of this year, the public security organs of Heilongjiang Province cracked the villagers suspected of selling the black soil case according to the crowd reported clues.Wang Mouhe, Gao Motao, and Zhang were investigated and took criminal compulsory measures.

In March 2022, the Public Security Bureau of Dunhua City, Yanbian Prefecture, Jilin Province detected a criminal suspect, captured 11 criminal suspects, and seized 30,000 cubic meters of black soil.Police investigations found that the illegal mining of the black soil has been sold to eight provinces and cities across the country, involving 73,000 cubic meters of black soil, and the amount involved in the case was more than 5 million yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 930,000).

The white paper of the Liaoning Provincial Rural Land Resources (Black Land) protection procuratorial public interest lawsuit issued by the Liaoning Provincial Procuratorate also announced many related cases.Among them, Xie Moumou, which was handled by the People's Procuratorate of the Chaoyang Bei County, illegally occupied 67 acres of agricultural land. Xie Moumou built a plant, office building, drying site, etc. on the cultivated land for production and sales of pussy soil, destroying the farming floor of 20 cm.Above, land planting conditions are damaged and cannot be cultivated.

Camouflage dredging to implement the stolen soil, the crime involved in black soil is becoming more secretive

The reporter learned from the public security organs in many places that as a scarce resource, the black soil is often sold at a price of more than 30 yuan per catty, and the transaction price of the black market is as high as 150 yuan per catty.Driven by high interests, criminal activities involving black soil have recently shown some new changes.Sales and theft and pirate behaviors have become more concealed.

In order to avoid the investigation of the public security organs, selling local merchants usually only choose to deal with acquaintances. The place where black soil is sold and sells black soil is generally hidden in the village.When storing the black soil, try to be paved on the ground as much as possible, so as not to be discovered, adding difficulty to investigate and deal with sales and selling behaviors.

"On the one hand, we continuously strengthen the research and judgment of online intelligence, and check the suspicious clues such as the sale of the" humus soil '' '' '' on the e -commerce platform.The construction of a police officer in one village, deep into the fields, village head Tunwei, market shops, and market stalls, and carry out comprehensive, drawing clues, "said Zhang Yandong, deputy director of the Huangmihe Police Station of the Dunhua City Public Security Bureau.

In addition, the reporter's investigation found that some criminals carried out stealing in the name of river reservoir dredging, land governance, and ecological repair.In the name of the contracting forest land, the black soil will be stolen after the mining site circles, and the masses will be blinded and the public security organs shall be avoided.

"We have been investigating a case. The suspects stole the black soil in the gully of the remote mountainous areas, and they were all active in the middle of the night, which added a lot of difficulty to the detection work."The police officer Zhang Zhiqiang said.

Formation of high -pressure deterrence

After the spring plowing, the 10,000 acres of water fields in the lower reaches of the Liaohe River have slowly emerged.In a field in Lujia Village, Shuangtai District, Panjin City, Liaoning Province, the roar of the bulldozer kept roaring, and it was pushing a illegal field road to restore it into a cultivated land.

In order to severely crack down on the crime of black soil, the Liaoning Provincial High Court and the Provincial Public Security Department and other units will sign the implementation plan to combat the "sand tyrant" and "mine tyrant" and other natural resources fields.The evil forces such as agricultural land crimes.

In the past few days, the market supervision bureaus of Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province inspected the flower shops, flower markets, flower planting and sales bases, and farmers' markets in the jurisdiction.Violations of the law form a momentum of continuous cracking down on black soil crimes.

"Heilongjiang Province is further implementing a strict arable land protection system, implemented the divestituted soil of farming land to occupy the cultivated land cultivation layer, and take a" long teeth "hard measure to seriously investigate and deal with the act of illegal and illegal occupation of cultivated land." Heilongjiang Provincial Natural Resources of Natural ResourcesZhao Jinghai, deputy director of the department.

This year, the Jilin Provincial Public Security Organs have specially deployed a special operation to crack down on criminal criminal crimes to destroy black soil resources for the third consecutive year.Jilin Province's public security organs have cooperated with the cooperation with natural resources, agriculture and rural areas, and established working mechanisms such as information sharing, communication, and case transfer.

"We are weaving‘ Tian Luo ’, continuing to form high -pressure deterrence against black soil crimes. At the same time, we will continue to deepen cooperation and use satellite remote sensing technology to set up 'Sky Eyes' on the Black Land of Jilin." Wu Yong said.