Today, when you listen to a good song, or appreciate a painting level comparable to the world, or just read a touching article, maybe you can never come from the heart like beforeI sincerely appreciate each other -whether it is the songwriter, singer, or painter, and writer, because these works may not be created or performed by artificial intelligence (AI).What is this?

The crescents and influences of technology have far exceeded our imagination, and the speed of progress is not as good as the first step of the computer era.Today's AI has a self -learning function, with vast big data as a reference, and has accumulated many years of experience in human development of computers. Therefore, it has been improving all the time, and it is self -improved at the speed we cannot predict.

Although AI still has to pass "training" and "model updates" (such as providing new data), instead of obtaining and understanding external information by autonomous.In other words, human beings still have participation and the growth and maturity of AI.However, the existence of such smart and "humbling learning" existence is enough to be amazed and worried at the same time!

The author only knows one of AI, and it is considered that its appearance is just an inevitable scientific and technological progress, and it is almost dismissive.Later, after reading AI from Lianhe Zaobao, AI could write and compose, and even appeared "AI Sun Yanzi" with a sound with false chaos.Later, I tried the ChatGPT developed by OpenAI, and found that the AI developed from the 1950s to the present. Its "wisdom" and "function" have not been the same as before.

As a music creator, the author naturally cares about whether the AI future (even now) will replace our problem.Including replacing our music and creative skills, and even creating "inspiration".The author does not deny that inspiration is talent, but also acknowledge that creation requires artificial efforts, including years of hard work to establish the uniqueness of their own music.However, this is not worrying, because the facts have proved that today's AI has stronger human nature and sensitivity. It can not only imitate, but also be able to use it to make the data learned and become its own style.

We can try to use the ChatGPT input instructions to write a poem or article according to any subject matter. Although the works coming out immediately are not all top works, it is enough to admire people.On the spot, when it "cultivates into essence", what is created can definitely be surprising and amazing.This involves the original and valuable issues of finished products (not just art).Recently, some people wrote a special article with ChatGPT as their homework, and the result was the best results in the class.

Except for the voice of well-known singers, the voice of other people's songs is "borrowed". The voices of famous writers, actors, and even politicians can make the AI converter.After "fine -tuning", it presents the true information of false chaos.It will not only be a matter of copyright, but also a serious problem with social stability.For example, if there are illegal disciples using the voices of national dignitaries, they will be fictional but important in the Internet and social media, and then they will be passed down without reviewing (seemingly unable to review).

This may be one of the more serious negative issues that can be foreseen since the advent of AI software, but I believe it is not as "more serious than the nuclear crisis" as the world's richest man Musk.However, some unexpected performances of the recent AI are not daring to watch it.

The Israeli history and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari recently published a special operating system that has been invaded into human civilization and put forward a lot of hidden concerns, especially its humanized language and text processing performance threatened human civilization.He believes that Chinese is the most basic medium of humanistic products.Human beings create culture through the "storytelling story" in Chinese, including the formulation of laws and religions.However, now there is a thing called ChatGPT, not only knowing everything, everything, but also very reasonable, rational, logical, and humanely give a very affirmative answer to any questions (including philosophical).

The author has tried to ask ChatGPT a few more "humanity" questions, such as the view of the Russian and Ukraine War, its response is completely consistent with the view of any rational person, but it is more clear and organized, and it is, and it is, and it is, it is, and it is, and it is, it is more reasonable, and it is, and it is, and it is, and it is, and it is reasonable, and it is, and it is, and it is reasonable.Answered me without thinking.If you have never known it is a robot, I would not have any doubt about such information.In other words, now AI can use its knowledge and Chinese ability, and through humanized communication skills, I have obtained my identity.

The problem is that robots are robots after all, even how humane is its answer.Hallari even put forward a ridiculous and helpless suggestion: When discussing text discussions on the online forum in the future, be sure to ask the other party to show whether he is AI, otherwise the talks will only be talking to the robot for a long time!

Paper communication can compete with AI manufacturing information

Just as computers have become an indispensable assistant assistant in human life, AI will sooner or later it will be our good helper, not competitors.That's right, many people's rice bowls will be lost due to AI, but I believe that new employment and entrepreneurial opportunities will occur due to technological progress.People can use AI to deal with many time -consuming, money -consuming and labor -intensive jobs, and concentrate on doing or developing more important things.Some medical research companies use AI to help them calculate complex procedures, greatly shortening the time to achieve results.

Back to the originality and dignity of artists such as musicians, painters and other artists.I think real gold is not afraid of fire: truly original and standard art works can still stand the AI challenge.Of course, today's artists have to work harder, or use the help of AI, or use the most primitive creative methods to continue writing, composition, painting, and composition.

AI cannot replace the unique sincerity and love of people after all.In the virtual (and false) world, there should be more real interaction and exchanges between people, do not always hide behind social platforms.Back to the initial, even the most primitive and simplest communication methods, such as writing or calling with pen and paper, may be one of the methods to compete for others to use AI to create fake information.However, no matter whether we are willing or not, we must learn to coexist with AI, take the strengths, and make up for its shortcomings.In the end, I had to declare that some of the information of this article was provided by ChatGPT.