
The "Hand Hand" triggered by a street shot accidentally took the fire to the colorful dresses worn by the heroine that day.On a certain e -commerce platform, this skirt once reached the hot search list, showing that more than 4,000 pieces were sold, and sales exceeded 2.2 million.Just a few days later, the topic#Holding the door with fire skirts have returned 2000 pieces#短 短 短 短 短 短 短 短.

After peeling away the "Hand Hand" net red skirt, it will find that it is not a skirt that should never be tortured, but this kind of sought after the essence.Those who scrambled to buy and imitate, return the goods after the traffic, and label the skirt with the "exemption skirt" and "small three skirts" label.

In general, a piece of clothes are psychologically excluded from the establishment of contact with them because of negative events.But in this scandal, a "stigmatized" skirt has been loud and the sales have increased, and the sales volume has increased significantly. Many major social platforms also appear a lot of dresses in the same model."" Wear such a "little three skirt", which man is not derailed "... Such imitation and pursuit really reflect the distortion of moral cognition, the cracking of world view, outlook on life, and values.

The ethical and moral issues involved in the "holding hands" incident have always been incocated. Many people may just follow the curiosity of the same model."Freedom of dressing" is comparable.A serious incident related to the disciplinary style of public officials, the onlookers could not see the corrupt core, only the gorgeous appearance, the ugly of the behavior, but only the "light" of the upper position was really ironic.Behind the explication of many sought -after and imitators, behind the expressive expression of behaviors is the mentality of shortcuts and speculation."I think that I have standing at the forefront of fashion. I don't feel shame in the same model, but I am complacent." "Is the person who bought the same skirt because the skirt is good -looking or trying to copy the" inspirational story "of the heroine involved.The next she? "The sharp doubts in the public opinion field are full of concerns and thinking about social moral landslides and deformity of values.

It intentionally or unintentionally promotes not only consumers, but also some merchants, Internet celebrity and platforms that are "unable to afford early".In the face of interests, some online store operators sell cottage goods openly, and a large number of female anchors in the live room wearing the same dress and PK. Many similar skirts are also directly crowned "Chengdu Taiku Lidi Street shooting models"Keywords; a group of Internet celebrity bloggers Hu Peng quoted to make makeup walking on the street, but the image of negative characters has become a "street scene" that competes for imitation;The small game for the cover attracts netizens to click.In the mentality of "who is red and who is so popular," from individuals to merchants to the platform, the flow is from, but the nature of business interests is revealed.


"Holding Hands" incident is a series of strangely strange Luoli chaos that is completely exposed to pursuing traffic and abandoning morality and conscience.Through the unexpected fire of a skirt, we need to pursue not only the definition of the moral bottom line, but also how we should think when facing the group carnival and choose our own behavior.