With the recovery of the crown disease, the problem of level congestion between Singapore and Johor is increasingly prominent.Now, severe blockage will occur every long weekend, and sometimes it takes four or five hours to pass the level.

According to statistics, in the four days of the Weisai Festival in early June, the number of entry and exit of the two levels of Woodlands and the prince reached 1.5 million, and nearly 250,000 people left the country on June 1st.It was the highest day since the border opened last year.Some people also appeal on social media, which takes five to seven hours to clear the level.

The recovery of congestion after the epidemic level has responded to normal border activities, and the so -called retaliatory tourism phenomenon appears. It is believed that it has also been strongly stronger with the redemption rate of Xinyuan Daijiri, which has a lot to do with it.Many Singaporeans feel that spending in Johor Bahru and other areas is more cost -effective, so an outbound boom is formed on weekends.Although both sides of the new horse have taken some relief measures, they seem to be unaware.

Although the phenomenon of level congestion has a long history, the situation has deteriorated, indicating that there is an urgent need to accelerate the search for more effective solutions.There is no hidden danger in congestion, but it is not conducive to promoting the economic and trade development of New Malaysia.Xinrou's border is busy, showing that the people of the two places are frequent. This is a good thing, but congestion has become a block tiger.Therefore, both governments in the two places do their best to introduce response measures.

In Singapore, the latest measures issued by the Immigration and levels are to introduce self -service shutdown.Since March this year, officials have gradually installed self -service shutdown in the train level.Compared with the artificial counters that must be completed in 45 seconds, the new self -service shutdown is only 24 seconds, and passengers can pass the customs faster.The train level disposes 31 trains to reside and leave the country a day, with an average number of customs clearances of nearly 10,000.

According to Lianhe Morning Post, Johor officials are also very concerned about the congestion of the level.The state minister of the state, the Minister of State, who took office last March, pointed out that it has been inspected to the Johor Bahru and Zhenlin Mountains 74 times, and there are 13 times alone in May this year.The public believes that Wenghafz's frequent inspections do help improve the customs clearance of the two levels, but the difficulty of allocation of human resources and increasing traffic and traffic are severe challenges.

However, the frequent inspections of state ministers have seen that he regards the long -term problem of improving and solving the serious congestion of the level as a top priority.This strong political will is a prerequisite for favorable problems.Frankly speaking, the reason why the problem of the new Malu road level is long -lasting, which has a lot to do with the political environment of Malaysia.The change of the Malaysian government and the changes in political conditions have been abolished or halfway through the plan that both parties had reached consensus.The most familiar people are the cancellation of the Xinma high -speed rail project.

Now Roufang's active willingness, which is beneficial to the two parties without affecting the security of the border, to achieve and implement new solutions faster.For example, there are officials that officials have suggested that the "one place, two inspections" system in the construction of the Xinrou subway in construction, that is, passengers can go through the outbound and destination inbound procedures at one time when the passengers set off, and they do not need to clear the customs after getting off the bus.The new side also pointed out that if the horse side is formally proposed, it will be studied and dealt with without affecting border security.

As the traffic continues to increase and solve the problem of the congestion of the Xinruan Card, in the short term, you can use various new technologies that can save time and effort, such as the automatic relationship of passengers in the car;The expansion of infrastructure starts, including expansion levels and increased new channels. For example, the Xinrou subway, which is under construction and is scheduled to open at the end of 2026.

On June 14, the Minister of Trade and Industry of New Malaysia held a new working group after holding the first "Modeling Dialogue Conference" in Kuala Lumpur to discuss the promotion of cross -border commercial trade and a designed to help exporters aimed at helping exporters.Property development plan to sustainable development.This shows that the two countries must further promote bilateral cooperation and economic and trade connections.Looking forward to the future, the second pulse of Ren Du, which accelerates to open up the land levels of the two places, is even more important.