In the past 20 years, the Shangri -La dialogue has evolved in the cost area and even a forum that is both pragmatic and "convenient" on security and defense issues.Take this year's incense, for example, in recent months, a comprehensive confrontation between China and the United States has been considered by many observers to improve to a dangerous level.Both sides seemed to refuse to relax easily.These two major military militarys are said to have not had too many effective communication channels. This is definitely not a good phenomenon, because it can form misunderstandings and misjudgments, and rises to conflict.

For example, Li Shangfu, the new defense minister in China, does not seem to pay much attention to his American colleague Austin, although the United States shows the attitude of anxiety to make the two defense ministers meet.During the incense meeting, the defense ministers of China and the United States generally held bilateral meetings.However, when the United States demanded a bilateral meeting this year, it was rejected by the Chinese side.It seems that the United States does what China thinks that the United States should do to create a good atmosphere for the meeting.

China may think that the United States has created at least two sets of irritating factors and deliberately disrespect to China.In a narrow sense, since Li Shangfu served as the Defense Minister, the United States has accused him of arranging the Chinese military to purchase Russia's equipment sanctioned by the United States and sanction him.Although the United States believes that even if the sanctions against Li Shangfu have not been canceled, it will not affect the Leo Olympic Metropolitan.But it seems that China does not think so, but feels that those personal sanctions should be canceled.Broadly speaking, under the premise of increasing tensions between the Taiwan Straits in recent months, China has also been dissatisfied with the United States' continued to provide military assistance to Taiwan.It is unclear that China wants the United States to remove the irritating factors of narrow and broad senses, or just lift the narrow sanctions as a prerequisite for restoring the tradition of the defense ministers of both parties.

Danxiang will provide a "convenient" occasion, so that Li and Ao have the opportunity to "encounter".At the opening dinner, the two were arranged to sit with the main table. Austin took the initiative to reach out to Li Shangfu, and the latter also took over. The two had a chance to say a few words.It is said that at the ministerial lunch meeting of the conference, the two were also arranged to sit facing each other, at least they talked about some family commons.Although we should not interpret these brief meetings too much, at least they are not accidental, but have been planned to promote the recovery of high -level military communication as soon as possible after being planned.This can also be described as "magic" unique to incense.

Austin spent a lot of space in the keynote speeches. It lists or rebuilt the security cooperation mechanism constructed or reconstructed by the United States in the region, including the four -way security dialogue (QUAD) organized by the United States, Australia, Japan and India.On the other hand, AUKUS will allow Australia to have nuclear power (but non -nuclear armed) submarines, which will be able to patrol the South China Sea from Australia's home port.In recent months, the United States has also resumed military cooperation with the Philippines.

Austin claims that the United States supports the regional security concept centered on Asia's Demon.However, the United States may think that the above -mentioned military alliances it leads can provide a substantial foundation for the Asian Dimetry Center, because in recent years, Asians have not made a more proactive trend in security issues.In the second half of the speech, Austin mentioned China more directly. On the one hand, he was worried that the two sides lacked military communication channels. On the other hand, they were also disturbed by the increasingly frequent encounters between Chinese ships and Western warships in the South China Sea.However, in the past, Austin's strict accusations made the various actions of China in the South China Sea at the incense association, and this year did not hear it.So this can be said to be a relatively gentle speech.

On the other side, although Li Shangfu is also a professional officer, compared with several of his predecessors, most of his predecessors show a relatively gentle and elegant style.come out.Although each paragraph can be described as a hidden needle, full of metaphorical metaphors about "out -of -the -world forces" (may only be understood as the United States), except for Sino -US relations, the whole article did not directly mention the United States.When asked about the incident of almost a collision of China, the United States and Canadian ships that just happened in the Taiwan Strait at that time, Li Shangfu asked why these incidents happened only in the surroundings of China.It seems that the continued existence of the U.S. military in this region is disagreed.

But frankly, the overall atmosphere of this year's Xianghui was a lot of cooling than the initial expectations.Perhaps China and the United States finally felt that it was time to slow down the more intense speech disputes.But in any case, the confrontation between China and the United States has masked many other and important and important incense topics.The Ukraine crisis is mentioned in almost every speech, and the Indonesian Defense Minister has proposed a peaceful proposal, but Ukraine Defense Minister seems to have little interest.The keynote speech of the Australian Prime Minister in the opening dinner also mentioned that in the environment of disputes in great powers, small and medium countries should have a certain degree of diplomatic autonomy.

Therefore, as an important platform for high -level defense personnel in the world to communicate, this year's incense will be successfully concluded.This is still positive for maintaining peace and stability within and outside the region.