Source: Taiwan United Daily

Main Written Room Quick Comment

The case of feeding in New Taipei has become a blue -green offensive and defensive issue. New Taipei Chang Hou Youyi asked Vice President Lai Qingde to explain to the prosecutor to investigate the drug feeding case.Protecting children's health, Chen Yaohou can be responsible and actively dealt with.However, the problem is that Lai Qingde first "accidentally planted" the city government accepted time. Regarding Hou's main demands, the prosecutor's handling of the case was very tight, in the same way, Hou Youyi could only be beaten all the way?

Hou Youyi recently asked Lai Qingde to explain the prosecutor to investigate the feeding case quickly, explain to the prosecutor to clarify the source of the drug, and the results attracted the green camps to attack.But so far in this case, the biggest doubt in the hearts of the parents and children of the students is not the source of the drug?Lai Qingde is also very clear. He can call on prosecutors to announce the investigation progress within the scope of the permission to solve external doubts. This should not be too much.

But Lai Qingde chose to release the false message for the first time, referring to the report of the New Taipei City Government in April, but the truth was that New Taipei City was learned on May 15th.The bureau's project handles it. Lai's statement is not to accuse the New Taipei City Government in disguise?

In order to clarify the unprecedented case of Xinbei City, Lin Fengyu, chairman of the Municipal Government Research Examination Association, also specially investigated the 1999 special line and the mayor's mailbox to determine that there was no relevant record.Or the cover incident, "If it is true, I am responsible for it."

Lai Qingde's time to accept the report on Xinbei Prefecture was seriously "accidentally planted", but he did not further explain or corrected, but he went on to set up a medical team as soon as possible to protect the child's health.The point should be a child. Everyone thinks about how sad if it is their own child and their grandson, it should be compared with the heart.

Lai Qingde's words are right at all, children are the focus of this incident.However, before Lai Qingde proposed to appeal, the New Taipei City Government had long been responsible for hospitals and green notifications.Hou Youyi said politely, "Lai Qingde said that we have been doing it long ago", even the title of Vice President is saved. It can be seen that Hou's emotions are really excited, but Lai Qingde did not figure out the three ways to New Taipei City.Fourth, no matter how good the cultivation is

As for Hou Youyi asking Lai Qingde's question, the executive director Chen Jianren responded today. He said that he needs to respect the independence of judicial investigation. This case has entered the judicial investigation process and the results of the judicial investigation.Starting responsibility and clarifying this matter, Hou Youyi can be responsible and actively deal with.

Chen Jianren said that he was righteous, but we reviewed the investigation progress of the prosecutor. New Taipei City learned of this and the Prosecutor's Prosecutor was performed on the 15th of last month.Instrument, 9 people are interviewed in front and back, and they are paid for the insurance and please return.It is probably not so tight to run a major corruption case. This is probably not a "investigation without disclosure" to explain the past. Except for political considerations, it seems that a reasonable answer is not found, but will the public not understand?