Source: Bloomberg

The number of marriage registrations in China in 2022 has dropped to nearly 40 years, and the possibility of continuing the population of the world's second largest economy has increased.

Last year, China had a total of 6.833 million new couples registered and married, a decrease of 11%from 2021. It was also the lowest level since 1985.Data show that the number of marriage registration reached its peak in 2013, and then fell rapidly.

With the aging population and the decline in birth rate, China's economy is facing pressure.The decline in the number of weddings may be due to the decrease in young people, as well as the impact of people who choose to marry late, the concept of marriage, and the impact of the crown disease.

According to UN data, in 2021, the population of the 20-34 age group has fallen for the first time since the mid-1980s to less than 300 million, and more than 10 million more men are more than women.This gender imbalance may make it more difficult to get married.

Decrease in population and birth rate

The number of young people has declined, at least partly because of China's only child policy that China has implemented, this policy continues from the 1980s to 2016.The Chinese population shrinks last year, the first time in 60 years; with the aging of the population, delaying marriage and having children, or not getting married at all, this trend is expected to continue.

Although the government is now encouraging fertility, only 9.56 million people were born in 2022, lower than 10.62 million last year, at least the lowest level in at least 1950.Most babies in China have given birth to their marriage, so the decline in the number of newlyweds may lead to the continued decline in the birth rate in the next few years.