The scale of the US manufacturing industry has declined relative to the Chinese manufacturing industry.Under the influence of globalization, the US manufacturing industry has moved on the road of outsourcing, outsourced outsourcing, and has lost its jobs, affecting American workers' income, but increased the profits of American multinational companies.Many U.S. governments have tried to promote the return of the US manufacturing industry and have little effect.The Trump administration has advocated "U.S. Priority" and "Made in the United States" without significant results.Under the crown disease epidemic, the United States suddenly felt the real crisis of the mask and ventilator held in China, prompting the Biden government to resort to industrial policies and reshape the US manufacturing industry.

Industrial policy was originally the secret of success in the rise of the United States. The first manufacturing report published by Hamilton, the first US Minister of Finance in the end of the 18th century, was regarded as the beginning of the US industrial policy.Liszt, who founded the theory of protectiveism, was inspired by Hamilton.At the beginning of the 19th century, Henry Clai, one of the most influential members of the United States Congress, advocated a plan to build an American economic system. The main contents include high tariff barriers and central banks.the way.The essence of these contents is to implement industrial policies and make up for the failure of the market economy.Clai's economic system plan was the standard policy of the US government until the end of the 19th century.

Formulate a new policy for the competitive industry with China

Americans define industrial policy as the government's intervention in market forces to promote competitiveness in favored companies or industries.The definition of industrial policies can be broadly to the public engineering of the government's transformation of society, including the post office of the 19th century, the canal, the railway, and the land gift college, as well as the national highway system in the middle of the 20th century, the extensive power grid and natural gas pipeline project.The reason for implementing industrial policies is to cultivate American productivity.

Japan and South Korea are considered to be a country that has successfully implemented industrial policies, and the government has cultivated the industrial advantages of Japan and South Korea.The tools for industrial policies include loose credit, direct and indirect subsidies, preferential taxes, and tariffs and non -tariff barriers.

Bynden's government regains industrial policies. The cause of the cause is not a market failure from the consideration of economic interests, but the pressure of geopolitics and geographical economy.

From the perspective of the United States, China is an unprecedented competitor. US officials and members say that China is the biggest threat to the United States and has rotten.In the past, the Cold War thinking was not enough to deal with geopolitical competition with China.The United States urgently needs to reshape industrial policies, and strives to formulate new industrial policies suitable for competition with China, that is, the government -led, promoting economic development and growth, combining the mutual influence of security, economic and technology, to maintain the key industry of American competitivenessTake strong measures.

The framework of Biden's government industrial policy is to invest in the inflatable bill of inflation and the science bill infrastructure investment and employment bill. These three key bills have become the legal basis for the government's implementation of industrial policies.The performance of the implementation of these three bills is the specific implementation of a series of policy measures.The goal of these three bills is to promote the development of infrastructure construction, advanced domestic manufacturing, clean energy and other related industries, and create millions of jobs for the United States."U.S. Priority" and "Made in the United States" and trade protectionism are the labels of Biden's government industrial policy.In the field of foreign -related fields, Bayeng's government industrial policy is on the one hand to seek decoupling with China in the high -tech field, and on the other hand, trade frictions will be generated with Europe.

The chip is the industry with the most powerful industrial policy for Bayeng government.In February 2023, US Secretary of Commerce Raymond said that the United States will use the size of $ 53 billion in chips and scientific bill funds to create at least two cutting -edge semiconductor manufacturing industry clusters by 2030.This marks a plan to bring more chip manufacturing business back to the United States into the initial stage.The purpose of creating a chip industry cluster is to establish an ecosystem, gather semiconductor manufacturers, R & D laboratories, final packaging facilities for assembly chips, and suppliers required for each stage of operation.Raymond said that the United States can become the only country in the world's industrial chain in the world.

Driven by the U.S. government, local companies and foreign companies have invested in factories in the United States.Intel revealed that the facilities of Chandler, Arizona and New Orbani, Ohio will invest $ 20 billion in facilities.TSMC has a $ 40 billion project in Finaix.Samsung Electronics will invest $ 17.3 billion in a factory in Texas.Micron Technology and Texas Instruments have also disclosed their investment plans.

According to the Industry Organization Semiconductor Industry Association, the United States plan has triggered a wave of investment. The United States and foreign manufacturers have announced more than 40 projects, with a total investment of nearly US $ 200 billion.In a report from the US Department of Commerce, Hunter said in a report in 2022 that the US $ 23 billion incentive measures provided by the chip and the Science Act will enable Intel, Samsung and TSMC to maintain or built in the United States to meet the domestic United States.By 2027 chip demand.

The British Financial Times found that since the Bayeng government's implementation of industrial policies, more than 75 large -scale manufacturing announcements in the United States have been announced.As of April 14, the company has promised to invest about $ 204 billion in large projects and promise to create at least 82,000 employment opportunities.According to the US population census data, the construction expenditure related to manufacturing in 2022 reached 108 billion US dollars, which is the highest value of the year ever.Paul, the chairman of the American Manufacturing Alliance, said: "The industrial policies that are being implemented have never seen each other." "This is the change of a generation we see in the United States and our production capacity."

It is difficult to shake in the United States world dominance

Although it is too early to judge the performance of the United States to reshape the manufacturing industry, relying on the comprehensive national strength and innovation capabilities of the United States, it is a strategic misjudgment by underestimating the re -rise of the US manufacturing industry.

It is expected that the US manufacturing industry is expected to re -rise. It can be seen that the dominance of the United States in the world is difficult to shake, the leading position is improving, and foreign entrepreneurs are optimistic about the renewal of the US manufacturing industry.In March, South Korea ’s LG announced its investment of 5.5 billion U.S. dollars in Arizona, becoming the largest battery investment in the history of the United States.In October 2022, the Ningde Times of China announced its investment in $ 1.2 billion to open a factory near Las Vegas, Nevada.GOTION is building a $ 2.4 billion battery factory in the United States.

From the absolute strength, the manufacturing industry has not declined, the economy has been growing, and economic growth will directly benefit the people.Based on the purchasing power parity, the per capita income of the United States in 1990 was 24%higher than that of Western Europe.Today, this number is about 30%higher.In 1990, the per capita income of the United States was 17%higher than Japan.Today, this number has risen to 54%.Based on the purchasing power parity, only the per capita income of financial centers such as Qatar and other financial centers such as Catal and Luxembourg is higher than that of the United States.

There is a gap between the rich and the poor, but the median growth of people's wages is almost as much as the average salary.Oklahoma's truck drivers earn more than doctors in Portugal.The British are one of the richest residents of Europe, but the British spent 80%of Americans in 1990.By 2021, this ratio will be reduced to 69%.

Although the United States has performed well, the world and Americans have been singing the United States and the US dollar.The American people have been criticizing their country, government, and leaders. They will not sing praise for Biden today, and tomorrow will not be able to call the next US President Yamama.The judicial system in the United States can impeach and prosecute the president. Trump's sued does not affect his 2024 election, which is exactly the performance of vitality and rule of law in the United States.

The key indicator of judging whether the United States is vitality is to see the innovation of the United States. ChatGPT is only an example of many innovations in the United States.Bill Gates, Jobs, and Musk's innovative heroes who change human destiny will only be born in the United States.This can only show that although there are many shortcomings in American society, the positive power is far greater than its negative surface.When external forces stimulate the rise of the American manufacturing industry, the energy erupted by American society will once again shock the world.The vitality of the United States is not diminished, and the power to benefit the world is far greater than its evil to the world.Russia's contribution to the world is far beyond its contribution. The difference between civilization and barbaric borders and the differences between democracy and dictatorship are clearly visible in the comparison of the United States and Russia.

The author is a commentator in Shanghai, China