As a fierce political means at a high price, the war was strictly restricted in the international norms established by the United Nations Charter.Any foreign war without the United Nations Security Council is likely to suffer moral condemnation and international forces.Therefore, countries around the world generally use force and do not want to easily launch a foreign war.However, the large country has a strong comprehensive national strength and a great political influence. The possibility of using military means to force the opposite people to yield is much higher than that of ordinary countries, and the ability to withstand the cost of war is far stronger than that of ordinary countries.Therefore, driven by major interests driven by major interests, it has the motivation for external combat that is difficult to have in ordinary countries, showing the characteristics of a big country that is not afraid of war.

After the Second World War, humans did not have the worldwide war again; however, the United States, the Soviet Union (Russia), China and other large countries broke out from time to time.Most of these major foreign wars have been settled, and have become the history of the international community yesterday.On this basis, exploring how the foreigner of the past country's foreign war is terminated, which will also have an enlightening effect on predicting the Ukrainian war today.Therefore, the author sorted out the following four end -of -four termination modes for the large country after World War II.

First, the "stalemate" model represented by the Korean War.After the United States, China, and the Soviet Union (the Air Force directly participated in the war in uninterrup), after deeply involved in the Korean War, both the battle between the war quickly entered the stalemate and could not significantly promote the front.In the end, due to the changes in the Supreme leaders of the Soviet Union, the highest decision makers who participated in the war power did not continue to fight.In 2009, North Korea announced the withdrawal of the Anti -Japanese War, but the Korean War was still in a state of facts.

Second, the "draw" mode represented by the Vietnam War, the Soviet African War, and the Afghanistan war in the United States.In the foreign war, the United States and the Soviet Union were trapped in the quagmire of the war and dilemma.The protracted war continues to consume its national national strength and affects other strategies with higher priority.This forces the cruel fact that the great power to endure it is difficult to defeat the opponent or it is difficult to completely extinguish the rebels.In the end, recognizing the situation and leaving the field, and the war ended.

Third, the "Victory and End" model represented by the Sino -Vietnamese War.Just one month after the Sino -Vietnamese War started, China announced that it had achieved the purpose of punishment and withdrew the army and returned to China.The scale of the war decreased immediately, and transferred to the long -term boundary armed conflict stage.In the end, the battle between the war completely ended the war through the Chengdu talks.

Fourth, with the "victory and end" model of the typical representatives with the Persian Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the Iraqi War, and the Georgia War.The United States passed the Persian Gulf War to force Iraq to accept the No. 660 resolution of the Security Council; the United States forced the South League army to withdraw from Kosovo through the Kosovo war, so that Kosovo obtained substantial independence; the United States passed the Iraqi war, destroyed the Sadam regime to complete the Iraqi regime change; RussiaThrough the Georgia War, Georgia was forced to lose the southern Oasser and Abuhaz, and it was unable to join NATO in the short term.The above -mentioned war ended immediately or then after initiating the major war intentions.

Today, both Russia and Ukraine are regarded as the territory of Wudong and the Crimean Peninsula. They have stated that they cannot accept the peace agreement of losing territory, and there are no signs of being completely eliminated by the other party.It is not difficult to see that as long as the two parties have a firm position and no change, it is impossible to end the war with the model of "victory and end", "victory, and then ending".Russia, as a European country cross -European continents, is accustomed to European affairs as the mainstay; there is no Asian direction, which has both threatened attempts and threatened threats.State priority.As a result, Russia cannot be pulled out of the Ukrainian battlefield and affects other geographical strategies.The Ukraine War cannot end in the mode of "drawing".

At present, the front of the two sides has not changed significantly, and the war at the beginning of the war showed a stalemate.If, the assistance country is unwilling to assist Ukraine in a long time.If Russia is unwilling to consume national strength for a long time.It is not ruled out that Russia and Ukraine are influenced by their respective factors, first seeking the previous pushing the actual control line into the stalemate stage; then, in the absence of the anti -war agreement, the scale of war is reduced along the actual control line, and the war to the actual control line armed conflict, and then thenIn the new stage of transition to the management of the actual control line crisis, a new type of termination method of removing war appears.

The author is a scientific researcher in Sichuan China