Russia and Ukraine have been fighting for almost a year and a half. The two sides have been fighting for 10 months in the meat grinding machine Bachurut, and the war is still continuing. As for the complete recovery, we don’t know that the two parties still have to be needed.How many life losses are paid here.It is said that as of May 21, the two sides had a casualties here of 150,000.Therefore, Bach Mutter deservedly became the most cruel city battle after World War II, and also caused Europeans to revisit the fierce "Verson Battle" of World War I.From the beginning of the war to so far, the total injuries of military civilians on both sides have reached one million, and larger casualties may continue to refresh their bloody records in the Baiyi War that the Ukraine who has already begun and fight against the Russian army.

When we see a city ruins like Mali Ubol and Bachurut who are almost razed to the ground; when we see millions of Ukrainian civilians escape from their homes, they are displaced.Since the Ukraine War, it is estimated that 17.6 million people in Ukraine need urgent humanitarian assistance, of which more than 8 million refugees have been from Ukraine alone); when we see videos of dying struggle in the trenches, we see the drone shooting soldiers.How strong will it be affected?When we see the environment, biology, and humanitarian crisis caused by the damage caused by the damage of the Ukraine Kahofka Reservoir Dam on June 6, will it think of the disaster of the next upgrade?

Appeasement policy played a role in helping the flames

All of this forced us to return to the war before the war, return to the origin of the contradictions and conflicts of Russia and Ukraine, and even the local war, to seriously think about why humans occur.Why is it so bloody in the 21st century where the globalization develops rapidly?What exactly is this?Who should be responsible for this?In addition to the Russians, especially President Putin, are still deeply trapped in the traditional concept of Tsarist Russia, and it is difficult to extricate themselves (see the dispute between the concept of Russia and Ukraine, and the speech on May 6, May 6), Western politicians should obviously should also be pursued to Russia.The stupid appeasement policy has an unspoken responsibility, and even to a certain extent, it has played a role in helping the flame.

When Putin launched and won the Second Chechen War in 1999, when Putin commanded the Russian army to quickly invade Georgia in August 2008, European and Americans made a wall view;The interests of the clan as an excuse, blatantly sent troops to annex the Crimea region in Ukraine, and then planned to launch Lugusk and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine in the East of Ukraine.And make some symbolic sanctions that are irrelevant.Compared with Putin of Peter's Emperor Peter, just like a gambler who finds his handsomeness, he will only increase the bet again and again.The picture is comprehensive and one -time re -incorporated Ukraine into the Russian Federation.

Five days before the war (February 19, 2022), when Ukraine President Zelezki also called Ukraine as a "European Shield" that resisted Russia's intrusion threats when he attended the Munich Safety Conference.Stop all "appeasement" policies to Moscow.However, in Europe and the United States' appeal to Zellenzki, and continued to adopt a appeasement policy for the increasingly aggressive Russian war.Although the United States has already mastered the absolutely reliable and confidential of Russia's invasion, President Biden will be a disaster in addition to constantly warning Russia to invade Ukraine, which makes the international order at stake. Instead, it means that the United States is unwilling to participate in the battle and withdraw from U.S. military advisers and observer in Ukraine.This is just as if he wants to give Russia with peace of mind, and the weak mediation of French leaders before the war has further condoned Putin to be afraid and launch a comprehensive war.

If the time is pushed down again, we will also see that one month before the war, Joni Kay Ernst, the US Ahwarn Senator, pointed out "so far, during the period of this government's administrationWe have seen appeasementism. "We also called for the Bayeng government to gather troops and equipment on Russia on the Ukrainian border, continue to exacerbate tensions, make strong responses to effectively stop Russia's possible invasion at any time."We only need to let Putin know that the United States and our Ukrainian friends stand together." "We need to actively counterattack President Putin, whether in the form of sanctions (for example, Russia will expel Russia from the Swiss banking system, to Beixi No. 2Sanctions of pipelines) continue to equip our Ukrainian friends with offensive weapons, not only defense capabilities, but all these actions are in place. "

Looking back at the actual operation of the West, led by the United States, the West, led by the United States, has to admit that the suggestions made by Esta are almost adopted. Unfortunately, all the above countermeasuresWith the upgrading of the war, the cost of nearly one million casualties in Russia and Ukraine was exchanged.Just look at which Aid Ukraine's device was not in the West "after repeated tangles, delaying, and obscure", which time was not only after Ukraine faced the Russian atrocities and upgrades?After the re -installed military reserve assistance after the tragedy of the Bucha, after the Kiev Civil facility was bombarded by the Russian army without difference, it was only in exchange for various air defense missiles.The Leopard 2 tank that has only been delivered recently has waited for more than a year. How much is the blood of the Ukrainian military and civilians?

Why does Ukraine have no right to fight back?

To some extent, it can even be said that it is the shadow of appeasementism that the West is lingering, and the new humanitarian disaster of the dam was bombed.Eliot Cohen, a strategic researcher at Hopkins University in the United States, destroyed its career in the Atlantic Monthly on June 1 with a strategic stupid speech.The incident of launching attacks issued sharp criticism and asked: "Which country can win the war by limiting its own local defense, even if it has the ability to do more?There is no right to counterattack? ... The statement of the White House, and the undeniable anxiety that followed, reflects the two regrettable but common flaws in the United States: innocence and arrogance ... It is difficult for us to imagine that the missiles are like rain spots like rain spotsFalling into our city, destroying hospitals and schools, or tolerating the invasion of the invasion of the army's wanton slaughter and rape. Americans will never show anything that requires Ukraine to restrain. "

The surface of the appeasement policy is almost all to avoid the outbreak of the war, but the results are all in a larger, more and more inhumane war, whether it was before World War II, British and French appeasementism led by Chamberlain, which was led by Chamberlain.It is still the appeasementism led by the United States, Germany, and France in the battle of Russia and Ukraine.

The only difference is that it is the scourge of itself, or the gate of the city is still getting angry, and these unfortunate Ukrainians have become the pond fish.For the rushing Russia, this appeasement is also a deep disaster.If European and American politicians are more resolute and fatal, no matter how brave people are afraid, and then implement some effective curb strategies, the probability of the Russian and Ukraine war will not happen.Although Putin will be angry and hate the West deeply, after all, it will stop its reckless move in time and save the life of millions of people (and the hand and foot between the Slavic brothers are disabled).Strangling in the bud state.

Unfortunately, nothing happened!This is our sad international political reality!

The author is a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, a researcher at the Ash Democratic Governance and Innovation Center of Kennedy College of Harvard University