Source: United News Network

Author: Tang Shaocheng

After the balloon incident in February, the United States has canceled the plan for senior officials to visit China. Some US officials recently said that Brins will visit Beijing on the 18th, which will be the first visit of the US Secretary of State in five years.However, the Chinese Embassy in the United States stated that China did not have information about Brinken's trip. It only mentioned that China and the United States had an open attitude to the United States, and the US Department of Council did not confirm this interview, which is indeed worthy of attention.

Shortly after the balloon incident, Washington advocated re -arranging the schedule of senior officials. President Biden even said that US -China relations are about to thaw.The Wall Street Journal reported recently that China has reached a secret agreement with Cuba to establish electronic eavesdropping facilities on islands about 160 kilometers from Florida in order to monitor the military and business signals of the United States and related countries.Although the three parties in China and the United States have claimed that the report is inaccurate, it still causes the United States to worry.

Recently, due to the military operations in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, the confrontation between the United States and China has deteriorated further.A few days ago, the US Senate's Foreign Relations Committee passed the 2023 protection of Taiwan and the National Toughing Act (TAIWAN Protection and National Resilleience Act of 2023).To prepare for the mainland's attack, the bill will be reviewed in the Senate.The British media also pointed out that the United States, Japan and Taiwan will share the instant data of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in the United States.Coupled with the gangsters in the United States, they intend to internationalize the internationalization of the Taiwan Strait. Even South Korea has joined the ranks, etc., letting Beijing see it in the eyes.

But Berns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States in May, visited Beijing in May. The Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao visited the United States last month and had talks with the Minister of Commerce Raymond and the trade negotiator Dai Qi.Advisor Jacksa Liva also met with Wang Yi in Vienna in early May.

But the Chinese Minister of Defense Li Shangfu still rejected the US Secretary of Defense Austin to hold a meeting during the Singapore Security Conference last week.Recently, the U.S. State Department, the highest diplomat responsible for affairs in the Asia -Pacific region, Cletenblins, who has recently went to Beijing with senior officials from a National Security Council, and naturally related to the arrangement of Bollingken.

This shows that in the face of the two methods of the United States, Beijing also tried to take the initiative.It can be also inferred that the nature of the balloon incident and the significance of Cuba rumors may have new explanations.

The author is the dean of the Taiwan Asia -Pacific Institute of Asia Pacific