Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Zhang Jingwei

After Hou Youyi was called for the President of the Kuomintang in mid -May, the support of the polls did not have the expected celebration.And the New Taipei Kindergarten's doubt is intensifying, as if worsening in the snow, which makes supporters worry.Everyone was asking: What happened to Hou Youyi?Can you save it?

The answer to the second question is certainly certain. There are still more than half a year from the voting. From the green, blue and white three parties, internal affairs, cross -strait to the international, there are still too many variables.Returning to the right track, there is a lot of promise, and now there is no need to be lost at all.As for the first question, it is more delicate.

Integrating unity and pan -blue, enriching the main discussion of the main body, and strengthening the campaign team is currently the three major programs of the most commonly proposed by Hou Xiangsheng.Because the campaign team includes the strengthening and upgrading of the coach itself, it is the so -called "gentleman's service book, which is established and the Tao is born."

But at present Hou Youyi himself has always given people a kind of kaka, unable to let go, or even feel confident in many occasions and responses to various issues. As for its "pan -election"The team, from the attack on the issue of the former national affairs, the rhythm of the election campaign, and the defense of the municipal municipality, it was really impossible to be reassuring and could not be Hou Youyi's thick backing.

Due to the political operations during the election, the impact of the doubt of the New Taipei Kindergarten was definitely greater than the previous Enn case. The Hou team should be vigilant from this lesson. This kind of crisis will not be this time.The fire in the backyard will be unimaginable.Hou Shifu's various links in this incident, from the neglect of handling attitudes, insufficient social communication to passive response, there must be strict reviews, because it is difficult for the people to listen to your reason from time -order comparison.It's right to understand the right or wrong from the intuitive feeling.

For Hou Youyi, who is running for president, although the municipality seems to be tied to his hands and feet, it is also a stage for Lai Qingde and Ke Wenzhe.During the election campaign, the municipality was made, but the effect of completing its presidential election campaign.One is very good, no matter how much it is, from personnel to heart deployment, it must be tightened in the future.

Among the three candidates in blue, green and white, Hou Youyi was the latest statement and launching campaign.Hou Youyi is now like a father and son riding a donkey, and someone will criticize whether it is collected or put, so he should think about his strengths and shortcomings, and re -establish a self -confidence positioning.Originally simple and stable nature.

Hou Youyi is not a traditional Kuomintang politician. He is talented in style. He is not as good as Ma Ying -jeou and Zhu Lilun; on the front and talents, he is not as good as Korean Yu and Ke Wenzhe; on the familiarity of political qualifications and routines, he is not as good as Lai Qingde;Practical, capable, courageous, courage, and even the characteristics of unsatisfactory ideas and political stances, can be the favor of voters with the aforementioned elite.And when the election is more upper, Hou Youyi retrieves his own color and self, and he must also use more politically wisdom and strategy!

The author is senior media person