Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

The Hong Kong Government announced the input of labor plans, involving the construction and transportation industry, with a total quota of 20,000.Hong Kong's labor force has shrunk, and the low -tech labor population has decreased by about 160,000 in 4 years. Many industries have lack of sighs. In order to avoid affecting people's livelihood services and economic development, it is necessary for the relevant industries to be moderately entered in the relevant industries.The government claims that the plan is not permanent, but there is no time limit. Looking at the actual situation of the local employment market, the relevant industries entering workers will not be constant, I believe it will not be a short -term measure.Recruiting people, how to approve, and how to manage it is a problem. The government must ensure that entering the labor plan will not be reduced to the tools of squeezing foreign and local workers.The official is responsible for strict supervision to prevent chaos such as intermediary exploitation, deduction of wages, and harsh treatment of foreign workers.

Human manual shortage of development

Unscrupulous employer to prevent more

Many industries in Hong Kong have faced a shortage of manpower before the epidemic. Taking the construction industry as an example, it is not enough from the construction of the site to engineers;After the epidemic, some industries such as airport ground diligence, because people lost seriously before, and the lack of problems was particularly serious.According to the official statement, there are about 600,000 registered workers in the construction industry.It is estimated that nearly 2,000 people and 1,600 people are missing, which is equivalent to two percent hands.The assessment of the Machinery Management Bureau predicts that at the end of next year, the industry's manual gap will reach 16,000, 7 and a half of them (about 10,000) are vacant positions in frontline airport positions.

The industry assessment is "moisture", of course, it can be considered, but the serious shortage of people in related industries is also a fact.According to existing policies, if employers cannot hire enough people locally, they can apply to the Labor Office to enter the technical staff level or below workers through the "supplementary labor plan".Employers must start public recruitment for 4 weeks in the local area to prove that they have not found the required manpower. In addition, they also have to seek opinions for the paid meeting. The entire approval process takes nearly half a year.The current government proposes to dismantle the wall and loosen it, and use the designated quota to allow some "no doubt" industries to enter workers as soon as possible without going to the procedures for the work.Earlier announcement of the special plan for the input caregiver in the hospital, allowing an additional 3,000 caregivers to allow an additional 3,000 nurses, which can be regarded as a goldstone.The latest input labor plan is to use the hospital caregiver plan as a blueprint, cover the construction and transportation industry, 20,000 quotas, 12,000 construction industry, 8,000 transportation industry, of which 6300 are aviation industry, 1700 of 1700It belongs to small bus and passenger driver.

Enter 20,000 workers, the scale is not small, but compared with the personnel shortage assessment of the person in related industries, the official quota is about half, which can be regarded as "the middle fall ink". Whether the government needs to be adjusted in the future.Make sure the input scale is moderate.In addition, the government has adjusted the existing "supplementary labor plan" and suspended the execution plan that 26 low -tech positions are generally not allowed to enter the rules of workers. It lasts for two years. The positions involved include salesperson, hairstyle, waiter, and delivery staff.Although the official emphasizes that the relevant industry plans to enter foreign workers, it is still necessary to prove that it is not invited locally, but it is also true to restrict relaxation.The government must strictly control to ensure that local workers are employed priority.

The shortage of manpower not only affects the economic development and competitiveness of Hong Kong, but also affects the services that citizens can enjoy. Entering workers to meet the needs of economic and people's livelihood. There is no problem in itself.Plan, alienation is a tool for saving workers to save costs.The government has repeatedly stated that the purpose of the plan is not to introduce cheap workers. The salary of foreign workers should not be lower than the median salary of relevant positions. In addition to ensuring reasonable treatment of foreign workers, it can also avoid lowering the salary of local workers and the situation of "grabbing rice and bowls";In addition, the construction industry input workers will also give priority to large -scale public engineering projects, hoping to strengthen their confidence in planning.However, in the past, experience also showed that unscrupulous employers and intermediary companies always do everything possible to exploit foreign workers. From recruitment, commuting to accommodation arrangements, there may be randoms in each link.

The existing "Supplementary Labor Program" has a rigorous application process, but during the recruitment process, there is no shortage of unscrupulous intermediaries.Taking the recruitment caregiver as an example, generally speaking, the Hong Kong intermediary companies are attracting people, and these companies will find mainland intermediaries to cooperate and invite people in different provinces and cities.The problem is that these intermediaries lack a professional certification mechanism. Some people in the local labor community said that some mainland or Hong Kong bad intermediaries and private homes have conspired to deduct foreign wages with various methods.The supervision of the Labor Office was not in place, resulting in the failure to deal with the problem.According to the labor community, foreign workers in other types of workers under the "supplementary labor plan" also have the problem of deducting wages.With the expansion of the scale of labor, officials need to strengthen supervision and assault inspections, understand the actual treatment of foreign workers, and strictly crack down on unscrupulous employers and intermediaries.

Say good Hong Kong Stories

Reasonable guarantee foreign workers

Entering workers, not a quota of one hundred, and there are many problems to follow up.In addition to deducting wages, accommodation is also easy to make problems.The official stated that the community isolation facility in Yuen Longtan will be changed to foreign workers' dormitories and rent it to employers to resettle workers. It is expected that thousands of people can live.In terms of airports, due to the approaching Hong Kong -Zhuhai -Macao Bridge, the Machinery Authority said that foreign workers can work and return to the airport now, but employees need to bear the transportation costs by themselves;There are temporary dormitories in the construction site.The SAR is officially responsible for ensuring foreign labor accommodation, which meets basic hygiene and safety requirements.If foreign workers come to Hong Kong, everyone lives in disguise, and the salary is deducted, and the work is poor.