Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

The Hong Kong government plans to increase the power transmission from the mainland, hoping for 20 % of the current total power supply, to 70 % by 2035.The stability of power and power supply in mainland China has continued to improve in the past 10 years.In terms of environmental protection and emission reduction, the government aims at achieving carbon neutrality in 2050. The country's renewable energy development has developed rapidly, increasing the purchase of zero carbon power from the mainland to help neutralize carbon; on electricity costs, Hong Kong's electricity prices are higher than those around Shenzhen and other cities.To buy zero carbon power on the mainland, you need to build a receiving power system first, but the long -term helps stability and restraint local electricity prices.Of course, other cities in the Greater Bay Area have the same demand for electricity. The SAR government must negotiate with the mainland to discuss various feasible power supply cooperation plans. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a certain proportion of local power generation to ensure diversified power supply.

Eat emission reduction and electricity price for the long -term

Promoting Electric Power Cooperation in the Greater Bay Area

Global warming, there are responsibilities in various places to try their best to reduce the greenhouse gas, and of course Hong Kong is no exception.In 2020, the Environmental Bureau's Under the Sustainable Development Committee issued a long -term carbon reduction strategy recommendation report (hereinafter referred to as the carbon reduction report). It is mentioned that Hong Kong should gradually move towards net zero carbon emissions before 2050 or before, that is, the "carbon is in China.and".Among the carbon emissions in Hong Kong, the discharge of the two electricity plants accounted for the largest proportion, reaching 60%, and transportation accounted for 20%.Although the fuel used by CLP and Hong Kong lamps is mainly natural gas, coal -fired power generation still accounts for a certain proportion; even if the two -electricity is fully changed to gas power generation, natural gas has always belonged to fossil fuel, which is not enough to make Hong Kong neutralize carbon.The carbon reduction report pointed out that if Hong Kong wants to achieve carbon neutrality, it is necessary to solve the problem of carbon emissions of power plants. One of them is worthy of promoting the direction of "regional cooperation", that is, Hong Kong enters more nuclear energy and renewable energy sources from the mainland.

According to the official emission reduction roadmap, the local power plant must no longer generate power generation in 2035 to achieve half of the mid -term target of carbon reduction.This means that Hong Kong also needs to increase 2 to 3 times zero carbon energy to meet the society's demand for power.Environmental Director Xie Zhanhuan said that the official strategy is to increase the power supply of zero carbon in the mainland, including electricity from the Daya Bay nuclear power plant. The specific plan is still discussing with the mainland.Supply two electricity.

The land of Hong Kong projectiles has too many environmental restrictions, and the potential for developing solar energy and wind power is limited. It is necessary to reach carbon neutralization and increase renewable energy power such as mainland nuclear power, which is the most realistic choice.From the actual operation level, since China ’s reform and opening up, CLP and Southern Power Grid has long -term cooperation. At present, Southern Power Grid has 30 % equity in Qingshan Power Plant. CLP also has invested in the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station. About 20 % of the entire power in Hong Kong is from the mainland.In the past 10 years, the mainland has developed rapidly in renewable energy, which is beyond the imagination of all parties. To this day, renewable energy power has accounted for about 30 % of the national power generation, and the high proportion is at the forefront of the world., All are advancing at full speed.In the future, renewable energy will be more popular in the mainland, and I believe that it is capable of replenishing Hong Kong's lack.

The reliability of the two -power power supply is as high as 99.999%, and the power supply network is a world -class. However, in the past year, severe accidents have two consecutive three consecutive consecutive. Whether the two -electricity service is so "impeccable", many citizens have doubts in their hearts.Once upon a time, there was often insufficient power supply in the mainland. However, in the past 10 years, it has been significantly improved. The power supply of Guangdong Province has stood at the top in the mainland.According to the data analysis of the National Energy Administration, in the 9 cities in the Greater Bay Area, the reliability of the power supply reliability of Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Zhongshan, Guangzhou and Foshan has performed well.It has reached the advanced level of the world's main bay areas.Last year, the Southern Power Grid and the Shenzhen Municipal Government signed the Fourteen Five -Year Plan to comprehensively deepen the strategic cooperation framework agreement, and also incorporated the "Tibetan Southeast Power Bay Area" into the development plan.The construction of the Greater Bay Area in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao is the focus of complementary advantages and exerting synergy. Power supply can become one of the focus of cooperation between the three places.

Striving for mutual benefit and win -win situation

Make sure local power supply diversified

The two -electricity monopolizes the Hong Kong power market. The government's control agreement is actually guaranteed to make the two -electricity every year without compensation.The two electricity bills are continuously increased, and the average electricity price of Hong Kong is much higher than Shenzhen, Taiwan and other places.Increasing the input of zero carbon power from the mainland, of course, it is necessary to spend money to build relevant infrastructure facilities in the short period of time, but in the long run, it should help to restrain local electricity prices and avoid being affected by the fluctuations of international fuel prices.Of course, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other places are also very enthusiastic about power demand, and the Guangdong Provincial Government must also implement established carbon reduction targets.The SAR Government hopes that in 2035, the proportion of power supply to the mainland with local power generation has changed from 7 and a half to "seven and three opens". Whether it can be as expected depends on the attitude of Guangdong Province.When I do n’t treat it, the SAR government must step up consultations with the mainland, and on the premise of mutual benefit and win -win, explore the power supply cooperation plan that has benefited from both parties.

Increase the input of mainland power, there are two specific modes. One is to directly connect to the power plant with submarine cables, and the other is to connect the Hong Kong power grid with the Southern Power Grid.There are opinions that the power supply is relatively stable in the "factory line" method. In case of an accident in the mainland power grid, it will not be led.Hong Kong is an international financial center. The stability of power supply is indeed important. The "factory special line" is undoubtedly desirable. Howeverpattern.The problem that the government really needs to think is how to balance local power generation and enter power from the mainland to ensure diversified power supply in Hong Kong and avoid putting all eggs in the same basket.