Source: Ming Pao

Reporter: Zhou Hong quantity

In the United States to promote bilateral security cooperation and establish a "less alliance" in the United States, Japan has always had a special role.Japan was the earliest proposal of Indo -Pacific Strategy. As the only Asian country of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7), Japan is also active in the United States to attract the layout of Europe and Indo -Pacific in the United States.Japan's amendments to the security three documents and improved defense funds last year were even regarded as the AUKUS nuclear submarine project, and the other most likely to rewrite the changes in power balance in the region.In view of the layout of the U.S. Indo -Pacific layout for China, Beijing also named Japan from time to time. Scholars analyzed that behind the active action of Japan, a major factor is to pay attention to the situation in the Taiwan Strait, and worry that the unification of both sides of the strait will become its "strategic disaster".

"India" (India-Pacific) region, as the origin of contemporary international relations, can be traced back to the "Arc of Freedom and Prosperity" proposed by the three term of office of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the "intersection of the two oceans".And the "Asian Democratic and Security Diamond" proposed at the beginning of the term of office, and even the "free and open Indo -Pacific region" expression, is also from Abe's speech by Abe's 2016 International Conference (TICAD) in Tokyo Africa.According to a report by foreign policy in 2021, it was Japanese officials that sold the Indo -Pacific concept in 2017, attracting the Foreign Team of the Trump administration that suffered from the India, which made this set of discussions entering the US diplomatic decision -making circle and continued to this day.

Meeting Eurasian allies Japan actively participate

During the tenure of Biden's government, Japan continued to deepen bilateral relations with countries in the region, and participated in the young -side alliance involved in the United States -beyond the most important QUAD, there are the South China Sea patrols in the United States, Japan and the Philippines.Latest examples such as information information sharing.

In the process of "matching" European and Asian allies in the United States, Japan also actively participated. After the Russian army invaded Ukraine, the current Prime Minister Kishida Wentuki repeatedly mentioned the discussion of "Ukraine today's East Asia".Talk to Japan to set up a liaison office in Tokyo.Although the latest report of the Financial Times stated that France proposed opposition and made the NATO Tokyo Liaison Office plans to be shadowed, as if the report quoted the British Think Tank International Strategy Research Institute (IISS) Japanese expert off -road flower, the discussion in the contact office was seen from Kishida.European-Anto-PACIFIC's strategic environment ... and Indo-PACIFIC ... and seek coordination and cooperation with Zhidao partners. "

China is also dissatisfied with these changes.When the discussion at the NATO Tokyo Liaison Office last month, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had already named Japan "the" Urgent Pioneer "of" whether to act as the "NATO Asia Pacific" ", and also emphasized that due to the history of modern militarism, Japan's military military's militaryThe security trend has always attracted the attention of neighboring Asian countries and the international community.Another example was last year NATO's first invitation to India's partner national leader to participate in the summit expansion meeting. Although Japan was only one of the four partners, the official media Xinhua News Agency published a signature review article at the time, named Japan.sinister".

Using security three documents to transform Japan's most important step

However, the most important step in Japan is self -transformation.Japan updated the "Security Three Documents" (that is, National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy and Defense Capability Plan) in December last year.The "counterattack ability" of the territorial missile stronghold has greatly changed the "special defense" policy after the war.In addition, in order to perform new measures for the three documents, Japan's defense funds are planned to increase to 2%of GDP in 2027. The large increase is described as "rare" by Japanese media.

Zhang Bohui, a professor of the Department of Government and International Affairs of Lingnan University in Hong Kong, described that Japan's move "greatly changes regional balance and security dynamics", and it is an AUKUS nuclear submarine project in Australia and the United States.Essence

The consideration of the situation in the Taiwan Strait is an important motivation for Japanese diplomacy. This is evident from Japan's promotion of the introduction of "the importance of peace and stability in Taiwan Strait" from Japan and the United States.Japanese scholar Matsuda Kangbo analyzed the latest column of the Liberty Times in Taiwan. The G7 summit leader Joint Communist Party actually promoted the statement according to the Japanese discussion.Echo the new national security strategy words.

Scholars: The "strategic disaster" on both sides of the Taiwan Strait

Professor Purnendra Jain, Professor of the Department of Asia, the University of Asian Research, which is known for studying Japan, explained to the Ming Dynasty that compared with the United States' visual defense Taiwan as the position of Pacific military dominance, Japan regards it as "extreme extremeimportant".He pointed out that Tokyo needs the military support of Washington to maintain the current situation of the Taiwan Strait.Great increase defense expenditure is part of this game.He added that once the Taiwan Strait conflict occurred, it was judged that Australia would definitely support the United States in accordance with history, but India is unlikely to have direct military participation.