The Seventh -way Group (G7) summit held in Japan not long ago, among the head declarations published after the meeting, unprecedented three major aspects, such as economic and trade relations, Taiwan Strait Security and End Ukrainian War, it showed "de -risk risk to China"Common attitude and warning.Chinese officials also said immediately and condemned the G7 head declaration.International public opinion generally believes that this represents the formal formation of a new round of opposition and confrontation between the Chinese and Western camps.

But in this context of quite "cold", it is not a hint of warm currents.At a press conference held by U.S. President Biden, it was declared that "Sino -US relations are about to thaw."RecentTalk to the highest leader of China.In the long run, it is said that due to the informal meeting of the leaders of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization this year, it will be held in San Francisco, USA in November. At that time, China's Supreme Leaders plan to attend the conference and visit the United States by the way.

According to normal diplomatic operations and conventions, from now to the six months from November, Sino -US relations are expected to appear and signs, that is, paving the way for leaders to pave the way, and requires a more harmonious atmosphere.The key issue is whether China and the United States can seize this rare warm current and opportunities, and welcomes the transfer to greatly improve bilateral relations?Still facing the opportunity to do nothing, waste the valuable buffer period, and lead to a greater conflict and crisis between China and the United States in the future?

It is estimated that few people are now optimistic about "active turning" in Sino -US relations, because frozen three feet is not a cold one day.The conflict between China and the United States has risen from the original hotspot and tactical level to the overall strategic level of the overall situation. It is currently in the state of the "Quate Cold War". Both sides are competing against the outside and strengthening the alert internally.If the "Cold War" cannot stop worsening, the next step may lead to "hot war", although few people agree that the Chinese and American hot war meets the fundamental interests and expectations of the two countries.

At this major historical juncture, it was necessary to relive half a century ago. How the leaders of China and the United States then should use great courage and courage to break the ice that has been silent for 20 years.It is worth pointing out that in the past year, the American -American attitude strategy has always been more active and flexible. From the active contact with Chinese officials in Warsaw, Poland, to the State Secretary of State Kissinger in Pakistan, it is applied to the disease in Pakistan.Flying to Beijing's visit shows that there are not many burdens and restrictions on the United States.

The key was the Chinese leader at the time, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai could get rid of the constraints of the extreme left, and some key hotspots such as the interference of issues such as Taiwan and Vietnam.Playing the big ball (Earth) can place the country's overall interests on the pedantic and rigid Cultural Revolution.There is also an episode of this. In order to welcome the visit of the US president, the Chinese Orchestra rehearsed the music of "Beautiful A Merida".However, in the extremely ignorant environment in China at that time, some people accused the music of "singing praise for imperialism."Zhou Enlai filled with indignation and publicly refuted in public: "This is a song of American folk songs, which is very beautiful. It praises the natural scenery of the United States.

From the perspective of the national interests of China and the United States at that time, the United States was close to China, mainly to weaken the Soviet Union in the Cold War and tentatively open the Chinese market; and China thaw Sino -US relations, first of all to fight against the Soviet military threats,At the same time, it is also hoped that it will gradually recover the normal state relations with the West and break through the long -term comprehensive sanctions of China in China since the Korean War.The United States is the leader of the Western camp. Once Sino -US relations break the ice, the relationship between China and Western countries (including Europe, Japan, Canada, etc.) will inevitably improve.Later, the historical development proof was indeed the case. At that time, China and the United States broke the ice. They even returned to friendly cooperation for China's comprehensive reform and opening up, China and the United States, and the people, and laid a positive foreshadowing.

To effectively handle Sino -US relations, you can't engrav the sword

Fusheci, a profound revelation is that if you want to effectively handle Sino -US relations, you must put the interests of the country and the nation first.From thousands of things, we must dare to seize and seize important opportunities and nodes, and boldly take key measures to improve Sino -US relations.

From now to the next half of the future, there are two major variable factors that may affect Sino -US relations.One is that the war in Russia's invasion of Ukraine has entered the end of the end, and the other is the effective control of the China -US Strait and the South China Sea on the crisis of potential gunfire in the South China Sea.For Sino -US relations, these two major variables can be negative energy or positive energy. The key is to be artificial and how to grasp major opportunities.

Russia launched the unrighteous battle to invade Ukraine more than a year ago. It has now moved from strategic coexisting and transferred to Ukraine to launch a new stage of a big counterattack.As a result of Ukraine's counterattack, even if Russia has not lost its failure, it will be stunned.From time to time, Ukraine also hopes to end the war before the coming of winter, so by November, the Russian and Ukraine War should have the final result, and it will probably end with Russia's defeat.

At present, China ’s position on the Russian and U -wars is to stop war, but it has always rejected the nature of the Russian aggression war. It has not explicitly required Russia to return Ukraine to the territory and immediately stop the fire.Such a so -called stop war promotes peace, it is difficult to have practical significance and role.So now, Ukraine has launched a big counterattack to expel Russian intruder out of all the situation of the occupied territory. Whether China can conform to the trend of the times and the national interests in the Russian and Ukraine war, it has made more positive and positive adjustments.Provide a new opportunity to improve Sino -US relations?It is particularly worth pointing out that condemning the aggression of Putin regime is not equal to abandoning the Russian people, and it will help the Russian nations and nations to get out and end the war at an early date.

As for the dispute between China and the United States in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, it is not difficult, that is, whether to recognize that these two sea areas have international public sea water channels and can be freely sailed.This was originally a common sense.If this common sense is recognized, there is no need to make some dangerous tracking and interception actions in the above -mentioned waters, and to over -entanglement and nervousness, it is untenable in terms of law and logic.Taking the Jinqing Strait between Honshu and Hokkaido as an example, this also includes the International Gonghai Waterway, which can be freely sailing.Imagine that if Japan's mind is hot one day, it is announced that the Jinliang Strait is the inner sea in Japan. Foreign ships are not allowed to pass without permission. Is there any normal order and rules for international marine navigation and routes?

Remember, it is now a highly developed world of information in the 21st century. The transparency of many things is unprecedented, and long and short videos can be spread all over the world in an instant.If in such a public eye, it is still boring and ridiculous to forcibly arguing that some sea and air dangerous interception actions are "reasonable and professional".Even if some diplomatic words such as "responsibility are not in our side" are added, it will be pale and unconvinced.Recently, there are still claims that China should go to Cuba to set up a monitoring station for the United States. It sounds very explosive, but it is necessary to consider a major risk. The government system of Cuba is not guaranteed to make a face overnight.Related to invest in blood.

The author is an expert in international cultural strategy research and consultation in the United States