In the past two months of international and regional countries, they have paid attention to El Nino phenomenon. For example, the World Meteorological Organization warned that in the next five years, the El Niopy phenomenon and continuous greenhouse gas emissions will take the world to the world.The temperature is pushed to a new high, and this possibility is as high as 98%.The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the United Nations World Food Program also jointly issued a report at the end of last month, proposing that the climatic phenomenon of Elnino was imminent.The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) climate forecasting center issued a statement on June 8th that El Nino has appeared, it will have a series of impacts, such as increasing risk of heavy rainfall and drought in certain areas of the world.Both the Singapore and Indonesian Meteorological Bureau also predicted that the phenomenon of Elnino phenomenon was as high as 80 %.

Drought weather is likely to cause forest fires and cause serious cross -border haze problems. For example, forest fires have occurred in Canada, and haze shrouded many cities in the United States. More than 100 million people received air pollution alerts.New York City was shrouded in "orange haze" on June 7. The concentration of suspended particles PM2.5 in the air was as high as 106 micrograms per cubic meter, becoming the worst air quality in the world that day.

Cross -border haze may also threaten the countries in the region again. The Singapore Meteorological Administration issued a statement last week that the El Nino phenomenon and Indian Ocean Dipole may enter the positive pole stage in the next one or two months in the next one or two months.EssenceThese two factors may cause the weather to become dry and hot from June to October this year, and it is more likely to cause peat land fire and forest fire, and the risk of cross -border haze has increased.However, the Indonesian Marine and Investment Minister Luhut said that the haze has been "no longer a problem, and Indonesia has been prepared to cope.He attended the Ninth Ecological Prosperity Week in Singapore on June 6 that he told reporters that since 2016, the haze problem has slowed a lot, because Indonesia has made full preparations, including the use of "weather transformation technology" in advance urging in advance pre -urgingRain, so that there is enough water to store fire when the fire occurs.The key to Indonesia for many years of Linhuo's problem is that the key to preventing Lin Huo from politically determines.President Zoko has continuously worked hard to solve local problems from legislation and law enforcement in the past few years, which has really made people see effects.

The last El Nino phenomenon occurred in 2016. This time, various crisis signals have emerged, and countries in this region are strictly waiting.Malaysia has recently been at a first -class heat wave alarm, that is, at least three consecutive days at least 35 to 37 degrees Celsius.Johor's chicken industry and Grandan's rice production are affected.There are similar problems in Thailand's agriculture. Northern Vietnam's Passing Chemical Power Power Station and coal -fired generators often fail, resulting in a reduction in power supply. Vietnam may face power shortages in high temperature seasons.The Indonesian government suggested that farmers start investing in more drought -resistant seeds, and increase import rice when necessary.

In terms of grain safety, re -thinking and reshaping Singapore's grain production is the current strategy of Singapore to respond to climate change. Singapore's goal is to allow local agricultural products to meet the nutritional needs of Chinese people in 2030.

On the one hand, Singapore starts the government's cross -departmental haze operation team to formulate measures to respond to the risk of cross -border haze at any time.On the other hand, the Meteorological Department urged the public to prepare enough N95 masks and ensure that the air purifier operates well.At the same time, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Environment are formulating the "Heat Stress Consultation Framework", which states how people planned activities, take necessary protection measures, and decide to wear appropriate wear during outdoor activities based on weather predictions.Among them, the details remain to be announced. Under this framework, for those outdoor work, such as workers working at construction sites, roads, and parks, and even sending outs, the traffic police in densely uniforms should stipulate that employers or officials take care of their protection of heat stroke protection.need.In addition, the lower -level family situation in the family should also receive attention.

Faced with high temperature climate, individual countries have individual response strategies, but in terms of regional cross -border issues, Asia's collective efforts are the most important.As the chairman of the Asian Simpan Cross -Borders Tobacco Pollution Agreement, Singapore is necessary to accelerate the cooperation of Asia Gyanan countries, formulate a new Asian -dimensional peat land management system and the Asian Diandan investment framework to improve the food security of various countries, ensure that regional countries can be more flexible and more flexible and more available.Mechanism cope with today and the future climate challenges.