Source: Beautiful Electronic News

Author: Chen Guoxiang

Gender equality is universal value.Civilized countries in the world are committed to gender education. The purpose is to teach and respect diverse gender differences, eliminate gender discrimination, promote gender status and equality, and maintain personality dignity.In the past six years, the "#Metoo" movement has caused major changes in the political circles of many regions, and has also greatly enhanced the awareness of gender equality, promoting the prevention and relief of various prevention and sexual harassment and overlord's hard bow behavior, and the intention to use power or brute force for the intention or power.Sexual assaulters build some obstacles.

The most advanced political harassment storm in Taiwan's political arena. The epicenter was in the DPP, but the political parties and even the former democratic movements in the political circle were affected.So far, more than 10 cases of the Pan Green Political Circle have reached more than 10 cases.These victims are non -political corners, and the case is not particularly serious, but the DPP, which has always advertised for progressive value and gender equality, is so common in internal sexual harassment. In order to maintain the party's image, the relevant supervisors of the party department have reportedly reported that they have reportedly reportedly reportedThe attitude of the people would be handled by the people's attitudes, and even covered it, which caused the victims to be deeply aggrieved, and the victims were not punished at the time.So many things to be rebellious have caused the people's grievances. The Taiwanese people's favorability of the DPP has plummeted. The negative sound volume of the network has soared to the recent peak, and the favorability has plummeted.

This kind of unbearable things happen to the DPP's impact, because a political party that has long -term self -proclaiming self -proclaimed gender rights, and used this as a niche point for a small votes, but these sexual case cases are handledIt shows that the internal organization has not regarded gender consciousness for a long time, and the ugliness of gender oppression occurs without indifferent. Some victims can only be relieved.Because the patriarchy of Taiwan ’s society is still very strong, there are many things that have sexual harassment, sexual assault, or sexual coercion. In recent years, they have made a response in the prevention system and legislation.Lack of the ability to think about empathy and deduction.

The party, which holds the "progress" banner, has always used progressive value as a voting guarantee, but it runs counter to gender equality.As the chairman, Lai Qingde also ignored himself when he was inquiring by the media as soon as possible. In order to remedy, he tried to severely condemn the sexual harassment situation with the press release, and emphasized that he did not have to do it for the "overall situation."However, in the past, party affairs supervisors dealing with such cases were not perfunctory for the DPP's "overall situation"?

The DPP's circular explosion -sex harassment incident will harm the image of the DPP and the presidential election, but it will help the entire social awareness of gender equality and system.The "#Metoo" movement in the world in recent years has played a role in promoting feminism.Many victims who have been harassed or sexually assaulted came forward, and they were alert to potential victims, and also caused a spawning effect on prevention and disposal methods.

The phenomenon of sexual harassment prevailing in the DPP is like all parts of the world.The victim dares to adopt forced sexual assault on the victims. It is precisely because of the advantages of the victim that they use their command supervision and control and obedience to the relationship. The victim is afraid of his power or dare not resist based on interest considerations.The relationship between political power is even more true. The victims usually have to follow because they are afraid of the political status and social power advantages of the victim. Then they choose to be a voices, causing their physical and mental trauma.What's even more unbearable is that the sexual harassment treatment of the workplace often reviews the victims first, explores whether she or he recruits butterflies, and accuses whether there is no intention and whether it is not true or not. Such an atmosphere of the workplace allows many victims to recover justice without appeal.

The Democratic Progressive Party broke out of sexual harassment, and the source pointed at the Party Central Committee and even the Presidential Palace.The frozen three feet is not a day cold. If it is not a few victims described the process in detail, the outside world may not know that some cadres of the DPP are still full of patriarchal thoughts.The continuous outbreak of these sexual show incidents was a great anti to a political party that had long -term deceiving the world with the image.

This sexual Saishanding incident may have an impact on the presidential election.The Democratic Progressive Party tried to qualitatively qualitatively the 2024 Taiwan election as "the choice of democracy and authoritarianism", and the Kuomintang tried to qualitative it into "the choice of war and peace".In the past few days, the sudden "sexual harassment problem" has been completely subverted, and "sexual harassment VS. anti -sex harassment" has become the main axis of the election campaign.It seems that the Kuomintang and the People's Party picked up the gun and picked up the Democratic Progressive Party. The DPP could only defend himself and try to minimize the damage.However, one -party gains and losses are not the most important. The most important thing is that the overall society can be inspired and vigilant from these events, and moves to a society with a sexual harassment to the lowest.