With the second generation of Chinese people entering the workplace in European and American society, more and more people are aware of the academic excellence and the blessing of prestigious school degrees, which does not seem to guarantee that the second generation of Asians has sufficient growth space in society.A Dr. Asian doctoral workplace may be regarded as "never managing management". Asian young people who are groups are often seen as "no name, no face"Groups.

In an English article in a recent article in the United States, the Chinese author once again reminds readers with data: "Asian accounts for about 5%of the American population, but only 0.3%of the company's management, in the board of directors, in the board of directors.It still accounts for less than 1%, accounting for about 2%among the presidents of the university. Among the Fortune 500 companies, there are only nine Asian presidents (CEOs). "

Of course, this statistics and the problems behind it are not fresh, and the reflection and disputes around this problem have been undergoing.But in my opinion, this latest article reveals two issues worthy of attention.

First, Chinese family education does not encourage children to speak and express themselves. Instead, they look forward to the child shut up and obey the parents' opinions and arrangements.This may be a common problem for most Chinese and the entire East Asian family education, that is, instead of the child's mind with the parents' minds, and not listening to the children's opinions equally.Knowledge and vision limitations.In the long run, children have obeyed obedience, rather than reasonable doubt, challenges, and innovation as a standard. They also lack a macro vision and gradually become purely technical talents.To change this situation, Chinese parents must improve certain "traditional" cultural behaviors that do not reflect, encourage their children to think independently, moderately doubt authority, take communication and persuasion as the necessary ability, and get used to communicating, dialogue with minor children, listen to dialogue, listen to listeningChild opinion.

White people conscious self -character positioning

The second question seems to be noticed that the role positioning and self -suggestion of whites of white American themselves.The author of this article and interviewed the second generation of Chinese descent noticed: "White people have a very important intuition -to give people a kind of impression that they only do really important work.It has not been instilled. "The author believes that this cognition can only be achieved by the second generation that is born in the United States and has a deeper understanding of American social culture.Because the first generation of Chinese descent is often easy to live in the mentality of gratitude to the United States to provide themselves with the opportunity to survive. The understanding of American society is on the surface, and you can't see how the superior ethnic groups cleverly put themselves on the power network.In the most important position, and control the overall situation, let the minority ethnic groups gradually lose the courage to change.

As an observer who has long been paying attention to Asian social situations in the United States, the author has noticed in daily life very early that white American is very good at controlling and monopolizing "real important work", and from the beginning, with mentality, it has been mentally mentally attitude.Put yourself in an absolutely strong position.

In daily business behavior, Americans often emphasize that they "do not do anything", rather than big packaging, do everything, and "refuse" to show a superiority.In the process of contact, I always subconsciously emphasize that they are particularly busy and very popular. There are many people waiting, causing a customer to lower their impression of himself, and it will never show that they are craving for customers.That is, very good at selling at the price.

When Americans operate non -chain local catering industry, they often make the food that were originally very easy to make such as sandwiches, and the price is high.Store, rest at other times.This is complicated to the ingredients of Chinese restaurants, and it is necessary to stand in front of the pot and keep stir -fry from morning to night, and it is cheap, which is a major difference.In fact, around the author, the boss of Chinese restaurants (often as a chef) almost all ended in the middle of the prime and transferred to the store.A local owner who closed the shop in advance told the author that many people suffered from cancer in a Chinese restaurant owner WeChat group she joined.Essence

In addition to some of the author's experience and observation, the academic research I have read also proves this cultural tradition that maintains white psychological and practical advantages.

In the essay edited by British historian Eric Hobsbawm, in the Invention of Tradition, an author clearly states that in the end of the 19th century in Africa, the colonists from Britain came fromFrom the beginning, through the tradition of transplants and inventions of gentlemen and professionals, it strengthened its own dominant position, and consolidated its advantages as an old European traditional heir through the "new tradition" rebuilt in the colony.This cultural status has endorsed the endorsement of military and economic strength.

Under this series of operations, Farmers from the UK (Farmers) did not see themselves as farmers (PEASANTS), but the British gentleman farmers, but the British gentleman farmers,They profit by controlling African blacks and early Dutch immigrants, as well as their own operations and trade.

Of course, the formation of national and ethnic advantages has complicated historical reasons, but if the above examples are combined with the current American Asian people's reflection on their status and family education, it will still be quite inspiring.

Asian family education must change

In my opinion, at least two points are worth thinking about.First of all, the family education of Asian people must change the illness that only knows only and does not communicate well. It must not only pay attention to the expression of children's opinions, communicate with parents, but also pay attention to adjusting the relationship between children and schools.It is necessary to protect the children's rights and interests in school, remind children to pay attention to the unequal treatment or infringement that the school and faculty members may implement, and express their ideas to enhance their confidence.

Secondly, because I have realized that the strong ethnic group has a large extent with a strong psychological advantage, and the self -suggestion of "who is what I am", that is, the "only do true work" emphasized by the Chinese author mentioned above"When Chinese parents educate their children, they should also have corresponding countermeasures, at least knowing that this is the long -term historical tradition of the other party.As a result, Chinese parents do not have to educate their children with the traditional value of excessive humility and low -key, but also slowly get out of the low psychological set of "gratitude diversification".If ordinary white people in the United States have to install the appearance of "only big things" even if they are pretending, of course, Chinese children can distinguish what is "really important" from an early age, ratherYou can be a person who is not allowed and "let me tell you what to do".

In American language habits, "leadership" is a very common positive word, including personal charm, management ability, communication ability, vision, start -up and new capabilities, and the construction of the existing system, and the construction of the existing systemThere are many factors such as sexual criticism and improvement.When Asians are often regarded as lack of "leadership", it does not rule out that there is an opportunity to show "leadership" in order to deliberately maintain a psychological high in order to deliberately maintain a psychological high.Let Asians always be subconscious for robotic characters that do not need to think too much.This is consistent with the social division of labor in South Africa in South Africa.

If ethnic groups in Western society mean the endless game and self -employment of interests and rights, encourage the second generation of Chinese descent to see the essence of this politics and some customary methods, and to be more soberly to win the advantage as much as possible for themselves as much as possible.More positive self -suggestions are beneficial and harmless.

The author is an associate professor at the Department of History of the Academy of Academy in the United States