Source: Wind Media

Author: Zhang Liangren

The development of democratic politics in Thailand has a new weather!First, in the election on May 14th, the Move Forward Party representing the Democratic School obtained 152 seats among the 500 seats in the house, becoming the largest party.Pita Limjaroenrat, a 42 -year -old party leader, combined with seven other democratic parties to prepare to set up a joint cabinet; under multiple parties, the eight political parties signed a memorandum of understanding on the 22nd, which was consistent with the direction of future governance.The goal.This pair of the co -Cabinet's group has taken another step.

Thailand is the two house systems. According to the 2017 constitution, there are 250 members of the House of Lords, which are completely assigned by the military and have the right to vote in the prime minister's election. There are 500 members of the House of Representatives.Assign the remaining 100 seats in proportion.To serve as the Prime Minister, more than half of the 750 members of the two hospitals must be obtained, that is, at least 376 votes.

On May 14th, 67 political parties were elected.The party (PHEU THAI PARTY) was most optimistic before election, but only 141 seats were obtained.The two major parties and six small parties have a total of only 313 seats, which is 63 than half of them.

The key to grouping is the support of the House of Representatives. This part of the difficulty is very high, because they are all assigned by the military, which is specified by the current Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-CHA.Parachu's unified Thailand Party had suffered severe frustration in the election and only obtained 36 seats. Even if the 250s of the House of House were sold to him with only 286 seats, theoretically, he could not come forward to organize new cabinets.The House of Shang is preparing to call a special meeting one day after the eight political parties signed the memorandum of understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the future prime minister.So far, the development of the situation is not as optimistic as the advanced party leader Pita said.Who can wait for the prime minister until about three months before he can see the division.

The most controversial in Thai society is also the position of different opinions in the new cabinet.Because Thailand is also a constitutional monarchy, improper commentators such as the king, the queen, the crown prince and the regent king may be sentenced to three to 15 years.Over the past two and a half years, more than 200 people have been punished for violating this law.One of the demands of the advanced party is to fundamentally change the legal status of the royal family, the provisions of the sentence, and the institution that can file a lawsuit.This will have a huge impact on the Thai political system.For this point, there are different opinions among members of the joint cabinet, and they are not included in the memorandum of understanding; however, the advanced party shows that after governing, it will still put forward suggestions for the law amendment.

The memorandum of memo signed by eight democratic parties on May 22 When the mainland government has 23 policy demands, some controversy, such as solving drug problems, termination of cannabis liberalization policies, monopoly markets for alcoholic beverages, promoting agricultural technologyThe gap between water resources governance, revision of fishery law, the protection of labor rights, the gap between eliminating educational rights and interests, and enhanced the status of Thailand on the Asian Diplomacy Stage.

The biggest challenge in the consensus memorandum is to draft a new constitution, and Greek introduces the constitution drafted by the people as quickly as possible.In fact, since 1932, Thailand has formulated 21 constitutions.The constitutional amendment should not be the current military opinion of the military, and the resistance must be much in the process.

The other has always been criticized for the Thai people's judicial reform. The new government will promote the reform of administrative, police, military, and judicial systems. It is more in line with the principles of democracy and pays attention to transparent, modern, high efficiency, and the maximum interests of the whole people.How to build a integrity and politics is also an important issue for the concern of the cabinet, and it is also the expectation of the Thai people.In addition, over the years, the Thai military has controlled the power of life and killing. The new government will reform from the military service system, cancel the existing recruitment system, and change to voluntary service.The contents of 23 memorandums are always covered by the aspects of future governance, and they also respond to the demands and expectations of the people.

Power and job distribution are also possible controversy.Among the 35 ministers of the cabinet, there are currently rumored that the Qianxian Party may obtain 17 ministers, which are units with high politics or national security, such as the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of the Interior;By the 16 ministers, the Ministry of Economy and Social Affairs will be the main department.In this way, other small parties are very difficult to get rid of rain dew.Whether such rumors are true still have to be observed.

The advanced party of Pita has emerged in the election, winning in 77 provinces, and even 32 seats in Bangkok's 33 seats, including 152 seats.He also vowed to be full of confidence to be the 30th Prime Minister and asked the military not to obstruct it.A few days ago, Pitta defendant had ITV 42,000 shares. It was not possible to run for members of the lower house in accordance with regulations, nor could its party members not recommend candidates, and whether the legitimacy he was elected was still unreasonable.

Thailand has had 13 military coup since 1932.Pitta is holding high popularity, new weather, good vision, whether it can successfully form a new government, and smoothly promote political, economic, and social reforms, and the Thai people are looking forward to their necks.The implementation of Thai democracy and deepening of the military is between the military.Narongpan Jittkaewtae, commander of the Thai Army, assured that there will be no coup in his tenure, and the possibility of a coup is zero.His guarantees have to be observed.

In addition, the background of Pita staying in the United States, will it change the Thai military government's tendency to the position of mainland China for many years after taking office, and whether it will really strengthen the economic and trade and technological relations with Taiwan during the election period, it is worthy of our our relationship with Taiwan.Concern.