Source: United Daily

Author: Liu Danian

The seven major industrial states (G7) summit this year is held in Hiroshima, Japan. The G7's GDP accounts for about 40%of the world.It can even be regarded as the foundation of constructing the "Economic Edition NATO".

In addition to the Russian and Ukraine War this year, the G7 also discusses how to compete with the economic coercion of mainland China.The United States believes that in mainland China on the grounds that other countries violate their interests and impose economic punishment for other countries. This means of economic coercion is the biggest culprit to destroy the world's economic and trade order.

Mainland China, which does not belong to the G7, is also unwilling to show weakness. It counterattacks the United States on the grounds that national security is the reason to add various sanctions on other countries; the United States is economic coercion and bullying other countries.It's completely logical.

In addition, Mainland China has also strongly criticized the landlord's nuclear pollution water in the landlord of the landlord, and demanded that Japan to stop the domestic behavior of landscaping the history of militarism in the past.

After the Cold War of the Soviet Union in 1991, the world's super strong situation was formed worldwide.Western countries such as the United States have promoted peace to avoid returning to the situation in the past; Russia also invited Russia to join the G7 in 1998, and the G7 became the eight major industrial countries (G8).

In addition, under the support of the United States, it also joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 with the support of the United States. The United States expects to accelerate the economic and trade reform of mainland China through the international norm framework.

But the development of the situation is far from expected. After Russia joined the G8, it continued to control with Western countries; especially in 2014, it was expelled from the G7 because of swallowing the Ukrainian territory Crimea Peninsula in 2014.Ukraine factor.

As for Mainland China, although it joined the WTO, the United States believes that in mainland China after the WTO ride, only the rights are enjoyed, the obligations have not fulfilled, and the economic and trade strength continues to expand;Enterprises still face multiple obstacles on the mainland.The United States even incorporated Mainland China into the WTO is a big mistake, which has also become the main fuse of the US -China trade war.

Although the United States advocates all -round sanctions between China and Russia, some members of the G7 do not have the same adjustment as the United States. They believe that although it is necessary to restrain economic coercion, it should not be targeted.The joint statement emphasizes the establishment of a stable relationship with the mainland, reflecting the unwillingness to excessively intensify and the opposition with mainland China.

With the changes in the cross -strait situation in recent years, Taiwan has become the focus of attention to global attention. The G7 meeting is no exception. The three consecutive years of joint statement calls on the maintenance of Taiwan StraitIt also shows that the two sides of the strait are still regarded as high -risk areas that have conflicts.

In summary, in the future, mainland China and Russia will be more closely integrated. The United States will actively attract all countries with other countries. Under the coexistence, geopolitical confrontation will be more and more heated.

In addition to the past Cold War, diplomatic opposition, political confrontation, and military reserve competitions have become the main battlefields.In addition to the technical level of dominance at the technical level of the United States and mainland China, the competition in emerging industries is more fierce, and future economic sanctions will also be upgraded. Not only will other countries face the choice of border selection stations, companies are also cautious, and they may fall into it.In the vortex of power confrontation.