Ambassador Li Hui, a special representative of the Chinese government Eurasian affairs, visited Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany and Russia to communicate on the political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis with all parties.Over the past year, the Russian and Ukraine War has caused serious consequences to all parties in the war, profoundly affected the European security situation, and brought many uncertainty to the peace, stability and development of the world.China's position and action in the Ukrainian crisis in politics is receiving the world's attention.

From a historical perspective, this is a milestone incident in the history of China -Europe relations, breaking through the passive and edge role that traditional Chinese played in European security affairs.In the past few hundred years, it is basically the security situation of the European power that affects China and its surrounding areas; in turn, China rarely actively participate in the shape of Europe's security situation.

During the World War I, China joined the contract of the contract, supported the food of the cooperation country, sent tens of thousands of workers, and participated in the operation of the Siberia for soldiers.However, at the Paris peace conference, China, as one of the victims, did not receive respect for the European powers at that time, and China's sovereignty was seriously damaged.The international alliance established during the two World War was not prevented from the expansion of fascist forces, and failed to curb Japan's aggression against China.

After the founding of New China in 1949, the relationship with European countries was developed, which opposed the interference and control of European small and medium -sized countries.China supports European integration process. After the Cold War, the United Nations participated in the peacekeeping operation of the former Yugoslav area. It sent a peacekeeping police to the peacekeeping mission zone of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, but did not participate directly in the European security situation.Therefore, in European security affairs, China has basically played a marginal role in the past century.This time, the representative of China ’s dispatched by participating in the European security situation is the first time in the history of China -Europe relations.

From a practical point of view, this is also the opportunity for China to further participate in global security governance.When solving international disputes, there are two ways: compulsory and non -murmical.The previous way refers to war, sanctions, arbitration, etc.; the latter refers to political and diplomatic methods, through peaceful negotiations, consultations, negotiations, etc.In terms of global security governance, China advocates dealing with international disputes in the second way, and persuaded and talk about international hotspots.In February 2023, China released the concept of global security initiative, and proposed the core concept and principles of improving global security governance.In March, under China's successful mediation, Saudi Arabia and Iran went to settle down. The three countries jointly issued a Beijing statement, becoming a milestone incident in the process of easement in the Bay and the Middle East, making the world refreshed.

At present, a question that makes the world pay attention to is that in Europe, whether China can copy the successful mediation in the Middle East to promote political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.China has released a Chinese position document on political resolution of the Ukraine crisis. The core position is persuasion and talk, hoping to consolidate more international consensus in terms of ceasefire, opening peace talks, and avoiding upgrading of the situation, and contributing to the solution of the Ukraine crisis politics to solve the solution of the political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.EssenceChina has communicated with all parties including Russia and Ukraine.In terms of way, China may mainly play a role in mediation, not mediation or participation in sanctions.

However, whether China's efforts to promote peace talks can still rely on all parties to create conditions.Now, the direction of the Russian War has faced a lot of uncertainty.Although both Russia and Ukraine have expressed their welcome and efforts of China, the European and US government's stance on China's efforts is still being integrated.Currently, there are about three attitudes.The first is welcome and affirmed. French governments such as France, Hungary and other countries are represented and supported by China in promoting the process of promoting peace talks and impacting Russia.The second is questioning and vigilant. It is represented by Lithuania, the Czech Republic, and the United States. It is difficult for China to become a trusted mediation person out of its own interests and favor Russia.Between the above two stances, the third type is represented by Germany, Italy and the European Union. It is neither completely denied nor completely affirming China's role.Which one of these three positions will last the upper hand, it is difficult to distinguish.This depends on the internal integration of Europe and the United States in the future.

At present, the Russian and Ukraine War is still continuing, and the world's voices of alleviating the situation are getting higher and higher.More and more countries including Brazil and Turkey have issued peace proposals, hoping to end the war as soon as possible.African countries such as Zambia, Senegal, the Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Egypt, and South Africa also proposed peaceful initiatives, and Russia agreed to receive the Peace Special Troupe sent by six African countries.Therefore, China's efforts belong to one of the current trend of peace.Although the final result is difficult to reverse, this is the direction of the dawn of peace after all.

The author is an associate professor at the School of International Relations of Sichuan University

Deputy Director of Sichuan University -International Research Center of Warsaw University