Source: Beijing News Agency

According to the China Economic Weekly report, in May, the enrollment of "young promotion" across China has been opened one after another.The Hangzhou Education Bureau revealed that in 2022, Hangzhou recruited about 125,000 freshmen in the first grade, but in 2023, the potential age students currently found in about 150,000, which has reached a new historical high.

Hangzhou provides parents with entry information inquiry for parents, and gives "red warning" for 100%of the number of people in the school district or 100%of the number of school district elementary school enrollment plans.Not only Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Changchun, Beijing, Qingdao, Chengdu, Jinan, Dalian and other places have issued degree warnings, and even some county -level cities have issued "red warnings".

The "peak" of enrollment this year is actually expected.In 2016 and 2017, it entered the peak of the domestic population since this century.2016 is the first year of the implementation of the "comprehensive two -child policy". The birth population was 17.86 million, a year -on -year increase of 1.31 million.The population was born in 2017 17.23 million, and these children enrolled in 2022 and 2023.

In addition, due to the factors of urbanization, more and more rural children enter the city to study, and there are phenomena of "village and empty city crowded", which has also led to particularly tense degree resources in some urban areas.

In response to the "most difficult school year", the education departments in various places must not only actively "digging" to increase the degree supply, but also improve the school building standards to prepare for the next birth of the population and reduce the students of appropriate age.

In fact, the short -term degree resources are tight, and some local education departments "can't let go".Because in just one or two years of admission peaks, school -age students will decline sharply.Since 2017, China's birth population has continued to decline rapidly, from 17.23 million people in that year to 9.56 million in 2022.Local governments are worried that new schools built by funds and newly increased degree supply will be idle soon.

So, how to deal with the "peak" and "trough" of enrollment?This also requires local education departments to adapt to local conditions to strengthen overall coordination and make forward -looking education development plans.

For the tight degree resources, the education department needs to arrange local degree resources to ensure that each child can be admitted smoothly as the basic principles and deploy degree resources.Among them, a practical measure is that you can buy a degree from private schools to solve the incoming difficulties now.

Last year, China regulated private compulsory education and required controlling private compulsory education schools to be students in the school scale and proportion.This also affects the supply of compulsory education degrees.Starting from reality, local governments can increase the degree supply by buying a degree from private schools.

Purchasing a degree does not affect the standardization of private compulsory education schools and the public welfare of compulsory education.In fact, after comprehensively popularized compulsory education, non -profit private schools can explore the multi -school running model and provide a differentiated choice for the educated people.

Depending on the changes in the birth of the birth, after a brief enrollment peak, primary school dissatisfaction will be occurred.In 2022, China's birth population was only 9.56 million, which means that by 2028, the number of Chinese primary schools will be about 8 million less than this year, a reduction of nearly half.Relevant experts speculate that by 2035, students in the compulsory education stage will reduce 30 million.This is actually an optimistic estimate.

Although the development trend of the population has increased the difficulty of responding to the peak of enrollment, this problem is not unavailable.Regarding the "excess" of the degree that may occur, all localities may wish to promote the construction of "small schools", improve school construction standards, increase the ratio of teachers and students, reduce the amount of class, and carry out small class teaching.

According to the statistics of the development of education in the country, in 2021, there are more than 56 people in China and 21,100 in the primary school in China, accounting for 0.73%of the total number of classes.The average number of ordinary Chinese elementary schools has 38 people and 46 junior high schools.The primary schools of developed countries and junior high schools are between 20 and 25.

Obviously, if the class is reduced and the teacher -student ratio, Chinese primary schools and junior high schools can avoid the problem of idle degree resources and the extra problems of teachers.In other words, local governments should increase investment in education. After solving the "peak" of the enrollment, small classification ideas can be planned to develop compulsory education in China.

This is an important measure to improve the quality of compulsory education in China, and it is also an important measure to build a friendly society for each child to enjoy better education.To build an educational country, China needs to continuously improve school construction standards, which is also a feasible idea to respond to the "peak" and "trough" of enrollment.