Source: China News Weekly

Author: Chen Shulian

How to balance work and family is one of the real dilemma that many women may face after fertility.A few days ago, the Guangdong Human Resources and Social Affairs Department of China issued the implementation opinions on promoting the employment model of "Mom Graduate" to promote employment (draft for comments), and proposed that the "mother post" in the province was widely developed to expand women's employment space.

"Mother's Post" means that for women who have the obligation to support for children under the age of 12, they provide jobs with relatively flexible management models for women under 12 years of age to facilitate work and parenting.

The "Draft for Soliciting Opinions" clearly states that if the "mother's post" implements the form of labor contracts, it shall negotiate in the labor contract to clearly elastic work, do not forcibly arrange overtime, and work time for children to take leave due to taking care of children.If the labor service is employed, the labor agreement shall be signed to reasonably determine the rights and obligations.

The employment mode of "Mom Pentrays" has caused heated discussion.Many comments have questioned whether the post can really achieve "Gu family and work", and worry that the promotion of "mother post" is difficult to promote policy operations and increase business costs.Essence

Explore in many places

Public information shows that in many places across the country, in fact, it has already opened a new model of employment of "mother post".

In 2021, Zhongshan City, Guangdong has launched a "mother post". By implementing a flexible working hours system, it helps women to achieve employment of "door".

In July 2022, Zhongshan City issued several measures to vigorously promote the new employment model of "mother post", and launched 18 support measures in terms of tax reduction, training support, employment services, and funding subsidies, and "mothers' post".Increase the scope of supporting funds for employment subsidies.

In addition to clearly proposed the implementation of 300 yuan per month (RMB, the same, S $ 57)/person standard for the eligible employers, give social security subsidies, 100 yuan per month/person standard for job subsidies, and also employment for employmentWomen offer a flexible employment and social security subsidy of 300 yuan per month.

At the same time, the employer can deduct VAT, urban maintenance construction tax, educational costs, local education additional and corporate income tax in accordance with 7,800 yuan per person per year.

Data show that as of May 8, there were nearly 260 record companies in Zhongshan City's "Mom post", with more than 1,4200 filing positions, and realized nearly 3,200 employment.More than 10,000 yuan, benefiting nearly 80 companies, absorb more than 1540 women who need to take care of children under 12 years of age.

On May 20th, the Zhongshan Expo Center held a large -scale recruitment carnival in the Pearl River Delta area of "Stable Employment and Promoting Development". It provided a consultant to education and training curriculum, real estate real estate consultant, and real estate real estate consultant in the special "Mom post" recruitment area.Enterprise customer service commissioners, factories general workers, distributors, salespersons and other positions, monthly salary ranges from 4,000 yuan to 12,000 yuan.

Since 2023, there are more and more places to explore the implementation of "mothers' posts" and focusing on fertility women's employment.

At the beginning of 2023, Qimen County, Anhui Province conducted a survey on the county's "Baoma" accompanying group. A total of 178 mothers who were accompanied by employment intention at home were excreted. Then they set up "Mom post" through on -site at the job fair."Accompanying the post", so that fertility accompaniment women can achieve employment and employment.

In Beijing, Shijingshan District held the "March 8th Women's Specialty -Mom post" job fair during the "March 8th" Women's Day this year.To meet the needs of mothers, take care of children, etc.

Analysis believes that for provinces with conditions permit, this kind of advanced exploration of fertility policies and its supporting policies is of great significance, and it is considered a necessary measure to promote the construction of childcare and friendly society.

As for whether the "mother post" that is generally worried about protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employment as ordinary positions, Huang Jing, a lawyer of Beijing Hechuan Law Firm, told China News Weekly that the Chinese labor law has relevant regulations on working hours. Generally, standard work is implemented.Time, the employer can implement an irregular work system based on its own production characteristics, but this requires the unit to go to the Human Resources and Social Security Department for the record.In addition, according to the Labor Contract Law, employers can also implement non -full -time employment, which is calculated as an hour.

"Under the establishment of a labor contract relationship, different working time systems can be implemented to ensure that 'mothers' posts' can also enjoy social security treatment," she said.

Applicable surfaces are narrow

Recently, the current situation of the "full -time mother re -employment" of the "full -time mother" released by the future shows that 90%of the full -time mothers try to return to the workplace and 60%look forward to the flexible working system.

When facing employment choices, "appropriate flexible work system" (60%), "occupational rise space" (37%), "own professionalism and good at" (33.3%) are their career choice factorsEssence

Although the "Draft for Soliciting Opinions" in Guangdong has specifically proposed to encourage employers to come up with some professional technology and management positions for "Mom post" settings, but China News Weekly found that most of the "Mom post" was found.The positions provided by most enterprises are mainly concentrated in labor -intensive occupations, such as cleaning, nursing workers, sewing workers, etc. Only a small number of accounts, copywriting, and anchors require a certain technical threshold work.

In addition, compared with the regular employment model, the income of "Mom Pentrays" is relatively low, and the space for promotion is limited, and it is inevitable that people are treated differently with "colored glasses".

In addition, although many places encourage the development of "mothers' posts" at present, specific policies and implementation rules need to be continuously improved and implemented.Therefore, some analysts believe that "policy encouragement does not mean that the market has motivation, and the applicable surface of 'Mom's post' is still narrow."

Ai Shangfeng, 38, is the mother of two children. She used to work in Shenzhen and other places for more than 10 years.After having a child, she chose to return to her hometown of Hunan, Hunan, set up a stall and opened the supermarket. Later, due to the impact of the epidemic, she gave up her original business.

Since her husband is still working outside, she is still on her body to take care of her family and raise her children, but at the same time, she also needs to continue to work to subsidize her family.

At the end of 2022, I heard that the time of being a rider was more free. After being introduced by a friend, she became a female rider at the Meituan site in the ancient city of Phoenix in the western Hunan.

Ai Shangfeng told China News Weekly that her site has hundreds of people, of which about 30 are women, and they are divided into two women's teams and managed by the female captain.Because most of the women's family members have children to take care of, the site arranges "long -white class" to facilitate them to take care of the family while working.

The so -called "long white class" is during this period of time from 9 am to 8 pm. As long as the online time reaches seven and a half hours, the running single volume can reach 20 orders.Finish.

According to Ai Shangfeng, if there is something in the family, or if there is a child to take care of, she can suspend the receipt halfway, and the "long white class" is relatively flexible in time.Today, Ai Shangfeng has more than 4,000 yuan a month. "If you want to run a little more, you can earn more." She said that in her small county, this is a good income.

Different from Ai Shangfeng, Zhang Wan, who is also a mother, is facing another dilemma.

Zhang Wan has always been a "child of someone else" since he was a child. She graduated from 211 undergraduates in China.As soon as he graduated, he joined a well -known design company in Beijing and became an interior designer.

But after getting married and giving birth, she had to choose to resign."The elderly in the family are unwilling to come to Beijing to bring their children, and there is no condition to ask for a nanny." Measted again and again. Zhang Wan chose to resign and take care of the child at home.

Originally Zhang Wan only planned to leave the workplace for the time being, gave birth to a second child, and took care of the two children to find a job after taking care of the kindergarten.Occupation planning is on.

"" After three months of resumes, there was no response. "She said that the recruiter was worried that she had not worked for many years and could not adapt to the current workplace environment.At the same time, "old age" and "women" have become an invisible threshold for her job search.

After years of touching the wall, Zhang Wan found that only what she could choose was a service industry or basic sales post with too high thresholds. "After reading a book for more than 20 years, I can't find a decent job.Sorry, "she said.

Wang Jian, a career in the future, told China News Weekly that when a corporate recruitment worker, the economic account will be counted. Full -time mothers mean that they are in a career interruption period, leading to the interruption of work experience and working ability.Multiple factors such as age and academic qualifications have the risk of increasing cost operation for enterprises.

He mentioned that women who have returned to the workplace after childbirth will also face many dilemma, such as re -assigning time and energy, to cope with the uncertainty brought by the work and the edge of the post.

It is worth mentioning that, compared with full -time mothers, companies that set up "mothers" are also challenging.Although the elastic working system can bring more freedom and convenience to employees, if the quality and efficiency of employees cannot be guaranteed, it is prone to problems such as management chaos and decreased production efficiency.

The key is to career

In the opinion of Xiong Bingqi, the dean of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, the original intention of establishing the "mother's post" policy was to allow some mothers to go to work and take care of their children.However, he believes that the posts of "mothers" are limited, and the key is to solve the problem of infant childcare.

"Behind the small childcare contains 'big people's livelihood', which relieves the difficulty of childbearing. It still needs to play the leading role of the government and actively promote the inclusive care service." He told China News Weekly.

It is understood that with the decrease of the birth population, there is a problem of shortage of birth source in kindergartens across China.At the same time, related data shows that China's current urban infants under the age of 3 in various childcare institutions are only 4.1%.The "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" public service plan proposes that by 2025, the number of ears of infants and young children under the age of 3 of each thousand people will reach 4.5, that is, the total number of trustees is 6.3 million.

Xiong Bingqi believes that in the current circumstances, the most effective way is to "get more" for the current kind of kindergarten degree and "serious insufficient" with the number of trustees.Integrity ideas are systematically responded.

At present, Beijing and Shanghai have implemented relevant policies.The "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" preschool education development and improvement action plan released in Beijing in 2022 is clear, increase the training of childcare talents, and encourage conditional kindergartens to meet the spare degree to open a trustees based on the 3-6 years old kindergarten entering the garden.The class recruits children aged 2-3 to actively support kindergarten to host the 2-3-year-old class.

Shanghai has carried out special legislation on promoting the integration of childcare, and formulated the regulations on preschool education and nursery services in Shanghai in 2022 to coordinate preschool education and childcare services.

At present, nearly 1,000 kindergartens in Shanghai have set up Toto, accounting for 60%of all kindergartens.The Shanghai side also said that all kindergartens, especially public kindergartens, must be "open and can be opened".

Xiong Bingqi believes that solving the childcare problem of infants and young children can largely alleviate the worries of women, so that women can be more calmly engaged in "mothers' posts" or other positions, and have more job choice opportunities to improve women's employmentRate has a positive effect.

In Xiong Bingqi's view, this difficulty of solving the difficulty of consumption is clear, but it is difficult to advance in some places.He said, "The reason is that the kindergarten is in charge of the education department, and the childcare department is responsible for the health department. Different departments have their own politics."