In January of this year, the United Morning Post published Zhuang Yongkang's article by Ying Pei'an Dialect. This article follows the argument of Mr. Zhuang's "Chinese language as a mother tongue as the needs of society".The reason why An uses dialects in novel creation.In addition, this article refers to a chapter that uses dialects in literary creation by the 2000 Nobel Prize winner Gao Xingjian's words, that is, "those who must not say such dialects can be acceptable.If the talent of this dialect understands or the vocabulary is introduced directly, I am afraid it is not appropriate. "

Combined with the discussion of previous domestic and foreign writers and scholars, I tried to summarize the three elements of Chinese literary creation in Chinese literature creation:

1. The use of words with a wide range of words; 2. The dialects used must be unique; 3. Promote the improvement and integration of ethnic culture.

The first element "uses the meaning of the words of the word is known as a dialect", which is the criterion that Gao Xingjian pointed out.One of the examples was that in 1958, Xinhua writer Miao Mang was replaced by "bottle" 15 times in the sound of prose gongs, and replaced the "bottle" with dialect color "bottles" (wine glass) as a quantitative word for the drug oil sea dog oil.Regarding this, Xinhua writer Zhao Rong said as early as 1958: "The writer's absorption of dialects has a positive role. He wants to make those useful dialects that can become a public language that can pass all over the place. The so -called dialect, in factAfter refining, it has become a popular language. "

The biggest difference between Gao Wen and Zhao Wen is passive and active.Gao Xingjian is alerting the words or vocabulary of dialect or vocabulary known as the word meaning of words.Dialect Vocabulary becomes popular.

Chinese scholar Zhang Jianying's view in the first text of Chinese literary language characteristics in Singapore, covering two elements of dialects: "Xinhua writers use dialects to present the following characteristics in the works: First, the Ministry of Fujian and Guangdong are the main words, Chinese characters, Chinese characters, Chinese characters, Chinese characters, Chinese characters, Chinese charactersIt is more easy to understand. Readers of different dialect groups can generally infer or directly understand this based on the word itself or context, so that these dialect words that are vitality and vitality are vividly accepted into vivid and vivid literary languages.The second is to use dialects with options. It needs to be integrated with the overall expression of the work. It appears more concentrated in the character dialogue of the character, making the character image lifelike. "

Zhang Jian's second characteristic of using dialects in English is "the dialect used must be unique". Zhuang Wen has an example: Yingpeian's novels use a large number of Cantonese words, the reason is the main character of the novel.Liang Binghong and Dezi have always lived in the environment of Cantonese.Another example is that in 1959, the Youth Book Company published Xieke's short story collection in Singapore, and there are no lack of use of dialect words in the book; these dialect words or claims are in line with the folk customs before the founding of Singapore.

According to Professor Guo Zhenyu and Associate Professor Luo Fudang, the proportion of the mother tongue group quoted by Singapore in 1957 in Singapore's language and society in Singapore, in the total population of 1.445929 census, the Chinese mother tongue group accounted for only 0.1%, 30%of the mother tongue group in Fujian, 17%of Chaozhou's mother tongue group, and 15.1%in Guangzhou's mother tongue group; in other words, the mother tongue group of these three dialects alone accounted for nearly two -thirds of the population at that time.This fully explains why in the background of such an era, Xie Ke, and novel characters in many local writers, have many dialect words in the dialogue.

In Southeast Asian countries, the degree of mixed dialect of Chinese literature depends on the source of early Chinese immigrants. For example, Indonesia and Singapore are mostly Fujian and Guangdong.Dialects in these places have long existed in the minds of writers, and they are unknowingly incorporated into the work when they create, especially from the 1950s to the 1970s, dialects were mixed with habit.

Keep literary language vitality

Chinese scholar Yang Yi pointed out in the text characteristics of Chinese literary language in Indonesia: "The use of dialects in Indian literary works is not only used in many places, but also makes the language style and emotional tone of the article complement each other. It is very harmonious.Nature. "Another Chinese scholar Lin Mingxian pointed out in the article" Language and Literary Language of Chinese Literature in the Philippines: "In order to enhance the vividness and appeal of literary works, Philippine writers are good at cleverly cleverly processed the processed southern Fujian dialect into modern Chinese writing.Middle. "

Overall, scholars do not oppose the addition of moderate dialect vocabulary in literary creation. The focus is to absorb nutrients in dialects to enrich literary language and keep literary language vigorously vitality.

Compared with the first two elements, the third element "promoting the improvement and integration of ethnic culture" is particularly important, but fewer scholars touch this discussion in this regard.The language of the language in Xinhua Literature is the script that is the most thorough performance.Liu Yun (pen name Yilin), who had taken the Master of Literature of Nanjing University in Singapore, built the Singapore Language and Culture in the High House -Guo Baokun's Drama (92nd Singapore Literature and Art, August 2006) that Guo Baokun was created in the 1980sThe mid -term drama cannot be stopped in a single day. What is expressed is the theme of "serious and sensual drivers facing cold and absurd parking rules" in Singapore society.

In the mid -1980s, although Singapore has been promoting the promotion of the Chinese movement for several years, the folks are still popular with dialects and even entered a multi -language mixed situation.In this single play, the describer's dialogue with his son, in charge of parking affairs officials, and his direct narrative, through this mixed language with a strong local life code, make the real dilemma he face more vividIt is also more convincing to presented in front of the audience.According to Liu Yun's statistics, in this Chinese -based drama, English, Malay, and Minnan dialects have appeared 233 times, of which 196 times, 23 times in southern Fujian, and 14 times in Malay.

Liu Yun pointed out that Guo Baokun broke the phenomenon of the drama of various languages, and the phenomenon of well -watering water, and made a different way.People: How to absorb what you need in his ethnic culture is the element that helps you grow and develop, and draw on its essence to its own, so as to achieve the improvement and improvement of its own quality.

The topics about Chinese literature in Chinese literature include many choices such as active writing and passive selection, specifications and tolerance. In any case, in the above three elements, we should admit that the third element "promotes the ethnic culture culture"Increase and integration" is based on the first element, "Dialects known to use the meaning of words" and the second element, "The dialect used in the dialect must be unique", literary creators may be able to move forward.

The author is a local amateur writer