The first Central Asian Summit, led by China, released the Xi'an declaration, symbolizing that China ’s operations on Central Asia have taken a big step forward.Declaration emphasizes that the five Central Asian countries that China will strengthen cooperation relationships, especially in terms of energy and food security that China cares about, also jointly oppose the "color revolution" to highlight the concerns of western political penetration.As a traditional backyard of Russia, Moscow was absent from the summit to contrast the influence of China has improved; the five countries' consent to the development of cooperation with China also reflects the decline in Russia, which is deeply trapped in the Ukrainian battlefield.At the moment when China and the West's opposition structure is increasingly obvious, the summit also shows that China ’s diplomatic layout in the new era.

Due to the coincidence of the meeting time, most international public opinion interpreted the Central Asian Summit as hedging as the Seventh -way Group Summit in Hiroshima, Japan.The Hiroshima Summit is indeed a clear intention of China. The Xi'an Summit has no intention of fighting the court, but after all, the two are not the same political order. The Xi'an Summit also represented the geopolitical calculations of China and Central Asia itself.The stale on the Ukraine battlefield has been dragged on the United States, and the other is to increase Russia's dependence on China.Many geopolitical interests in China, which is stressful to Western diplomacy.Now in Central Asia, China has played a greater influence, and it has also worshiped the Russian and Ukraine War.Taoism can also lead to the Middle East directly, which greatly enhances China's energy security.However, there are gains and losses. Moscow has not been unsatisfactory on the battlefield so far, coupled with the strategic counterattack of Ukraine, which has obtained advanced Western weapons and military training.Another "worst plan".

Central Asian countries have traditionally relied on Russia to provide security, and they are invested in Chinese and trade.The image of Moscow's military power is destroyed by the Ukrainian battlefield, forcing Central Asian countries to re -calculate existing diplomatic arrangements.While relying on Russia's protection, Central Asian countries also jealous of Moscow's territorial ambitions.Therefore, more influence of China hedge Russia in time is in line with their interests.China established the Shanghai Cooperation Organization with Russia in 2001 to jointly stabilize the Central Asian situation after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Now it can basically call the "five" response, indicating that China -Russia's strategic strength has disappeared.The needs of the war to safeguard their strategic interests.

If the SCO is the passive defense of Beijing in order to ensure the security of Xinjiang and other borders in the west, the Central Asian Summit is undoubtedly a strategic actions that China takes the initiative.Most of the Central Asian countries belong to the Turkic nation, and have deep historical origins with Turkey on the western end of the Asian continent.The Beijing Summit established an institutionalized arrangement for two years.

Observing from the perspective of history, Central Asia is a must -have for the great country chess in modern times.The Great British Empire, which represents the "sea power" in the 19th century, and the fierce "big game" of the Russian Empire, which represents the "land power" in Central Asia, reflects the "sea power theory" of American military theorist, and emphasizes that Central Asia's geography is important.Sexual British geopolitical scholar McGone's real competition for "heart theory".Although it cannot be simply replicated, the power power of the sea power represented by the United States, Britain, and Japan, and the power power represented by China replaced by Russia seems to be repeating the big game of another new era.In this sense, the Central Asian Summit is rather to be regarded as China's efforts to accumulate diplomatic energy and plan.

Hiroshima Summit is a display of collective strength of the Western world. The invited participants also include South Korea, Australia, Vietnam, Brazil, and the rotating chairman of the Gempot of the Guto, India, Indonesia, Indonesia, representing the African Alliance.On the one hand, the Cook Islands, which represent the Pacific Island Forum, show the appeal of the Western world on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also offsets China's diplomatic influence, such as Brazil, which attracts the main members of the BRICS countries.The joint statement of the summit is mainly aimed at Russia, but it does not forget to name China's "economic stress" at the same time.After Russia, the "secondary opponent" of the West must be prepared.


A series of global geopolitical crustal changes in the Russian and Ukraine War are forcing the main role to actively act.The Xi'an Summit and the Hiroshima Summit are tit -for -tat and whether they will start another round of international hegemony of land power to land power. Therefore, it is the important development clue of the global situation that is worth watching during the Ukrainian war.