Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Ye Dehao

On May 22 and 23, the offensive from Ukraine from Ukraine to Belgorod Oblast seemed to come to an end when it was out of the street.The Governor of Beizhou has announced on the evening of the 23rd that the anti -terrorism emergency action order was announced, and some of the raid border town residents began to be allowed to go home one after another.The Russian Ministry of Defense also said that the attacker had returned to Ukraine on the same day, "the enemy lost more than 70 Ukrainian terrorists, four armored vehicles and five small trucks."

This two -day cross -border attack message is very chaotic.To be sure, the two organizations that launch the attack are the Russia Volunteer Group and the "Freedom For Russia Legging".The two are also composed of Russians who are anti -Puki, and are active under the name of "International Legion" in Ukraine.As early as in early March, when a armed personnel launched an attack for the first time, the host was the "Russian Volunteer Corps".

The same "self -made accident" script?

Compared with the attack in March, this two -day action was much more violent.The films circulating on the Internet show that the buildings are fired and smoke, the pro -Burning Corps occupies the border inspection station, the Russian armored vehicle was prisoned, and the capital of Beizhou entered martial law after being attacked by drones in the intelligence department and the Ministry of the Interior.Temporarily avoid.At the same time, some reports also said that the Russian side urgently withdrew the strategic nuclear weapons stored near the small town of Biezhou.Ukraine.

The Russian official claims to repel the attacker on the 23rd, the "Russian Volunteer Corps" stated that no one died in the regiment and denied the armament., Continue to liberate our motherland. "Russia's online media "Mash" also said that the destroyer is still controlling the inspection station of the Grayvoron of the border town; Rybar, Telegram Channel of the Russian War, said that although the "counter -terrorism action" was generally completed, the enemy still tried to penetrate throughThe possibility of border.

In the Washington Institute of Think Tank War (ISW), in its war update on May 23, it is believed that Russia is more likely to drive the two teams invading the Legion out of the border town that they recently claimed to occupy (Kozinka), Even outside the border of Russia.

But no matter whether this over -border attack really comes to an end. At the moment when Ukraine still launch a counterattack, creating various unexpected situations and trying to create a "attack on it" will be one of the current Russian and Ukraine battlefields.The main plot, whether it is the previous article and the March criminals, the drone hit the Kremlin in early May, or the sudden counterattack of Ukraine's sudden counterattack in the north and south outside the city of Bakhmut, which is also a case.

For this Vietnamese counterattack, it is worth noting that Ukraine and even the United States' statement.

U.S. Military Army Extraordinary Entering Russia

In this attack, many analysts noticed the first time that the "Russian Liberal Corps" and the "Russian Liberty Legion" seemed to be equipped with equipment provided by the United States.Parts of the off -road military vehicles and MaxxPro armored vehicles were won by the Russian army.According to the analysis of the New York Times, these pro -black militants used at least 3 US -made armored vehicles.

Some reporters questioned the US Department of Defense for this purpose. The latter only said that the relevant news was known that the United States did not allow any third -party generals to be transferred to the semi -military organization outside the Ukraine, and the Ukrainian government did not do it for this.As required, the United States will continue to pay attention to related events.A spokesman for the Ukrainian military agency department also said that Ukraine did not send US military reserve to these militants, and the Western arms reserve obtained by the Ukraine was among the strictest control.

On the Hiroshima G7 Summit just past, transferred to the Ukrainian pilot with F-16 flight training, and allowed the F-16 to provide U.S. President Joe Biden supplied to Ukraine, which was specifically clarified at the time.After 16, only for Ukraine defense, he also said that he got "a guarantee from Zellezki, (Ukraine) will not use it to enter the territory of Russia's geography."

Of course, it takes a long time to come to the Ukrainian battlefield for a long time.But the US armored vehicle is used to attack Russia's land this time. Will it hinder the future aid operation of the United States in the future?

The "green light"

In the past, Ukrainian officials would not be able to accept responsibilities if they understood any attacks in Russia (or even Crimea) in Russia (or even Crimea).The attitude of the United States is "knowing related news" and "please ask Ukraine's military operations."

This time, the response of both sides has changed.In Ukraine, the presidential adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, is as good as before ("Ukraine is observing the incident of Belgrod, Russia ... but it has nothing to do with it") ("Everyone knows, everyone knows, everyone knows, everyone knows, everyone knows, everyone knows,Any Russian arms shop sells tanks, and underground guerrillas are composed of Russians ").

However, Ukraine's military information department has become more and more meaningful.Ukrainian Military Intelligence Spokesperson Andriy Yusov said on the first day of the Vietnam attack on the 22nd as it was announced, "Today, the Russian Volunteer Corps 'and the Russian Liberty Legion" consisting of the Russian Federal Citizens' "Action, liberated these land in the Belgore area from the so -called Putin regime, and pushed the enemy back to establish a certain security area to protect the Ukrainian civilian population. "

Anriy Chernyak, an official of another military affairs bureau, even admitted, "Of course we have to communicate with them (referring to the two Russian legions). Of course, we share information with them.CHERNYAK pointed out that the black army did not participate in the attack directly, but the attack was from the independent operations of these legions, but such an open statement was obviously further further than before.

The US response is also worth paying.On the one hand, Matthew Miller said that the United States had clearly showed that the United States would not armed Ukraine or encouraged Ukraine to attack outside the Ukraine border. "It is important to launch this war ... It is Russia's attack on civilians in Ukraine. It is Russia for schools, hospitals, and civil infrastructure. Therefore, (Ukraine) wants to perform its military operations as Ukrainian choices, but RussiaThis is the offense of this war. "

This statement such as "how Ukraine performs military operations is their business" is not the first time.As the UAV explosion appeared in the roof of the Rimlin in early May, and the Russian side accused Uchihan's attempt to assassinate Putin, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also said that "how to defend himself in Ukraine is the decision of Ukraine."

The same statement twice in a row should not be accidental, but represents the transformation of the US policy.

Bynden officials have always been worried that the Russian and Ukraine War will be upgraded to the extent that the NATO countries are involved in it.However, since Putin began in February last year, Russia has been at different times or secretly warning the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons, but it has not been fulfilled every time.

By this day, the United States seems to have made a judgment of "nuclear threat is just a paper tiger".This has quickly changed the position of the past year from the G7 summitIt can be seen in the decision to help Ukraine output fighters.The U.S. State Department attacked Ukraine in Russia, saying that "this is the decision of Ukraine", and it seems to be a green light for these attacks.

In the past, Ukraine launched an attack on Russia, all launched by drones or people who diven in Russia. It was only in March this year that there was a small -scale cross -border attack, and the scale this time was more than 3.The month is big.This is obviously using gradualism to step on Russia's bottom line.

After the looming green light in the United States, Ukraine's further cross -border attacks are expected to come one after another, and the scale will gradually be upgraded.If so, people can only hope that this war can end early before the activation of "paper tigers" in Ukraine.